
PENSACOLA, Fla. — A Christian woman claims she was fired from her job because she greeted callers with “Merry Christmas,” but the vacation rental company says it’s no Scrooge and the woman is just a disgruntled employee. Tonia Thomas, 35, said she refused to say “Happy Holidays” and was fired, even after offering to use the company’s non-holiday greeting. The Panama City woman filed a federal complaint that accuses the company of religious discrimination. She is seeking compensation for lost wages.

“I hold my core Christian values to a high standard and I absolutely refuse to give in on the basis of values. All I wanted was to be able to say ‘Merry Christmas’ or to acknowledge no holidays,” she said Tuesday. “As a Christian, I don’t recognize any other holidays.” Thomas said she is Baptist. Her former employer, Counts-Oakes Resorts Properties Inc., said she wasn’t fired for saying “Merry Christmas,” but would not elaborate.

“We are a Christian company and we celebrate Christmas,” said Andy Phillips, the company’s president. Thomas is “a disgruntled employee,” presenting a one-sided version of what happened when she was fired Dec. 10, Phillips said.

Liberty Counsel, an Orlando-based legal group that advocates for people discriminated against because of their religion, is representing Thomas before the federal Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. Their complaint also accuses the company of harassing and taunting Thomas after she was fired by calling the police to watch her pack her belongs and leave.

What a dumb thing to get fired over. As bobbo is fond of saying…..Silly Hoomans.

  1. TVAddict says:

    Fired on Dec 10. Isn’t that a little early for holiday hubbub?

  2. Kanjy says:

    Why do some people get upset being wished a Merry Christmas? It’s not like it’s a negative thing to say. As an atheist, it doesn’t offend me, even though I’m not Christian. If someone said Happy Hanukkah to me, I don’t think I would really be offended by it—I would probably think it funny, instead.

  3. Uns4ne says:

    I totally agree. I guess it’s just another religious battle I’ll never understand.

  4. Ron Larson says:

    I dropped in to a client’s office last week and wished him a Merry Christmas. Then after I left, I remember he is Jewish. Damn! I am embarrassed. I doubt he was offended, or really even noticed. Its not like he is hard core orthodox with the hair and clothes. At least I hope not. We will see in Jan when we negotiate contracts for 2009 jobs.

  5. bobbo says:

    McCullough: Best Christmas gift I have ever gotten. Thanks.

    But like most things, I think I stole it from someone else. Now I’ll be upset until I can remember from where. I’m thinking Southpark or some other cartoon. That off course includes Startrek.

  6. pfkad says:

    Bill O’Reilly crappola. Give it a rest already. Greet me with a smile and a pleasant greeting and I’m a happy guy.

  7. deowll says:

    Look the Holiday is Christmas, in old Latin Xmas with X=Chris in sound.

    In English Merry and Happy are synonyms.

    The fight is over Christmas and Holidays.

    Holidays would include Christmas, New Years, and whatever.

    The company said it didn’t care. She was just trying to get revenge because she had a bad attitude. I don’t know who is telling a lie so I’m going to leave it alone.

    I’m not Jewish or an Atheist but I don’t see any reason a good orthodox Jew or Atheist shouldn’t have a merry Christmas. It may not be a holy day for them but neither is Halloween or Presidents day.

    It’s still a holiday and even if ya have to work ya get more pay. Isn’t that something to be happy about?

  8. pfkad says:

    Oh, and Bobbo, you wouldn’t be thinking of Battlefield Earth would you? Almost a cartoon!

  9. brian t says:

    Someone’s been watching too much Fox News, and Bill O’Reilly’s phony war on Christmas. It’s only persecution if someone else actually does the persecutin’, otherwise it gets called a “complex”.

  10. Alf says:

    This is a non-story. I think there are those who would say to say “Merry Christmas” is politically correct and there are those who would say to say “Happy Holidays” is politically correct. The person didn’t do her job…end of non-story.

    This is a “BillO” kind of story meant to distract us from real issues.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Apparently, she’s a crazy and this shows how out of control our legal system is.

    She’s calling harassment because the company thought she needed a police escort when she packed her things.

    She probably DID need a police escort. The company is in their right for firing someone who doesn’t follow guidelines and the company has the explicit right to have the police escort her out.

    What is really troubling is that she got a free lawyer from this “Liberty Counsel” who must be a bunch of wackjobs just like her.

  12. Dallas says:

    She also accuses company employees of carving a “C” on her face for Christmas. The company denies it and claims the C stood for Cunt.

  13. Don Marsh says:

    “She probably DID need a police escort.”

    Isn’t this the blog where we freak out when the police show up? She may have been making a mountain of a mole hill, but she didn’t call in men with guns to throw her weight around.

  14. Zybch says:

    Good! The less stupid religion delusions the nutjobs are allowed to force onto other people the better.
    Keep it for the church where all the other mentally ill people congregate, not the shopping mall where god was killed some time ago, and leave me the hell alone.

    Thankfully fewer and fewer people (at least where I live) bother to make any kind of big deal out of the whole christmas thing any more, and see it as just a nice break away from their boring jobs and a good excuse to get together with friends and family.
    Church attendances have been dropping for years now, and this will be the year with the lowest yet.

