• Santa being tracked by Norad.
  • Notebook sales outpacing desktops. Finally.
  • HP geared up to sell 18 million laptops in 2009.
  • Windows 7 to be out in 2009.
  • The Digital Cliff coming your way.
  • Steve Jobs spirit suddenly “institutionalized” within Apple.
  • Today’s list. “Four things Microsoft got right in 2008.”

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  1. Zybch says:

    The only things needing to be institutionalized regarding apple are the nutcase apple fanboys who have a sick, twisted and disturbing emotional dependence on apple and who’s life can’t ever be complete unless there is some shiny overpriced overhyped gadget apple makes but they don’t yet own.
    Seriously, whats wrong with these guys?

  2. jstevens8 says:

    Get a Life Dingbat!!!!

  3. #1 – Z-Bitch

    The only things needing to be institutionalized regarding apple are the nutcase apple fanboys who have a sick, twisted and disturbing emotional dependence on apple and who’s life can’t ever be complete.”


  4. hhopper says:

    Same to you Mustard Claus!

  5. brm says:

    I like the other opening better.


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