It was a little before 8 at night when the breaker went out at Emily Milburn’s home in Galveston. She was busy preparing her children for school the next day, so she asked her 12-year-old daughter, Dymond, to pop outside and turn the switch back on.
As Dymond headed toward the breaker, a blue van drove up and three men jumped out rushing toward her. One of them grabbed her saying, “You’re a prostitute. You’re coming with me.”
Dymond grabbed onto a tree and started screaming, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.” One of the men covered her mouth. Two of the men beat her about the face and throat.
As it turned out, the three men were plain-clothed Galveston police officers who had been called to the area regarding three white prostitutes soliciting a white man and a black drug dealer.
All this is according to a lawsuit filed in Galveston federal court by Milburn against the officers. The lawsuit alleges that the officers thought Dymond, an African-American, was a hooker due to the “tight shorts” she was wearing, despite not fitting the racial description of any of the female suspects. The police went to the wrong house, two blocks away from the area of the reported illegal activity
Her father was arrested for fighting to stop three, plainclothes guys who grabbed his daughter and force her into a van. He should have intuitively known they were cops and not kidnappers. Right?
“The city has investigated the matter and found that the conduct of the police officers was appropriate under the circumstances,”
No it wasn’t.
Not unless they had a lot more grounds for the arrest than they shared.
The plan cloths bit can also be more than slight problem.
Too bad this wasn’t Jack Baur’s daughter…
Look at the bright side – when all is said and done, these fine police officers have just arranged to pay for this girl’s (and her siblings’?) college education, bought the family a nice new house (no mortgage needed,thank you) and many other lovely wonderful things. So nice of them.
We all know rule one, cops are professional God like creatures that and never, never, never make mistakes.
Judges have repeatedly avowed that. No matter what the evidence, all the Judges and juries need to know is rule one.
Therefore, it’s the evidence, or the portrayal of said evidence that’s wrong.
Bow to the power of the blue uniforms (stun gun, mace, …) all ye who dare question the rectitude of the infallible law enforcement Gods.
We all know how hard and difficult their job is. It’s ok to expect and demand proper and correct situational awareness from our Armed Forces people putting their life’s on the line every day in hostile lands.
But we can not, nor should we even dare to expect and demand proper and correct situational awareness from our COPs.
COPs always deserve a legal pass.
The officers should be criminally prosecuted for kidnapping and wrongful arrest. If I were the father I probably would have gotten into a gun fight with these fucking assholes.
They are lucky they didn’t get shot. I would have pulled a weapon in that case.
touch MY KID and you may THINK you will die QUICKLY…THAT WONT be the case..
ANd the cops will be finding parts for the NEXT FEW YEARS..
#6, That’s what I was thinking exactly.
If 3 guys jumped out of a van and tried to snatch my daughter, well, say hello to my friends Smith & Wesson!
Tough typers are my fave.
I am a hard-assed law and order guy. I don’t cut criminals any slack. That said, these idiots are ALSO criminals. If they had died in a hail of bullets, it might have done more good than months of sensitivity training for the rest of their tribe.
“The city has investigated the matter and found that the conduct of the police officers was appropriate under the circumstances,”
When in a hole…
As wrong as the cops were to pull this stunt, the stupid comments about the cops “would have been shot if it was my kid” are equally wrong. Shooting the cops would only have gotten the kid killed.
Yes, I have a nine y/o kid. Yes, I would have been damned upset if someone tried to kidnap my kid. BUT, what all the idiots that think justice always comes with a little powder smoke are part of the cause for so much of the violence today.
And yes, the city will end up paying for the kid’s education and a whole lot more.
not all cops are upstanding officers. apparently some are crackheads.
Is everyone in the US packing heat these days? Damn, that depression must be really bad….
#13–Fusion, you say: “Yes, I would have been damned upset if someone tried to kidnap my kid.” /// What do you mean by this?