  15. Don Marsh says:

    sounds like someone missed his meds…

  16. #14 – Z-Bitch

    >>Good! The less stupid religion delusions the
    >>nutjobs are allowed to force onto other
    >>people the better.

    Is having someone say “Merry Christmas” when they pick up the phone your idea of forcing religious delusions on other people?

    Christ, you must have had a pretty cushy life.

  17. rudedog says:

    Merry Christmas everyone……

  18. L0C0 says:

    I tend to do whatever the boss(s) say to do or say – it’s just that simple.

  19. Freyar says:

    I say “Merry Christmas” because it’s familiar to me. I’m not a Christian (anymore), but the idea of the holiday (as in goodwill) is still there.

    Merry Christmas to me equates to Happy Holidays. Anyone getting offended that they weren’t greeted with their respective religious holiday greeting ought to be smacked upside the head. Sorry, but no one is a mind reader, and even then for people that want to celebrate the idea of goodwill and human kindness, this is the most bss aackwards you can be.

  20. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I believe we have only her side of the argument here.

    > All I wanted was to be able to say ‘Merry Christmas’ or to acknowledge no holidays,” she said Tuesday. “As a Christian, I don’t recognize any other holidays.

    >I hold my core Christian values to a high standard and I absolutely refuse to give in on the basis of values.

    I have known people to use the slightest opening to “witness” to those they believe do not share their faith. Could it be she was terminated for behavior similar to this?

    Outside of the courtroom the company cannot truly make a defense of its actions without opening itself up to the charges of harassment/vindictiveness. The HR department is walking thru a minefield if they stray from the most bland statements in defense of the termination.

  21. hhopper says:

    Saying Merry Christmas is about as inoffensive as it get. Cripes! Who cares? What’s the big deal? Give me a break!

    Bobbo, I Googled “silly hooman” and got 24,700 results. It’s all over the place.

  22. Dave W says:

    Actually, saying “Merry Christmas” is indeed offensive…as offensive as saying “Have a Nice Day”.

    And, yes, I’ve been known to say both from time to time. It’s all a matter of frequency, timing and heartfeltness.

    As for Ms. Thomas, the bitch wasn’t doing what they paid her to do, so they fired her ass, and made sure that she didn’t go apeshit and trash the place on the way out. End of story.

  23. Cole says:

    My God, Mr Hankey is a turd.

  24. #22 – DaveW

    >>As for Ms. Thomas, the bitch wasn’t doing
    >>what they paid her to do, so they fired her

    Do you suppose that the bitch’s only duty was to pick up the phone and say “Happy Holidays” before Christmas?

    And I disagree with your basic premise. Saying “Happy Holidays” is as offensive as saying “Have a nice day”. “Merry Christmas”, somewhat less so. At least “Merry Christmas” has to potential of having some meaning. Like “Happy Kwanzaa”. “Happy Holidays” is just a waste of good air, like “Have a nice day”.

    She sounds like a real asshole, but President Andy Phillips sounds like an even bigger asshole. He can rest assured that I won’t be renting any property from Counts-Oakes Resorts Properties Inc. on my next Florida vacation.

  25. bobbo says:

    #24–Mustard==you say: ““Happy Holidays” is just a waste of good air, like “Have a nice day”.” /// Thats right. Being generally pleasant without being specifically religious is a waste of breath.

    So pleasant.

  26. #25 – Bobo

    >>Thats right. Being generally pleasant
    >>without being specifically religious is a >>waste of breath.

    That’s exactly right, Bobo. At least if the person is being specifically religious, there’s an off chance that they actually mean something (although “merriment” is a pretty secular emotion to be wishing someone for Christmas). If they say “have a nice day” or “happy holidays”, you just KNOW they don’t mean shit.

    Personally, I wish they’d just STFU and say “hello” or “goodbye” or “thank you”, as appropriate.

  27. Noel says:

    24, 25, 26

    Gosh Mr. M I know that I genuinely wish people a happy holidays. I don’t know why secular well wishes should be any less authentic than religious ones. I really don’t know why wishing someone a happy Kwanzaa is a waste of breath and merry Christmas isn’t. Really aren’t all these greetings aside from happy holidays a waste of time unless you happen to celebrate the same festival?

    People should just wish each other well because they mean it and because it is a nice thing to do, despite their differences. If someone expresses their goodwill towards you sincerely it should be taken happily and returned in kind. Both people who are offended and people who don’t understand why people might be offended need to be a little bit nicer.

  28. floyd says:

    I’m agnostic. Nevertheless I honor Jesus’ nominal birthday (it’s believed he was actually born in Spring) simply because he tried to set up a decent, simple code of ethics and got the word out to others.

    The rest of the “Christian” religion is built of Paul’s pontifications, which I don’t respect.

  29. #28 – Floyd

    >>(it’s believed he was actually born in

    Oh yes? I heard it was in the fall… According to Luke 2:1 – 7, Augustus Caesar had called for a census, and that would most likely have taken place in the post-harvest.

    Seriously. Does it make any difference?

  30. floyd says:

    #29: Not really, but spring is lambing time.

    At any rate, it doesn’t really matter when Jesus was born. Jesus tried to get people to follow the Golden Rule, with some success and some failures. Others (Paul) hijacked the religion later.


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