Little Adolf and his mom

The father of 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell, denied a birthday cake with the child’s full name on it by one New Jersey supermarket, is asking for a little tolerance.

Deborah Campbell, 25, said she phoned in her order last week to the ShopRite. When she told the bakery department she wanted her son’s name spelled out, she was told to talk to a supervisor, who denied the request. Spokeswoman Karen Meleta told The Easton Express-Times for Sunday’s editions that the store considered Campbell’s request inappropriate.

The Campbells ultimately got their cake decorated at a Wal-Mart in Pennsylvania, Deborah Campbell said.

Heath Campbell said he named his son after Adolf Hitler because he liked the name and because “no one else in the world would have that name.” He sounded surprised by all the controversy the dispute had generated.

What do you think this holds for the kid – growing up?

  1. god says:

    Twerp looks like he could star in a remake of “The Omen”.

  2. brett says:

    Jesus, the mother doesn’t look like 25 at all!

    More like 16

  3. JFStan says:

    Bullshit. I refuse to believe that they named this child for the simple reason that “no one else in the world would have that name”, and that they are “surprised” by the controversy. There is no name in history more synonymous with hatred, evil and murder than Adolf Hitler. They would have to be from another planet to not know that.

    Anyone remember “The Boys from Brazil”?

  4. meetsy says:

    the mother doesn’t look 25 because she’s married to Adolph’s father…that can’t be easy. And, what do you do with a husband who thinks it’s cute to name his kids some awful, stupid and mean-spirited names? She’s got to deal with family, friends (if any) and the long term aspects of her own kids hating her for allowing Daddy his perversions. This woman is going to look 90 by the time she’s 40!

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    If the parents don’t understand why most people are offended, they doesn’t deserve to raise the children. For the childrens sake.

  6. Rick says:

    Is there a more blonde-blue-eyed kid on the planet?

    Sure, it is all conjecture, but it seems this is another example of just how misguided people can become…

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I’m concerned about any parents who like the name Adolph Hitler and have a new blank slate, in the form of a child’s mind, on which to write their ideas and beliefs.

  8. sam says:

    My Great uncle died in the holocaust… He died D+1. He is buried in Normandy France. I would be just as offended if the name was Franklin Roosevelt or Churchill.

  9. morram says:

    Hello, is this ShopRite? Yes I’m Deborah Campbell and I’d like to order a birthday cake for my 3-year-old son Adolf Hitler Campbell and can I also get some balloons filled with the same gas used to kill the jews?

    Heath Campbell said he named his son after Adolf Hitler because he liked the name and because “it makes jews jump out of their skin”.

  10. Dallas says:

    More irresponsible people seeking attention at the expense of their children. Disgusting.

    This is why straight couples should not raise children 🙂

  11. Phydeau says:

    From the article.

    Karen Meleta, a spokeswoman for ShopRite, said the Campbells had similar requests denied at the same store the last two years and said Heath Campbell previously had asked for a swastika to be included in the decoration.

    Campbell said his ancestors are German and that he has lived his entire life in Hunterdon County. On Tuesday he wore a pair of black boots he said were worn by a German soldier during World War II.

    He said he was raised not to avoid people of other races but not to mix with them socially or romantically. But he said he would try to raise his children differently.

    Come on. The guy’s a fan of the Nazi philosophy. Probably a closeted (heh heh) member of the Aryan Brotherhood or something.

  12. bobbo says:

    #8–sam===”just as offended.” Really? On what basis?

  13. the answer says:

    How did Shop Rite not know it was a joke? They probably thought “No one in their right mind would name a kid that”. So they rejected it. Wal-mart on the other hand has no couth.

  14. ADolph says:

    For his birthday he also wanted some pet Goebbels but the pet shop refused and he got hamsters instead.

  15. #10 – Dallas

    >>This is why straight couples should not
    >>raise children.

    As if that weren’t reason enough:

    The Campbells’ other two children also have unusual names: JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell turns 2 in a few months and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell will be 1 in April“.

    Oh well. At least they’ll never be able to criticize African Americans for giving their kids stupid names.

  16. Benjamin says:

    That kid is going to want to have his name legally changed as soon as he can legally make that decision. That is if his parents don’t brainwash him first. The kid will never have a job or a normal life. He will be bullied in school. Hopefully he will blame his parents for naming him Hitler and not try to shift the blame to the Jews.

    TFA says that he also saddled his other children with horrible names. One kid has the middle name of “Aryan Nation.”

    CPS should step in and say that naming a kid Adolf Hitler is abuse and have the child raised by someone who cares about their child’s future. (Even wolves would make better parents.)

  17. Phydeau says:

    D’oh, Mr Mustard, I forgot to mention that. JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell???

    Sorry, not the Aryan Brotherhood, the Aryan Nation. My bad.

  18. Phydeau says:

    I think we should take these kids away from these Neo-Nazi parents and give them to gay penguins to raise… 🙂

  19. Benjamin says:

    A similar case happened about 30 or 40 years ago. The Moore family was planning on naming their child Joseph Goebbels Moore. After much controversy, they named him Michael Francis Moore instead.

  20. chuck says:

    Headline from 20 years in the future:
    “Supermarket denies birthday cake request for kid named George Bush”

    and possibly:
    “Supermarket denies birthday cake request for kid named Barack Obama”

  21. #17 – Phydeau

    >>Sorry, not the Aryan Brotherhood, the Aryan
    >>Nation. My bad.

    For mysterious reasons, [Eds.] cut out the picture of the proud papa from the Denver Post photo. With his rheumy eyes, bad teeth, and tattooed neck, you just KNOW he’s kicking kike keister with his Nation homies on the weekend. For some reason, he’s got a soft spot for his darker-skinned bretheren, but neither he nor the missus say how they’d feel if Adolph grew up and married Hadassah Silverstein.

    [Here’s the complete photo. – ed.]

  22. contempt says:

    Love the hypocrisy this story brings to light.

    Funny how so many consider a name unimportant and demand tolerance when the name is Hussein, but scream like a two dollar whore when the name is Adolf.

    Since both names represent a mass murderer it only seems fair to demand a little consistency.

  23. zorkor says:

    wow, talk about jews controlling america. now they have to get permission from tel aviv (israel) to name their babies. talk about pleasing the jews. what stupidity.. 😉

  24. Phydeau says:

    Good troll attempt, Contempt.

  25. jccalhoun says:

    “Funny how so many consider a name unimportant and demand tolerance when the name is Hussein, but scream like a two dollar whore when the name is Adolf.”

    Yes because Barak Obama was named after Saddam Hussein so it is totally the same thing…

  26. ethanol says:


    Why do you post on these topics?!? Every time you do, the world is reminded that you are a member of the terrorist organization Hamas…

  27. contempt says:

    #24 Phydeau


    #25 jccalhoun

    Since neither are the actual villain you must wonder why one is OK and one doesn’t get to eat cake.

  28. madtruckman says:

    wait a second here guys. lets take a step back and really analyze this story. lets say you are minimum-wage work at a supermarket and all of a sudden you get a call from (an assumption here) a young sounding girl saying she wants a cake with adolf hitler as the name on it. would you not think is a prank call and just hang up? and who’s to say she wasnt talking to someone that had some relatives in the holocaust. lots really missing from this story. but honestly, these parents need to go back to school and learn some history for sure…

  29. #22 – ‘tempt #23 – zorkor

    Wow, are you two guys really the same douche bag?


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