Rove Threatened GOP IT Guru If He Does Not ‘Take the Fall’ for Election Fraud in Ohio, Says Attorney

Letter Sent to Attorney General Mukasey Requesting ‘Protection for Mr. Connell and His Family From This Reported Attempt to Intimidate a Witness’ After Tip from ‘Credible Source’

UPDATE: OH AG Reportedly Asked to Provide Immunity Protection…
Karl Rove has threatened a GOP high-tech guru and his wife, if he does not “‘take the fall’ for election fraud in Ohio,” according to a letter sent this morning to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, by Ohio election attorney Cliff Arnebeck.

The email, posted in full below, details threats against Mike Connell of the Republican firm New Media Communications, which describes itself on its website as “a powerhouse in the field of Republican website development and Internet services” and having “played a strategic role in helping the GOP expand its technological supremacy.”

Connell was described in a recent interview with the plaintiff’s attorneys in Ohio as a “high IQ Forrest Gump” for his appearance “at the scene of every [GOP] crime” from Florida 2000 to Ohio 2004 to the RNC email system to the installation of the currently-used Congressional computer network firewall.

Connell and his firm are currently employed by the John McCain campaign, as well as the RNC and other Republican and so-called “faith-based” organizations.

In a phone call this afternoon, Arnebeck could not publicly reveal specific details of the information that triggered his concern about the threats to Connell. The message to the IT man from Rove is said to have been sent via a go-between in Ohio. That information led Arnebeck to contact Mukasey after he found the reports to be credible and troubling.

“If there’s a credible threat, which I regard this to be,” he told The BRAD BLOG, “I have a professional duty to report it.”

  1. Who says:

    He knew too much, he deleted mails and he was going to talk. Now he is gone like Betty Ford’s tits.

  2. Personality says:

    Well, duh.

  3. Pagon says:

    I look forward to Rove’s forthcoming blanket pardon. You know the kind – for things he may or may nor have done – like Ford gave to Nixon.

    If there is no prosecution of the Bush gang, this country can look forward to illegal activities by future elected officials, regardless of party. What would stop them?

  4. bobbo says:

    “If the Vice-President does it, its not against the law.”===hah, hah.

    Not 100% yet, but who would bet against Bush having stole the 2000 election?

    Repuglican = Douchbag.

  5. gquaglia says:

    Guess Rove took a page from the Clinton play book.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    Unnamed “credible source” with no evidence. Got to love the lengths people will go to in order to attack politicians…

  7. bobbo says:

    Caught Rove on tape last night. He claimed the One Trillion Surplus that Clinton handed over was a depression and that only Bushieboy’s masterful tax breaks avoided something much worse.

    Can anyone imagine much worse than what we have????

    Paddy–really. On a scale of minus 10 to zero, how serious are you being?

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 bobbo said, “Caught Rove on tape last night. He claimed the One Trillion Surplus that Clinton handed over”


    National Debt as of 2000: $5,674,178,209,886

    There was no surplus of anything, except scandal…

  9. bobbo says:

    #9–Paddy==and whats the debt today?

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #9 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>There was no surplus of anything, except

    There’s always a surplus of scandal, Paddy-RAMBO. The difference is that in the Clinton years, the scandals had to do with stained dresses; during Dumbya’s reign, it had to do with undercutting the principals that America stands for, using the Constitution as virtual toilet paper.

    And President Rove has been outed as a common thug, a violent felon.

    Mission accomplished.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    #11 Mr. Mustard.

    Gotta love the Republicans and their priorities you know, they think that getting a BJ from a chubby woman is more disgusting than the death of 4,215 American soldiers in Iraq ( )

  12. thecommodore says:

    Wait, an IT guy is to blame for the relative drubbing the Republicans took during the election? Why? Were his webpages crooked? Were the colors wrong? C’mon – you can’t polish turds, Beavis.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 10 bobbo said, “#9–Paddy==and whats the debt today?”

    Don’t know, fiscal year isn’t over yet. I simply pointed out the fallacy that there was a surplus during the Clinton Admin. Something you would have done if you had any real data to think with…

  14. Angel H. Wong says:


    I don’t need real data to know that Bush Jr. Screwed the economy Big time.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #14 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>I simply pointed out the fallacy that there
    >>was a surplus during the Clinton Admin.

    You’re really batting 0.000 today, RAMBO. Of course there was a surplus during the Clinton years. It wasn’t enough to pay off the massive debt incurred by Pappy and Bonzo, but at least it was going in the right direction. The budget surplus during Clinton’s last year in office (2000) was $230,000,000,000.00. It was $123,000,000,000.00 the year before that.

    Under Dumbya and his “conservative” regime, spending has gone off the charts, and he’s managed to incur record-breaking increases in both the national debt AND budget deficit.