You see three adult men in regular clothes assaulting your child in your yard. Are YOU telling ME you would stand their with your dick in your hand and “be upset?” Or would you try to stop the evident kidnapping?
And if you had a gun handy, would you threaten the kidnappers or just start shooting them?
Now, I agree with you the blowhards on this thread are deep into their own fantasy life, but what about YOU Fusion?
What would you do? What SHOULD you do?
Anyone else.
Bonus==(any cops out there besides QB?) If you 3 man team were arresting a prostitute and her pimp came at you with a drawn gun saying “Stop It , Leave Her Alone!!” — what would you do?
heh, heh. To serve and protect===HOOMANS!!!!!!!!!
I do not think anyone logical would hesitate to kill every single one of those officers in that situation.
Im starting to think “serve and protect” is some kind of unique way of saying “screw over as many people as possible”.
also im sure the aclu is all over this with a suit already.
#17–so diceman==you would roll your daughters fate by shooting at the men who were holding and wrestling with her?
Must be quite a shot.
@18 depends on the situation,i also keep a rather large decorative war hammer over my fireplace but its solid enough to kill if need be.
you would also think that it would only take 1 cop to subdue a 12 year old while the other 2 are walking targets.
honestly I don’t see a useful alternative in this scenario,risk killing the captive or (in this situation)end up with a fate worse than death.
I can’t believe it! Even if she would have been a hooker.
Why grab her in to a van!?
I mean she is not endangering anyone.
The only reasonable think I can imagine (if I would live in a country where prostitution is illegal) is to ask her for identification and if she can identify herself ask her to leave the area.
And of course question her or ask her for a interview the next day at the police station.
There is no need to drag anyone into a unmarked van only because she/he might have done something illegal.
Land of the free – my ass.
These guys need some prison time and a manual attitude adjustment.
#19–diceman==so are you backing off your position posted at #17?? You wouldn’t “kill them all?”
Well, given a few minutes to think about it, equivocating and being irrelevant all over the place, at least you are trying to think through it.
Imagine if you “really” thought about it. War Hammers might fall out of your thought process?
I seriously doubt any of the three policemen mentioned in the story will be inconvenienced in the slightest in any way, with the possible exception of being called to testify if the civil suit ever actually makes it to trial. They might have to testify if the criminal cases ever actually come to trial.
I mean, we’re talking about Texas juries here. The state that elected Dubya governor. Not only Texas juries, not even _Houston_ juries, but GALVESTON juries.
God, I hate Houston and have always and will always go to great lengths NEVER to go there!
LOL, you guys and your penis extenders. So, you think these cops were unarmed? Untrained? Unaware?
Run out there with a gun and you’re dead. Sure, you might take one copper with you–if you’re “lucky”–but you’re dead.
This is yet another example of where NOT having a gun makes this ‘a bad situation’ rather than a tragedy for several families.
Think about that.
So when all is said and done the public has two distinct issues. These COPS (and there poor procedures) and whoever the hell “investigated the matter and found that the conduct of the police officers was appropriate”.
7 miles south of here there are plenty of pols and COPS dying. Maybe the people Galveston can send them all of vacation to TJ!
Every bad cop and shitty police force like these keystone kop dickheads and their asswipe supervision make the good cops out there look like shit.
Personally, I have never met a good cop. Do they actually exist or are they more like unicorns?
God we have to hire better cops.But who wants a job that you wear a gun to work everyday….idiots and power junkies.
#26, Alix,
Exactly !!!
#16, booboo
What would you do? What SHOULD you do?
I’d be screaming that booboo is an effen asshole. What I would not be doing is shooting holes in people holding my kid.
#30–Fusion==the article and my question had nothing to do with 3 strangers “holding” your daughter.
This response is about as germane as your free speech posting.
Just a muddle of emotions huh?
So, really===what would you do????? Sounds like nothing. Hide and try to get a description of them and your car as the perps drive off?
I’m going to look for some details of what happened in this particular case. What did the father do? What did the cops do beyond this suggestive (often misleading) headline.