08.12.27 Saturday – Episode #63


Click image to go to No Agenda.

This Episode’s Show Notes by KD (Bubba) Martin:

    From Gitmo Nation East (freezing) and West (balmy) it’s time for a Christmas No Agenda!
    Let’s start with Airline gags and the genius of Herb Kelleher (Southwest Airlines).
    What’s with this new TV show, Homeland Security, USA?
    Bubba’s jibe at John and Adam, groaning about the documentation — see time code 11:11.
    Garage sale! Better start rewriting those old CDs.
    The world according to Monsanto.
    How far will the Madoff scandal go? Pay back that money!
    The CIA bribes Afghanistan warlords with … Viagra?
    Name a product that actually affects you chemically and emotionally. 1AA Football? Could be.
    Now waiting for the Mythbuster’s story on the World Trade Center.
    The dumbing down of America.
    How does an English bookie business rack up a 1.4 Bn pound debt?
    Let’s collect art. John gets an invite to the Vatican.
    Wonder who’s angry about the 100 mi. constitution free zone around the American border…
    Do not visit San Francisco, and here’s why.

Queue the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

No Agenda

Running time: approx. 111 mins.

  1. dusanmal says:

    Best airline announcement I have heard was on Southwest landing in Islip, NY: “…and if you have connecting flight from Islip,… please fire your travel agent…” 🙂

  2. jccalhoun says:

    wow, so not only is Curry a 9/11 Truther he also believes in “alternative energy.” What a loon…

  3. Syrus says:

    You guys must be good friends; you two sit _really_ close together. Is Adam on your knee, John? 😛

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    It is just me or is Adam Curry a total wanker? The whole ‘fuck you everyones doing it hard’ bit made me wanna reach through the screen an punch his lights. Hes clearly the type who thinks that running out of reggiano is ‘doing it hard’.

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    Speaking about backing up cd’s. I am currently scanning photo albums from Grams. There is some great photos from WWI Argonne battle and one of the rising of USS Maine in the Havana Harbor. A German map with field artillery positions circled with pencil and a German Kaiser prayer card. I have spent spent about 8 hours into this project over the past couple days. It is quite time consuming. Definitely worth the labor. Some data needs to be saved.

  6. brian t says:

    Would someone please remind Adam that structural steel does not need to MELT to fail under load? You don’t see any investigators claiming that the steel in WTC melted – but “truthers” keep harping on this as if that’s what it takes for a building to fall. I have no opinion on whether there’s a conspiracy or not, but I have studied structural steel, and the “melting steel” claim is a straw man.

    There’s a reason why structural steel MUST be given proper fireproofing. The load-bearing capacity of A36 (the most common structural steel in the USA) drops dramatically at temperatures above 750°F: down to about 66% at 1000°F, or about 35% at 1200°F. (Steel’s melting point is around 2500°F.) I recommend reading some of the AISC publications ( on structural steel, e.g. search for “Facts for Steel Buildings” – unless you think the American Institute of Steel Construction is in on the conspiracy?

  7. Yo Agenda 63 “Happy New Agenda” with Carla Bruni episode art is out;
    Please check it out at
    or subscribe in iTunes

    I wish you all the best for 2009!

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    Hoo boy. You lost me with the real-time rendition of discredited “journalist” Christopher Booker’s diatribe against global warming.

    Booker’s articles in The Daily Telegraph on asbestos and also on global warming have been challenged by George Monbiot in an article in The Guardian [1].
    Booker’s scientific claims, which include the false assertion that white asbestos (chrysotile) is “chemically identical to talcum powder” [2] were also analysed in detail by Richard Wilson in his book Don’t Get Fooled Again (2008). (The chemical formula for talc is H2Mg3(SiO3)4 or Mg3Si4O10(OH)2, while the formula for chrysotile, the primary ingredient of white asbestos, is Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4).
    Wilson highlighted Christopher Booker’s repeated endorsement of the alleged scientific expertise of John Bridle, who has claimed to be “the world’s foremost authority on asbestos science”, but who in 2005 was convicted under the UK’s Trade Descriptions Act [3] of making false claims about his qualifications, and who the BBC has accused of basing his reputation on “lies about his credentials, unaccredited tests, and self aggrandisement”.[4].
    Christopher Booker’s scientific claims about asbestos have been criticized several times by the UK government’s Health and Safety Executive. In 2002, the HSE’s Director General, Timothy Walker, wrote that Booker’s articles on asbestos had been “misinformed and do little to increase public understanding of a very important occupational health issue.”[5].
    In 2005, the Health and Safety Executive issued a rebuttal[6] after Christopher Booker wrote an article suggesting, incorrectly, that the HSE had agreed with him that white asbestos posed “no medical risk”[7].
    In 2006, the HSE published a further rebuttal[8] after Christopher Booker had claimed, again incorrectly, that the Health and Safety Laboratory had concluded that the white asbestos contained within “artex” textured coatings posed “no health risk”. [9].
    In May 2008, the Health and Safety Executive accused Booker of writing an article that was “substantially misleading”[10]. In the article[11], published by the Sunday Telegraph earlier that month, Booker had claimed, falsely, that a paper produced in 2000 by two HSE statisticians, Hodgson and Darnton[12], had ‘concluded that the risk of contracting mesothelioma from white asbestos cement was “insignificant”, while that of lung cancer was “zero”‘.
    In December 2008, an article by Booker was published in The Daily Telegraph, ‘Facts melted by ‘global warming”[13] and subsequently in The Australian, ‘More inconvenient cold weather, snow and polar ice’.[14] The article claims that “Without explanation, a half million square kilometres of ice vanished overnight.” That claim is false as an explanation was provided on 13 December and Booker’s article was published on 21 December.[15].

    ——–From Wiki-whatever—————-

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    * I wonder how much a Nobel prize costs?

    * John has apparently forgotten about the terrorist cell that came to light when a guy was stopped at the Canadian border with a trunk (boot) full of explosives a couple of years ago.

    * I love San Francisco! They have the Exploratorium, the best science museum in the world as far as I’m concerned. Everyone should eat at Alioto’s at least once in their lives (send my regards to the wine steward). The secret is to find a _legal_ un-metered parking spot (they do exist and you can get one if you get there early enough in the morning) and buy a transit pass. For a few bucks you can take advantage of one of the best transit systems in the U.S. all day or week or month. There are even reasonable hotels/motels in easy walking and/or transit distance from downtown, which makes parking even easier. Definitely wear comfortable shoes and be ready to walk _a_lot_. And it’s hilly, I mean _very_ hilly, so it helps to be in pretty good shape too. All that walking up hill and down helps work off the excellent food — it’s one of the top three towns on our list of best places to eat in the U.S. after New Orleans and, possibly, Austin, Texas.

    * Levi Strauss bought sailcloth to make his first jeans. (Played most endearingly by Red Buttons on the “Million Dollar Pants” episode of the old “Death Valley Days” TV show.) Hemp was highly valued for sailcloth due to its strength and resistance to rot.


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