BBC News – Tuesday, 23 December 2008:

A Canadian woman who went missing during a blizzard last week has been found alive, buried in 23in (58cm) of snow, police say.

Rescuers were shocked to find Donna Molnar, of Ancaster, west of Toronto, still conscious after she spent three days outside in freezing temperatures.

Ms Molnar, 55, vanished on Friday after her car became stuck in a snowy field, and is now being treated in hospital.

Police dog Ace and his handler Ray Lau have been credited with the find.

“When I came up to her she was covered in snow, just her face and her neckline were exposed,” rescuer Ray Lau said. “I was surprised she was alive.”

Mr Lau found Ms Molnar on Monday, just a few hundred yards away from her four wheel drive car, wearing little more than a winter jacket and suffering from hypothermia.

Police credited the insulating effect of the snow with keeping her alive.

Staff Sgt Mark Cox said she was suffering from frostbite and could lose some of her extremities, although she was expected to survive.

“That’s the miracle. That’s a Christmas miracle. Sometimes the good don’t die young,” said Mark Mackesy, a family friend who spent the weekend comforting Ms Molnar’s husband and son.

  1. monkeyboy311 says:

    Whats with all the porn images lately?? This blog is becoming borderline NSFW.

  2. Special Ed says:

    She was probably in no hurry to get rescued, there is not much else to do in Canada.

  3. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #1 – Why are you using the Internet at work in the first place? Get the fuck back to work!

  4. Jimbo says:

    The obvious question: why was she just lying in the snow?

  5. Kanjy says:

    #1—I agree with you. Perhaps this blog is losing readers and is having to resort to other audiences? The heartwarming story with chicks thing was funny at first, and maybe the second time, but now I’ve lost count.

  6. JimR says:

    “That’s the miracle. That’s a Christmas miracle. Sometimes the good don’t die young,”

    The miracle began when the angles led her away from the road and left her to freeze to death. Luckily a soul-free dog found her before God finished her off.

    Happy Winter “Soul’stice everyone!

  7. MeAndOnlyMe says:

    I’m with MonkeyBoy…what’s with all the borderline porn images? They have NOTHING to do with this story. I’m female, and read this blog, and I find the images offensive and pandering to the lowest common denominator of male. Do you think every reader of this blog is male? It’s time to grow up and start acting like the adults you claim to be, instead of posting nonsense pictures with legitimate articles that show you’re only 12 years old…

    I’m about ready to remove this blog from my roll…

  8. Wretched Gnu says:

    Hey SN — How many women have you actually slept with — or even spoken to? Judging by your photos, it’s pretty clear the number has dreams of becoming an integer, but isn’t quite ready yet. Better stick to pictures for now.

  9. JimR says:

    #8, too bad you’re offended.
    I guess you wouldn’t appreciate a picture of a “hunk” showing a little of his natural attractiveness to your sex either.

    Exactly what is offensive about these pictures?

  10. Special Ed says:

    Seriously, do you all think these are porn images? Is it possible you are thumping that bible too hard? Go see Religulous!!

  11. monkeyboy311 says:

    @special Ed (#11),

    Of course these are porn images. The first image is Kate from and the 2nd image is Charlie Laine, a well known pornstar. How do I know this, because I am a guy that looks at porn. There is nothing wrong with porn, but this blog is suppose to a site that I come to read stories and news, not look at porn!

    I guess SN is very lonely this holiday season…

    Dvorak, this is your blog, I think you should put stop to this before you loose readers…

  12. Wretched Gnu says:

    It’s not that the pictures are offensive. It’s just that they’re so *stupid* and reveal such an adolescent cluelessness. If you don’t understand what the cluelessness is about — then I’m afraid you’re like the kid who doesn’t understand why nobody laughs when he tells them he saw a booby once.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:


    As usual, I love your pics. I hope you, your lovely wife, and two beautiful children all have a wonderful Christmas.

    Party Poopers,

    Get a life.

    #3, Ed,

    A true Canadian only takes his or hers right of passage when they have either made love in a snowbank or in a canoe. There is this possibility that she was trying option #1.

    A similar American right of passage would be picking your nose in public or complaining about attractive women.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #4 – Jimbo

    >>The obvious question: why was she just
    >>lying in the snow?

    Yeah, wtf? She must have been shitfaced. That would explain how her car came to be in the middle of a snowy field, too.

    I wonder why she didn’t just get up and walk back to her car? Twenty-three inches of snow isn’t exactly an avalanche. You’d think a 55-year-old person would be able to “dig herself out” from under twenty-three inches, get back in the car, and phone home on her cell.

  15. Wretched Gnu says:

    Nice try, Mr. Fusion — but nobody with eyes could possibly buy your story that SN has ever actually even spoken to a woman without wetting his pants…


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