    It must suck not to know the difference between the national debt and the national budget deficit/ surplus.

    You better quit while you’re behind, RAMBO.

  16. bobbo says:

    #14–Paddy-O==good to know there’s no National Debt until the end of the year. Makes me wonder why we just don’t print calendars with every day being Dec 30th. Know what I mean?

  17. Dallas says:

    More disgusting news from the filthy party.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 17 bobbo said, “#14–Paddy-O==good to know there’s no National Debt until the end of the year. Makes me wonder why we just don’t print calendars with every day being Dec 30th. Know what I mean?”

    If you are worried about Nat debt, kill yourself now. The spending frenzy & rivers of printed money has barely begun. The next 4 years of deficit spending is going to make BushCo look like rank amateurs.

  19. #19 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>The next 4 years of deficit spending is going
    >>to make BushCo look like rank amateurs.

    Maybe, maybe not. I doubt BushCo needs any help to look like rank amateurs, in any case.

    The question is, will money spent over the next four years ACCOMPLISH a real MISSION, or will it be flushed down the toilet bowl of history, like all the trillions of dollars that Dumbya pissed and shit away, using the Constitution to wipe his foul bottom?

  20. LibertyLover says:

    #20, will money spent over the next four years ACCOMPLISH a real MISSION, or will it be flushed down the toilet bowl of history

    MM, do you have a program that randomly sucks the same set of words out a database of “Obamessiah Support Topics” and just plop them down here? Anytime you respond to anything approaching criticism of your God, the same hackneyed statements show up under your handle. It is almost sounding like you are trying to convince yourself that your God is not as bad as his predecessor. I mean, the man isn’t even in office yet and is already about to be subpoenaed. Change we can believe in!

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 20 Mister Mustard said, “The question is, will money spent over the next four years ACCOMPLISH a real MISSION,”

    Like MASSIVE monetary inflation? Yes, it will.

  22. #21 – Liberty Loser

    >>It is almost sounding like you are trying to
    >>convince yourself that your God is not as bad
    >>as his predecessor.

    He’s not my God, Loser, but is there any doubt in ANYONE’S mind that he’ll be better than his predecessor? Any doubt whatsoever???

    >> I mean, the man isn’t even in office yet and
    >>is already about to be subpoenaed.

    You’re right; he’s not even in office. Yet people like you and Paddy-RAMBO and the rest of the wingnuts are acting as though he’s tried, failed, and should be swept onto the same garbage heap as Dumbya and his puppetmasters.

    As to being subpeonaed, have you been hitting the 7&7s a little early this year? Hmmm? Are we a little tipsy already, with four days yet to go until New Year’s Eve??

  23. bobbo says:

    ble and hope for stupidity of the masses.

    What is it about “Liberty” that you love? Supposedly, you have to be informed in order for liberty to have any real meaning. I think you and Paddy would be just as full of yourselves with your Zieg Heil up Hitlers’ ass—any right wing authority figure would do.

  24. #22 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Like MASSIVE monetary inflation?
    >>Yes, it will.

    Now now, Paddy-RAMBO. Let’s wait until Obama actually wreaks the havoc you imagine he will, before we start mewling like an infant, shall we?

  25. deowll says:

    So what’s Rove going to do; fire them? They should have already been fired. The campaign is over.

    Oh wait. This guy never even worked for Rove so what the bleep is this all about? The most Rove can do is run around bad mouthing him.

    If you are down to posting this it must be a real slow news day. Didn’t anybody drive into a tree or something?

  26. Paddy-O says:

    # 25 Mister Mustard said, “Now now, Paddy-RAMBO. Let’s wait until Obama actually wreaks the havoc you imagine he will,”

    No imagination needed. Just read his stated econ plans…

    There is one upside to his stated plan. At least we may get some infrastructure upgrades in exchange for massive inflation.

  27. #27 – Paddy-RAMBO

    I must have missed the memo where MASSIVE monetary inflation was mentioned. Are you an economic wizard, in addition to your other talent of rearranging desk ornaments for the Secretary of State? w00t! You’re a true renaissance man!

    And if there’s an “upside to his stated plan”, that would put it in stark contrast to Dumbya’s plans. No upside to them at all.

  28. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    At least we may get some infrastructure upgrades in exchange for massive inflation.

    Ya think?

    The alternative is that you get to stay warm by the fire of your stock certificates and 401k statements. If you have some land you might even get to grow some veggies, if you can steal some seeds and a hoe.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 Mister Mustard said, “I must have missed the memo where MASSIVE monetary inflation was mentioned.”

    No. You slept through econ 100.

  30. #30 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>No. You slept through econ 100.

    RAMBO, I think you slept through the whole GED prep course.

    Only a knee-jerk Obamaphobe would make an asinine claim like yours.


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