
The body of Wang Diange, from the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia, was found in the wreckage of a house where he had been overseeing the wake of a previous family funeral, after mourners felt a loud explosion which took off half the roof. As it was raining and thundery, they decided that the house, and Mr Wang in particular, had been struck by lightning. The police came to the same conclusion. Further inquiries were made a few days later after Mr Wang’s own funeral. As his body was being put into the cremation chamber, it blew up spectacularly, bursting the doors off the oven.

When the fire had been put out, the only clue as to what had happened was a small twisted piece of metal, which seemed to be the glowing remnants of a screw. At first, local metallurgists were unable to determine what it was, though they noted it bore a military serial number. After a lengthy investigation, however, it was suggested it might be part of a shell casing. Inquiries revealed that the rainfall on the day of the original disaster was triggered by the local weather bureau, which had been firing shells into the atmosphere to break up hail in order to protect the local tobacco crop. Inside the shells were silver iodide, a chemical that helps to break up hail into rain. Their own investigators concluded that one shell must have failed to explode, hit the house, and lodged in Mr Wang’s body. There it passed unnoticed because of his extensive injuries, according to local newspaper reports.

As a result, and three years after Mr Wang died, his family have now received 80,000 yuan (£8,000) in compensation from the weather bureau.

Hey China, there’s this thing called an autopsy…

  1. Mac Guy says:

    At least the story didn’t involve an exploding potato…

  2. pokemon1571 says:

    I’d like to know how he got the rocket in his body in the first place.

  3. stopher says:

    So much for Chinese weather control tech.

  4. The0ne says:

    You do know there are some parts of China, in fact in every country, that isn’t as high tech or advanced as others? Lets leave those types of comments off the subject.

  5. Raff says:

    Weather rockets eh?

    Sounds eerily similar to that weather balloon that crashed in Roswell.

  6. newglenn says:

    Something blew off half the roof.
    And then another something lodged inside his body and blew up later.
    All they found were remnants of a screw which “bore a military serial number”? no silver iodide or other parts of the rocket.
    Two dud rockets came down within about ten feet of each other. What a coincidence.

  7. sargasso says:

    #2. my mind is racing.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Talk about going out with a BANG!!

    This gives me an idea. Right before I die, I’m thinking of placing a handy stick of dynamite where the sun don’t shine so I can make a memorable exit too!

  9. bobbo says:

    Ah Yea==reminds me of that joke: “If you had dynamite for brains you couldn’t blow your nose!”

    but dynamite for shit is a whole ‘nother matter!

  10. BigBoyBC says:

    Bad case of gas…


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