1. kbonnel says:


  2. Roexan says:

    im sorry but that was the funniest thing i’ve seen in a while, as far as joyous stupidity goes!

    we’ve all heard the wii scrap recall stories but nothing comes to eyewitness footage…

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    I don’t know if I should laugh or cry, poor guy…

  4. hhopper says:

    I sort of know how that guy feels. I dropped my Kindle yesterday. Now it’s garbage.

  5. Kelvington says:

    That’s got to be a freaking Viso set, I’ve smacked my NON-Viso set several time, and never even dinged it. Plus it’s tad odd that camera is on sticks. Who locks a camera down when shooting home videos? Maybe he was rolling a perfect game.

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #4 – Bummer on the Kindle, it should take a fall – you should return it unless you dropped it off a 40 story building.

  7. #5 — i saw a quick look at his score..I think he was indeed rolling a 300 and wanted it documented. Poor kid.

  8. xerstrom says:

    Was that set up? The vid did not show enough of the home to convince me. I think it was done at a store….

  9. Swampper says:


  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    He’s wearing PJs, not something you’d wear at a best buy, and he looks like an adult, not a kid. He sounded Japanese, and I don’t think he was calling out to his “mama” otherwise he would be looking towards where his “mama” was if he was calling for her.

  11. Kuma says:

    Sounded Japanese… ummm no he didn’t.. he didn’t sound japanese nor did he say anything in japanese

    I did like the couple of taps on top of the tv… that will fix it.

    its hard to tell with that angel… but it looks like he let’s go of the remote…

  12. dm says:

    Rupert Pupkin?

  13. Improbus says:

    He sounded like he was from Minnesota. Oh jeez! My gosh! Oh, yeah, you betchya.

  14. soundwash says:

    rofl… oh man… that sucks…

    personally, i think i would have screamed a bit..

    (note to self, no eating fried chicken
    before Wii time..)

    must be a plasma..*shrug* i’ve come across
    many LCD’s with object oriented cracks in them that still show the picture regardless of significant damage..(never worked on plasma)


  15. onomontapeia says:

    Poor guy my ass, no strap, no sense, no sorrow! Idiot.

  16. More LCD and plasma screens have been hurt with idiot Wii bowlers than any other game. Idiot though.

  17. Zybch says:

    So this stupid jerk thought the strap was only there to make the Wiimote look cool I guess…
    Serves him right, him and his stupid miniature xmas tree.

  18. waltersobchack says:

    Listen at 29 seconds.

    The game says “Perfect!”

    So at least he still had his perfect game going for himself. Which is nice.

    It would have been better if he was using a real bowling ball. Maybe people playing Wii should use the old school CRT televisions.

  19. eyeofthetiger says:

    Almost like real bowling.

  20. Miguel says:

    Why can’t they make TFTs/Plasmas sturdy as old CRTs?

  21. GregA says:


    Because then they would be heavy big and ugly like old style TV’s. You ever see the monstrosity that is a 42″ CRT?

  22. Miguel says:


    Not necessarily. CRTs are bulky because of the electron gun that had to be a certain distance away from the screen, and all that glass had to be in a vacuum, and so had to be thicker the bigger the screen.

    What I mean is that TFTs and Plasmas could (I think) have some protective layer, maybe half an inch or an inch, I dunno, of strong glass (bulletproof? :). That would make the set heavier, of course, perhaps much heavier, so I don’t know if that’s not being done just because it’s not feasible or because of marketing considerations – thinner is better.

  23. JimR says:

    I distinctly heard him say “Pushna!” which means “Creator!” in Punjabi and “Jesus fucking Christ!” in Canadian English.

  24. MurDog says:

    He sounds Russian or at least former eastern bloc to me.

    The bigger question is, who goes to the trouble of setting up a camera to film himself play Wii bowling unless he intends to do something “Funny”…

    Either way, entertaining.

  25. hhopper says:

    He was recording a 300 game.

  26. Kanjy says:

    The funniest thing is that it was the final throw of what would have been a 300 game.

    Next time, he should play using a Wii Remote Jacket:

  27. MotaMan says:

    “Fun tip, you can set fire to stuff totally by accident if you take one of the Fresnel screens off an old big screen and lean it up somewhere direct sunlight can get to it.”


    I’ll file that useful tid-bit under “Insurance Fraud”


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