Thanks Mister Justin.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Nice save Fox news asshole.

  2. bobbo says:

    To be fair he said “highest and most defining moment.”

    I think thats true.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Yeah, nice save, Fox asshole.

  4. Dallas says:

    Clearly 9-11 provided Cheney the greatest opportunity to consolidate and then abuse the power of the executive branch of government.

    Good riddance to the worst administration in modern times. T

    Thanks to our founding fathers foresight built into the Constitution, Cheney and thugs were unable to rule completely in a fascist state.

  5. sargasso says:

    I won’t watch Fox any more, but tell me, do all American homes have Old Glory hanging in every room? Just wondering. From the other end of the World, on television, it seems so. I mean, it’s good to be patriotic, but doesn’t it clash with the rest of the decor?

  6. hhopper says:

    That was most likely in Cheney’s office.

  7. billabong says:

    This man makes my skin crawl.

  8. Grandpa says:

    First time I’ve ever seen an asshole with lips. Wait, I think it’s a living mangina!

  9. morram says:

    It took Cheney almost a year to plan and execute 9/11 with his brothers in Dubi and Exxon. Poor stupid George was brought in just to read a childrens book and look dumb as usual. Cheney has raked in the billions off 9/11. Luckily his nuclear bomb drop over the West coast plan failed.

  10. pfkad says:

    #4, Dallas: “Good riddance to the worst administration in modern times.”
    No. Worst administration EVER!

  11. MEMO TO: Dick Cheney, aka Dr. Evil

    Just wave your little hand and whisper, “So long,” Dick. Your agenda was set. Your objective was met. You may now return to your underground bunker.

  12. Dallas says:

    #10 Agree! Coincidentally, CNN just published a Poll indicating 20% rate Cheney as “worst VP ever”.

    1. The usual Republican 35% think Cheney did a fine job. (This should correlate well with the 34% that think Obama is already the worst president ever).

    2. Cheney admits he doesn’t give a shit what Americans think. I hope that thought comes back around during the Palin/Plumber GOP ticket of 2012.

    3. I am waiting for Bush to pardon Cheney for war crimes. Would that protect Cheney from the World Court? I’m pretty sure Bush can get away with the dumb ass plea, but not Cheney. This should be interesting.

  13. igor says:

    as much as everyone hates him, that was 100% true
    he repeated with “most important…”
    there is no denying that was the most important moment which defined how history evolved after that

  14. #13 – igor

    >>there is no denying that was the most
    >>important moment

    He might as well have answered with his thoughts on his daughter munching carpet in defiance of everything he and his core constituency believe, or what his favorite candy bar is.

    Neither of those were the question he was asked.

    He was asked what his highest moment was while in office. Not important, but high.

    One can only assume from his answer that either there were no high moments in his dark and evil reign, or that 9/11 really WAS the high point of his vice presidency. Given the amount of wealth and power that tragedy afforded him, I’m inclined to believe it was the latter.

  15. Borat says:

    #14 – It is a shame Mary Cheney was taken out of the vagine pool, she is not half bad. I’m willing to bet Dick really isn’t the dad.

  16. EvilPoliticians says:

    Everyone hails the end of the Bush administration. Be careful…

    Remember the Dems controlled Congress. They’ve gone along with it. Now that they have complete control, I predict they will roll back some of the abuses and stand in front of the camera claiming victory.

    But we must be vigilant. They gave themselves considerable power. Will we really roll everything back to pre-9/11. This will take some vigilance on our part to ensure…

  17. mcosmi says:

    liberal fuck-wads. daily kos is the biggest piece of liberal propagandist shite ive ever had the misfortune of being exposed to in my LIFE.

  18. QB says:

    I watched the interview on Fox. It’s an interesting study in body language and avoidance. It should be used for introductory psych classes.

  19. #17 – Mr. Cosmi

    liberal fuck-wads. daily kos is the biggest piece of liberal propagandist shite ive ever had the misfortune of being exposed to in my LIFE.

    No no, Mr. Cosmi. That wasn’t the Daily Kos, that was Fox News.

