
You could already be a winner — if you weren’t going to jail.

That’s the bad news 61 fugitives got after being lured to a suburban hotel with news they had won a $1,000 gift card and the chance to take home a big-screen TV. Earlier this month, people wanted on outstanding warrants got a letter in the mail from “Shoptastic Solutions” — Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart’s fictitious marketing outfit — promising prizes and no gimmicks.

All they had to do was check the enclosed scratch-off ticket to see if they had won — which, of course, they all did. The “winners” were told to call in their shopper number — which actually was their warrant number — to schedule an appointment to complete a shopping survey and pick up their prize. At a hotel near Midway Airport, an undercover officer in a funny hat shot off streamers as the winners walked in. While they filled out the survey, sheriff’s police — hiding in closets — popped out with zip-tie handcuffs and the big surprise.

Dart said he got a kick out of the bust.

“We tried to tap in to the Christmas spirit and throw a big dose of the Grinch on top of it,” Dart said. “The Grinch definitely struck here, and the Grinch had a lot of fun. The Grinch will return, probably in a different way.” The sheriff said most of the bad guys and girls got a good laugh at the clever bust, too. “One guy in particular came up to me and told me this was the best one ever. I got the impression this wasn’t his first time,” Dart said. The 61 offenders arrested were wanted on crimes ranging from aggravated driving under the influence to failing to pay child support.

Now that’s just deceitful!

  1. Zybch says:

    “The sheriff said most of the bad guys and girls got a good laugh at the clever bust, too.”

    So clever that it was a gag on The Simpsons more than 10 years ago (and who knows where before that)?

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Heard this story before plenty of times.


  3. chris says:

    I’m not understanding this – they MAILED these to people with outstanding warrants? If they had their address, why didn’t they just stop by to pick them up?

  4. McCullough says:

    #3. Saves on gas and manpower….i.e. brilliant!

  5. LtSiver says:

    Well, you weren’t expecting the cops to be honest, did you? They can lie to you. I’d love to meet an honest cop, to shake their hand, as they are very rare. “They work for us” indeed…. Although I do believe #3’s point is more valid, they should have just gone and picked them up.

  6. offroad says:

    Yes mailed to people, who are never home to catch, because they are constantly tipped off by friends and family. But, put an address to the fugitive, with a scratch off only by them (coded to them for the game – maybe need a drivers license – like state lottery) and BINGO got em.

  7. eyeofthetiger says:

    This ain’t nothing. The ATF set up a fake pawn shop to caught felons buying or selling weapons. Apparently, they were selling non taxed cigarettes (which is illegal). Tens of thousands of hours to nab a dozen people who would of bought a gun off any boner on a street corner.

    Most cities have a minimum amount payment for warrant that they will transport across city lines. Large cities it is usually $1,000. So a cop can have a person detained one block away from the city line and the other city will not send someone to pick them up if it is under that amount.

  8. Didn’t any police form do something similar a few years back where they mailed people with warrants that they won a prize but had to come claim it; and it was signed by ‘Miranda’…

    Personally, I don’t mind the devious nature of this ploy.

  9. comhcinc says:

    thats all well and good. glad to know all those people with court fines are off the street but…..

    what happens when one of those people that the department to court demanding their money?

  10. Benjamin says:

    I had something similar happen. I got a letter that me and a date had won a free meal at a nice restaurant. When we arrived, we were seated in the party room and were forced to listen to a salesman selling timeshares.

    My date wasn’t happy and I had to make it up to her by taking her somewhere more expensive.

  11. syrinx says:


    Ahhh, yes, time shares have always used this tactic.

  12. hhopper says:

    The show “Cops” had a sting like this on a number of years ago. They mailed a “You’re a prize winner!” note out to felons. Caught all of them.

  13. #12 – bangituplainey

    >>those douches

    Lainey! Bang it up! You kiss your mama with that mouth?

    Who’s a douche?

  14. Rich says:

    Could we so this in Iraq and Gafanistan? “You’ve won a dozen free Virgins!!!”


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