Police in Finland believe they have caught a car thief from a DNA sample taken from a mosquito they noticed inside an abandoned vehicle.
Finding the car in Seinaejoki, north of Helsinki, police saw that the mosquito had recently sucked blood and decided to send the insect for analysis. The DNA found from laboratory tests matched a man on the police register.
The suspect denies stealing the car and says he was just hitch-hiking a lift with a man.
Sakari Palomaeki, the police inspector in charge of the case, said it was the first time Finnish police had used an insect to solve a crime.
“It is not easy to find a small mosquito in a car, this just shows how thorough the crime scene investigation was,” he added.
Now, I wonder if the mosquito in the case belongs to Dexter?
good cover story
I’m sure this scenario will turn up in an episode soon… probably with something more dangerous like a murder or kidnapping story.
Wow police in finland have a lot of time on their hand. A whole crime scene process on a stolen car?
I think this story is fake.
Can’t wait for all the “Invasion of Privacy” posts outraged this criminal got caught by a data base.
Your DNA on file. Good science.
# 4 bobbo said, “Can’t wait for all the “Invasion of Privacy” posts outraged this criminal got caught by a data base. Your DNA on file. Good science.”
So, when did YOU give your DNA sample to the FBI?
#4 – Bobbo
>>Your DNA on file. Good science.
This expensive and invasive DNA test would not have been necessary if the State required everyone to wear a Body-Cam(R) at all times, providing audio and video suveillance of citizens at all time.
If people are allowed personal freedom and privacy, the terrorists have won.
#4 – Bobbo
>>Your DNA on file. Good science.
This expensive and invasive DNA test would not have been necessary if the State required everyone to wear a Body-Cam(R) at all times, providing audio and video suveillance of citizens at all times.
If people are allowed personal freedom and privacy, the terrorists have won.
I doubt they did THAT thorough of an investigation for a stolen car. The guy prolly found the mosquito by mistake…then the inspector thought he’d spin the whole “see how good of a job we do!” thing.
#5 – Paddy-RAMBO
>>So, when did YOU give your DNA
>>sample to the FBI?
Oh, Bobo is not required to provide a DNA sample. He’s an upstanding citizen. That database is only meant to include criminals. Like guys who hitchhike.
# 9 Mister Mustard said, “Oh, Bobo is not required to provide a DNA sample. He’s an upstanding citizen. That database is only meant to include criminals. Like guys who hitchhike.”
Thanks for clearing that up for me. 😉
So how do you prove that the mosquito didn’t bite someone outside the car before she flew in (remember it’s the female mosquito that bites!)? By itself the test doesn’t prove that the owner of the DNA was in the car. Now if you have matching fingerprints and DNA from the skeeter’s meal, then you got a good case. But by itself it’s not convincing evidence.
The person admitted they were in the car. I’d say they better remember the name of the driver.
In a few years all cars will call the cops when moved in a not approved manner. All the cops will have to do is go the vehicle.
Of course pros will find ways around that but not the kids wanting to go joy riding or grab some rims. They may find that there likeness has already been uploaded to the local cops even if they make it home.
so to frame someone all you need is to catch a mosquito that bit him//her?
#6&7==Mustard==I try to enter my stuff twice all the time and it is always flagged and rejected.
Whenever given a choice, I always say “both.” So I applaud and have often thought I need a “Body-Cam(R)” at all times. Sure would help in all those sophisticated arguments I have about how the argument got started: “Alrighty Then, Lets roll the tape!!”
Imagine how all warm and cozy and Christmasy we would all be if everyone was DNA’ed and Body-Cam’ed(R). That way we could all have guns too because crimes would all be witnessed via the video.
Paddy–I would gladly volunteer my DNA sample and hope all other good folks who don’t want to give criminals a free pass would do so as well.
# 14 bobbo said, “Paddy–I would gladly volunteer my DNA sample and hope all other good folks who don’t want to give criminals a free pass would do so as well.”
You can, and I know the procedure. Let us know when & how you did it. I’ll know if you are being truthful…
#14 – Bobbo
>>==Mustard==I try to enter my stuff twice all
>>the time and it is always flagged and
>>rejected. Whenever given a choice, I always
>>say “both.”
# 16 Mister Mustard said, “What?”
I think booboo has given one too many brain tissue samples for DNA identification…
#16–Mustard==you have a duplicate entry above==No 6 and No 7. My own attempted double entries are always flagged and prevented.
Two choices==DNA records is one and the other is a personal CAM. I’d like both.
Paddy-O==your experience may be that your brain cells have been sampled many times for a number of claimed reasons, but the rest of us use simple cheek swabs.
#18 – Bobbo
Well, my double entry was erroneous. Why on earth would you “try to enter [your] stuff twice all the time“??
>>Two choices==DNA records is one and the
>>other is a personal CAM. I’d like both.
Are you on drugs, Bobo? Are you a communist? Did you take “1984” more seriously than you should have? Is your real name Winston Smith??What’s wrong with you? Have you no respect for individual privacy? Do you imagine that anyone who doesn’t want to be monitored by 24/7 by The Authorities must be looking to slip out of a nudie bar on the sly?
Oh, Cmon!
You know and I know this thing was just a tax man on vacation.
Did they testify that no creature was hurt during the making of the case?
Just how does a mosquito testify? (otherwise it just becomes hearsay evidence, unverified)