  20. Nimby says:

    #19 – You are right, of course, but that EXCERPT was provided by the Daily Kos because they saw a chance to knock Cheney. And most of the liberal knee-jerkers above followed right along like the sheep they are. I am no great fan of Cheney – well, not even a minor fan of Cheney – but he answered appropriately. What the hell does “highest” mean, anyway? Happiest? Best? Or – most important? Without going back to listen again, I believe he stated 9/11 was the “most important and compelling moment.” I hope you guys remember all these cheap shots you’ve taken when Biden starts talking about how to improve the plight of the middle class. Sheesh…

  21. Buzz says:

    Cheney: What a Dick.

  22. #20 – Nimby

    >>You are right, of course, but that EXCERPT
    >>was provided by the Daily Kos because they
    >>saw a chance to knock Cheney.

    Well, not exactly. The Youtube video was posted by a user with the screen name “DailyKosTV”. What is Daily Kos TV? I’ve never heard of Daily Kos TV. There’s not mention of Daily Kos TV on Daily Kos. Even The Google doesn’t reveal anything (except Youtube videos) that have anything to do with Daily Kos TV.

    And even if DailyKosTV were a wholly owned subsidiary of the Daily Kos, so what? BFD. It’s not like they’re making this shit up; the words are flowing right from the horse’s mouth.

    If anyone claims the words were somehow taken out of context, they have every right to provide the context. I doubt there’s any context that makes Heart Attack look like anything other than what he is: An intoleran, power-hungry war-profiteering son of a bitch.

    >>What the hell does “highest” mean, anyway?
    >>Happiest? Best? Or – most important?

    Well, whatever it mean, I doubt many people would have interpreted an appropriate answer to be “oh, that day when Saudi terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into buildings, killing thousands of innocent Americans. You know, the tragedy that retard Bush used as a reason to attack the WRONG FUCKING COUNTRY?”.

    He could have said “It was the day my lesbian daughter and her bull-dyke park ranger lesbian husband told me she had decided to take a turkey baster to herself and artificially inseminate her way into giving me a beautiful little homo-secks-ual grandson”. Or “it was seeing the gratitude on the faces of all those people whose homes we saved after Hurricane Katrina”. Or “the day Pappy’s Supreme Court stopped the recount, allowing us to successfully steal the 2004 election”.

    But 9/11??? WTF? That’s kind of like Emperor Hirohito saying that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the highlight of his career. Sheesh.

  23. hhopper says:

    Let’s see, highest: superlative, supreme, maximal, most, top-notch, top, apical, maximum, preeminent, head, capital, chief, paramount, zenithal, crown, best, principal, uppermost, tiptop. I think that pretty well covers it. The question is pretty clear to me. Cheney is the supreme asshole of assholes. For him, it was ecstasy… he’s made millions (billions) off the Iraq war. The question is pretty clear to me.

  24. 9yo says:

    911 his highest moment?!? That’s almost an admission he had something to do w/it. Jeez.

  25. Dallas says:

    All you fucktard Cheney apologists here. Shame on you. The only reason left for you to support him now is because you voted for the dipshit and now feel his disgrace is a reflection on you.

    The guy even admits he doesn’t give a shit what Americans think of his performance.

  26. Lou says:

    When you think about it. That was the highlight in Cheney’s VP run. It was all downhill from that point.
    My Fav Cheney highlight was after Katrina. When the doctor told him to go fuck himself.

  27. The0ne says:

    #26, Lou where can I find a article/clip of this? I would love see it. Thanks in advance.

  28. qsabe says:

    True, on that day he rubbed his hands together proclaiming it worked, it actually worked. I’m going to be so fucking rich now.

  29. Hugh Ripper says:

    This crook belongs in jail, with all his assets frozen and distributed to the victims of the criminal misadventure that is the Iraq war.

    I think he mistook the question as the ‘happiest’ moment in the last 8 years, because it basically gave him a blank cheque to implement his fascist fantasies. The man is pure evil.


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