Marie Douglas-David, the estranged wife of United Technologies Corp.’s former CEO and current board Chairman George David, says that her weekly expenses run more than $53,000, documents filed in the couple’s divorce case show.
How does Douglas-David, 36, rack up those expenses week after week?
Real estate accounts for a lot of it, including mortgage, maintenance fees, rent or other costs for a Park Avenue apartment, a Hamptons residence and several properties in Sweden.
But travel ($8,000), clothing ($4,500), hair and skin care ($1,000), dry cleaning ($650) and flowers ($600), among many other items, contribute to the total. Those are weekly expenses?
David’s attorney…said that the argument should not center on how much money David has, but on a contested post-nuptial agreement that earmarks $43 million for Douglas-David upon divorce. “She has $43 million,” said Dranginis. “She is not destitute. She has a lot of money, more than she will ever need, no matter what the outcome.”
Is this why some of these corporate bozos need outrageous salaries?
Yep, when you are an overpaid 66 year old corporate stain getting divorced from a 36 year old European Countess == you’re gonna get screwed for the screwing you got.
I’m sure she married the geezer for love. LOL
Where it goes, from the Hartford Courant:
Automobiles: $342
Food: $350
Car service: $700
Fur storage, cleaning: $45
Dry cleaning: $650
Furniture storage: $255
Clothing: $4,500
Hair, skin care: $1,000
Entertainment, restaurants: $1,500
Physical therapy: $450
Personal trainer: $250
Horse care: $1,570
Board dues, memberships, charities: $3,467
Gifts: $1,000
Magazines, newspapers: $30
Travel: $8,000
Properties: $27,718
Gosh, even I spend far more than $342/yr on auto expenses, considering gas, maintenance, insurance, carwashes, AAA membership etc. She must be very frugal; that’s only $28.50 a month.
And $350/yr for food? That’s $0.96/day to eat. No wonder she’s kept that girlish figure.
Its not iron clad, but I think those expenses are “per week.”
The rich are different than you and me. Only thing more outrageous than her claim, is the old guy’s ability to pay it.
Divorce==often the financially wise thing for women to do. Good social engineering we have here.
# 5 bobbo said, “Its not iron clad, but I think those expenses are “per week.””
You are correct.
#5 – Bobbo
>>Its not iron clad, but I think those expenses
>>are “per week.”
Right you are, Bobbo.
Gosh. That’s a lot of money to spend every week. She spends $4500/week on clothing? $234,000/yr? She must be like Paris Hilton, never wearing the same dress twice.
As good looking a whore that she is, her clothing probably gets ripped off routinely?
I knew that Cougars are the 40 yo gals, but I just heard that “Jaguars” are the 50 year olds.
I love words.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
Well, she is “a European Countess” and they don’t come cheap.
Always reminds me of Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles talking to “Count de Money.”
I’m always giggling inappropriately at state functions.
Women always marry for love…
They divorce for money…
That was “History of the World, Part 1”, not Blazing Saddles. But I get the point anyway…
“That’s De-mo-ney!”
“Your Majesty, the pesants are revolting”
“You said, they’d stink on ice…”
Big Boy–are you THAT sure?? Seems to me he was talking to Harvey Corman, don’t remember if he was the count or not.
In any case===THANK YOU==I have good reason now to watch both again soon. Maybe with some popcorn.
Yep, here’s the YouTube:
and I forgot all about “Don’t be saucey, Bernaise!”
#7, Mustard: “She must be like Paris Hilton, never wearing the same dress twice.” For that amount of money I doubt she wears some of her dresses even once. I may be that the pleasure is in the acquisition.
In History of the World, Part 1, Mel Brooks was King Louis and Harvey Corman was Count De Money.
In Blazing Saddles, Mel Brooks was Gov. William J. Lepetomane and Harvey Corman was Hedley Lamarr.
Take your pick, both were funny movies with great one-liners…
Just more reason why in this day and age, alimony laws need to have a serious rethinking.
@bobbo #1, “when you are an overpaid 66yo corporate stain” …
… you’re used to paying too much for everything, and loving it.
I wonder at the cost to everyone else of this extravagance. Very reminiscent of feudal times and that despicable layer of barons.
[BTW, “corporate stain” == awesome]
“Rip open the diseased heart of a corporation and what spills out? People.”
~Richard K. Morgan, “Broken Angels”
This sad story is only a bigger version of what most hard working men go through when they get divorced from a money grubbing bitch. The courts go along with it every time. I applaud gay marriage, as the judges will NEVER be able to figure out which one to fuck over.
I’m broke and lovin it!!!
That’s some powerful pussy.
These guys should be told about escorts. It would save them so much money.
Well, if she only wears her clothes once, what is the $650 a week dry cleaning bill all about?
Best line in all of Mel Brooks:
Count De Money, to King Louis: Your Majesty! You look just like the Piss Boy!
King: And you look like a bucket of shit!
Gets me on the floor every time.
I love the spelling…
a lot..
And the word LOT has many meanings..
$53k per week??
Can i have that for a YEAR??
Make it 2 years..
And min wage would take 4+ years to make that much..
She’s taking money she didn’t earn, shamelessly fleecing a productive person rather than being productive herself. Where must one look to find a decent woman?
There is expensive pussy and very expensive pussy but there ain’t no cheap pussy anywhere.If you think your getting it for free you are about to pay a huge price in blood sweat and tears.QED
#27 – Rich
>>Where must one look to find a decent woman?
Apparently not to the family of Family Values Palin, as also reported in the NY Post:
It was the MOTHER of Bristol Palin’s boyfriend Levi Johnston that was arrested not him.
Whoops! My bad, didn’t read you post correctly
Sorry Mustard…