Next week: How to walk AND talk at the same time.

Speed device police trained to climb 3ft up ladders

Police officers have been sent on courses on how to climb 3ft up a ladder to install anti-speeding devices.

Forty-five Lancashire police employees have gone on the two-hour health and safety seminars to teach them how to hang smiley-face speed indicator signs (Spids) on posts by the roadside.

Workers had been erecting the portable signs for months without ladder training until health and safety bosses stepped in.

Staff were then banned from moving the signs between locations until they had special training – leaving devices, which cost up to £3,500, dormant across the county for four months.

  1. Benjamin says:

    How much trouble is it to make every look at a standard ladder safety video? They are out there and available. It shouldn’t take more then 10 minutes.

    That being said, a small ladder shouldn’t need any more training than just common sense.

  2. Improbus says:

    I need a course on how to put my pants on and tie my shoes.

  3. BdgBill says:

    I work for a giant oil company that spends millions on similarly useless, pointless “training”.

    Don’t blame the companies (or in this case the police dept) for this idiocy.

    Your typical slimy personal injury lawyer has no problem walking into a courtroom and stating “Mr Johnson was never trained how to safely use the 3 foot step ladder. Mr. Johnson had no idea that he should not use the stepladder while intoxicated and carrying a running chainsaw”.

    My company spends millions printing instruction books for things like mops, brooms, trash bags etc. Every time one of our mouth breathing associates manages to give themsleves a boo boo, these books are updated to cover new stupidities.

    Last month I attended a meeting where two hours were spent discussing the numerous lost time injuries being caused by our nametags. It seems that it was fairly common for our team members to stab themselves with the pin on the back of their nametags bad enough to cause them to go home for the day or require visits to the emergency room.

    The fix for this was spending a six-figure sum to purchase “safe” magnetic nametags.

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    I know your all going to make fun of me for saying this, but I was injured using a 3ft step ladder. They’re more unstable than a 6ft step ladder. I received a deep gash up the inside of my leg and crunched the boys as well.

    I sure it look funny as hell to others when I did it, but it hurt like hell. It always funny, until it happens to you.

    I think the 3ft onse are a waste anyways.

  5. MikeN says:

    Hey I thought you guys supported excessive government regulation?

  6. B. Dog says:

    I gotta get me one of them French maids.

  7. AdmFubar says:

    anyone needing training on how to use a 3ft ladder should be fired………

  8. me says:

    If you get a chance, watch “The Fun Police”, a great documentary on the excesses of regulation.

    Here’s a promo:

  9. amodedoma says:

    Nobody knew how to use a ladder better than Benny Hill!!!

  10. hhopper says:

    I received a degree in three foot ladders from MIT and I now make a living climbing three foot ladders for show. Don’t knock it.

  11. Nimby says:

    Lt Frank Drebben : “Nice beaver!”

  12. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Let’s not forget that the “health and safety bosses” have now justified their salaries in their own minds.


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