• Microsoft does yet another reprieve for XP. What?
  • 2009 predictions coming in. Will it be the Year of the Android Phone? Will it be the year of Blu-ray? Will it be the year of the Nano iPhone?
  • VHS officially abandoned. Oh no.
  • The RIAA giving up on suing people to death.
  • Intel rolls out SSD drive.
  • Spore to be re-issued without protection.
  • Jan. 15th predicted to be the day MSFT does its layoffs.
  • My comments on cloud computing.

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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    About the RIAA not suing people anymore.

    I don’t know if this has taken a turn for the better or not. Previously, the RIAA was required to actually PROVE infringement.

    Now, of course, they can just bully your ISP into canceling your account and leave it up to you to prove that you didn’t infringe any copyrights.

    I wonder if any ISP’s will have the ability to stand up to the RIAA, or if they will even care.

    Imagine mass mailings targeting tens of thousands! Like the saying “Kill them all and let God sort them out”.

  2. hhopper says:

    Foghorn Leghorn is my hero!

  3. SparkyOne says:

    No layoffs before Christmas. Typical. When is the last time Microsoft made a release on schedule?

  4. deowll says:

    Maybe having a slot you can stick some solid state ram in net laptops is a good idea but you need that hard drive. I’m not sure how long SSDs will last in constant use and they don’t hold much for what they cost.

    I have a small one on this machine that is supposed to speed some things up and may but if it goes bad I can toss it and replace it. By the way John it is a memory card stuck in my card reader.

    Yes Vista did recognize it, asked it could have it and I said yes. I bought it for that purpose. I don’t use memory cards that size for anything else and thought I’d get some good out of that slot.

  5. Zybch says:

    but but but, I already got Spore without the dreaded copy protection.
    From teh torrentz.

    Yeah, thats right, fuck you EA.

  6. ECA says:


    On Friday, the RIAA announced its plan to end their campaign of suing thousands of alleged downloaders; instead, it has negotiated with ISPs to disconnect subscribers who the RIAA identify as repeat infringers. From what little is known about the system, ISPs would pass along warning emails to the customers the RIAA claims are downloading copyrighted material. Following 2-3 warnings, subscribers would have their connection terminated.

    Yes, I have been following this, and posting in the Cage Match forums..ASIF, anyone is listening..

  7. brendal says:

    Guess some MS employees will be exploring new vistas…

  8. ECA says:


    While there was big news on Friday concerning the RIAA’s supposed plan to stop suing everyone in favor of having ISPs police networks for the RIAA, it seems that some ISPs are clearly not on board with the plan (and, in fact, the details of the plan seem rather lacking). News.com has the story of one smaller ISP that has been responding to every RIAA notification by sending a request back for a billing address where he can send an invoice for the time it takes to respond to takedown requests.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    I wish John lots of luck getting to anywhere near Puget Sound in the next day or so. Maybe the trains are getting through…


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