He’s not gay. He kisses Arabs, but he’s screwing Americans!

  1. Steve says:

    He may be gone but the damage to us and the country will linger on and on and on.

  2. Someone says:


  3. #2 – Someone


    If he’da wanted to use Photoshop, he’d have planted Dumbya’s suckling lips on Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah’s pimply ass.

  4. Marc Perkel says:

    Yeah – there’s no tongue.

  5. Special Ed says:

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    It’s photoshop, and a bad job at that…

    Maybe it’s time for you guys to retire your BS propoganda machine and let’s end the year on a civil note…

  7. JimR says:

    Bush: “It was nice, but the mustache smelled like sheep manure.”

  8. Brett says:

    Americans you can’t excuse those 8 years by voting Obama.

    You could’ve made a good thing by impeaching the bastards of the Bush administration.

    But like Pelosi you’ve been pussies as usually.

    Too much CNN & FOX news melts your brains.

  9. ECA says:

    Make a BET…
    There was a petition,
    There was a GROUP in congress wanting it,
    AND he reached the LOWEST pres rating, BELOW nixon..

    AND STILL, they didnt impeach him…
    Only reasoning, was that there was a WAR ON..

  10. jbenson2 says:

    Clearly George W Bush has strength that even his enemies refuse to recognize. He is within a month of riding off into the distance.

    And as Jake LaMotta in Raging Bull said “I never went down”. The left might have laid a lot of weird gloves on him, gloves that he didn’t even bother to notice.

    But this cat ran during one of the most “Hatfield and McCoy” times in American political history against two of their “champions”, Al Gore and John Kerry, and still managed to beat them both for the Presidency

    All the left can do is throw these old rotten tomatoes because he won and he never has to run again.

    That must drive them crazy!

  11. Lou says:

    What else he can fuck up in the next 24 days.

  12. ECA says:

    Bush has been making REVISIONS that dont need to go thru congress and the reps..
    Making a mess with what he has ALREADY DONE..

  13. Animby says:

    Poor photoshop job. Marc, you should be ashamed. Besides, Arab men don’t greet each with a lip kiss. Only cheeks.

    You guys have your new messiah, instituting change by bringing in all the old faces from previous administrations. Just let things go, now, will you? It’s just getting old.

  14. Special Ed says:

    #8 – Who is trying to excuse anything Bush has done? Quit trying to be the cock sucking, foreign douche bag that you are.

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    24 days until all the Bush apologists come out in force and rip into Obama for being black.

  16. kindred332 says:

    Wow, Bush Derangement Syndrome apparently is permanent! No civility, no end of the year decency, just more spite, more hate, more venom.

    My prediction for 2009: no letup in the Bush-bashing; on the contrary, he will be used as the scapegoat when Obama turns out to be a weak and aimless leader. Nothing Obama fails to do will be Obama’s fault, not one iota, not one single bit of responsibility will fall upon him. It will be another 8 years of Bush=Hitler and Obama=Jesus.

    I’m glad I don’t live there anymore.

  17. MikeN says:

    Why do you say 24 days to go? I thought he was going to stay in power longer with a coup?

    It appears he threatened to do so unless Obama gave significant concessions, which he did by keeping various Bushies in power.

  18. badtimes says:

    The righties are already trying to smear Obama with Bush’s disasters (re: Limbaugh’s “Obama’s recession”, etc.). And Georgie’s busy re-writing history- nothing was his fault. Face it- he is one of the worst presidents in US history, and probably the worst any of us have lived through.
    Although, he did make an excellent hand puppet for Darth Cheney.

  19. Esteban says:

    Down to 23! 🙂

  20. Paddy-O says:

    It will be interesting. Having one party control both branches isn’t a good thing. It won’t work with the next admin either…

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    #17 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>It appears he threatened to do so unless
    >>Obama gave significant concessions


    That limpdicked washout isn’t in a position to be threatening anyone with anything, much less with “staying in power”.

    THAT would REALLY lead to blood in the streets. Even the wingnuts have had their fill of Dumbya, and they’re counting the days until he’s gone just like the rest of us.

  22. Special Ed says:

    #16 said, “I’m glad I don’t live there anymore.”

    And don’t come back…

  23. bobbo says:

    #16–kindread==I don’t think you ever lived in the USA, but rather a fantasy land of your own. It must have been quite a strain on you to equate Hitler with being bad.

    But just for a check: list the first few things that come to your mind as successes of the Bush Disaster.

    Hint–if you say “No Terrorists Attacks” we will assume you mean “after 911” and that you think the absence of one thing is proof of another.

    What country are you undermining today?

  24. Pagon says:

    That he won twice and didn’t get impeached “must drive them crazy!”

    Not exactly. Nauseated, actually.

    What does drive people who love our country and constitution crazy are those who think it’s all about power and winning elections.

    In America, it’s supposed to be about the good of the country.

  25. #10 – Jay Benson II

    >>And as Jake LaMotta in Raging Bull said “I
    >>never went down”.

    Bush was down for the count before he even began his first campaign for POTUS. Had he not been stupid, weak, and ignorant, President Cheney/Rove would never have used him as their puppet.

  26. heehee says:

    #16 kindred332
    Bush=Hitler not quite there yet, but trying.

    Obama=Jesus? Certainly he never said or implied that, nor did any of his supporters. I think that is just your bitterness showing.

    And speaking of how bad Obama has already been as president (although not even in office yet), not a word from you about Bush’s responsibility for anything.

    I’m as glad you don’t live here anymore as you say you are. So, now that you live in another country, let go of us. Be happy, and stfu about your ex-country.

  27. deowll says:

    If you are going to post photoshop pictures to support your political views at least find somebody that can do a good job!

  28. johnaon says:

    Fuck all ya all

  29. kindred332 says:

    Funny how people pigeonhole others as “Rep” or “Dem” and assume what they believe. You’ve apparently got me down as a Bushie who hates Obama. Wrong.

    I didn’t vote for Bush, and voted for Obama while holding my nose (we will soon see that he’s only marginally better than Bush; not even Prez, and he’s already backtracking on virtually everything he said in the campaign). But I think it’s unfortunate that apparently the rancor and bile and bashing are just going to continue . So much for moving on and getting with the future; apparently all just hype. It’s still open season on Bush, and the left will blame Obama’s failures on him. Meet the new boss and all that.

    BTW, I’ve heard the Bush=Hitler comparison spat out quite seriously and quite often, and I watched Obamoids fainting and painting religious icon pictures of him while the press got leg tingles hearing him speak. Of course I’m using a bit of “hyperbole”. Look it up. But most people get the point.

    I will not only not STFU…I still vote! I’m afraid your wishes do not matter one whit. If business dictates, I may be back, but I’m glad to be out of the hatefest that is American politics for the time being.


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