
“Why it’s snow, honey.”
“That’s impossible. We live in Las Vegas.”

Sorry, but daddy is right. The city where your Uncle Dave lives and it regularly gets to 115 in the summer was buried in snow today. The photos above are ones I took from my apartment balcony this afternoon. What the hell happened to global warming?!?

Both roads to California are closed. Airlines canceled flights. 3-6″ on the valley floor, 1-2 feet in the mountains by morning. Biggest snow storm in 41 years, according to one local TV station, although it’s starting to melt, then freeze at 6pm. While people from, say, Buffalo wouldn’t even notice it’s snowing at these levels, no one here (except ex-snow state escapees like yours truly) knows how to drive in it.

How’s it by you?

  1. MikeN says:

    Don’t worry, this will also be blamed on global warming. The headline I’ve seen is that this is the worst snow in 30 years for Vegas.

    Didn’t a read a post on this site about how the recent cold spell has taken us to the temperatures of 30 years ago…

  2. RSweeney says:

    anthropomorphic global warming models stopped working in 1998… they are WRONG, pure and simple.

    However, solar output and PDO models are right on track… so get ready for snow, lot’s of it, and for decades.

    And let’s get Al Gore into a nice retirement home.

  3. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Couldn’t believe there was still snow in my front & back yards when I got home, near Spring Valley, after work. I always thought it would be too warm over here on the west side for it to snow and stick around. I’m originally from SoCal so this is all new to me. Driving home down Twain it was amazing to see peoples’ palm trees and bushes all dusted with snow. This is just plain weird! Wasn’t surprised to see the Vegas a-holes still driving around like it was a bright sunny summer day, not using their brakes or turn signals as usual.

  4. Ron Larson says:

    Did the schools close today?

  5. brm says:

    “Climate change” is the explanation for any extreme weather. Except, we only have maybe what, 100 years of weather on record, so we don’t really know what “extreme” is. These people sound like religious folk who say things like, “God diddit!”

  6. bobbo says:

    #36–brm. We know exactly what the climate was for the past 100k years. Ice cores are reliable. Oh–YOU can’t read ice cores so their accurate repeatable information does not exist?

    The problem is, knowing what happened in the past is only a small help in knowing what will happen in the future. Climate is a forumla with 100’s of known factors, and 100’s more of unknown factors.

  7. PeterR says:

    Only to be expected. “Nevada” in Spanish means, literally, “snowed.”

  8. KD Martin says:

    Same thing in Big D — 3″ of white stuff and the Metroplex totally shuts down. It’s fun to watch people “drive.”

    At our observatory S. of Erie, PA, the average annual snowfall is over 130″. I’ve seen 212″. Snowblowers are able to clear the streets when the snow canyon walls are taller than the streetlights. Billboards disappear. There are days when I can’t leave the house because the doors lead to drift walls of white stuff, 10 ft. tall.

  9. Michael_GR says:

    Dave, here’s the thing about global warming: it’s *GLOBAL*. You think Snow in Las Vegas refutes it? well, here in Israel there’s barely been any *RAIN* this winter. Rainfall has been lower than the supposed average for a few years now, but this year it’s been even worse. It’s like summer never ended. Temperatures are high – average temperatures for the month of December (according to the web) are 47-66F. You know what they were in the beginning of this December? 80!
    So with all due respect I have to disagree. Global warming is here and the evidence is unmistakable.

  10. Rich says:

    Hardcore right-wing response follows:

    “Global warming, my a$$! Take that, you hippy barstard tree-hugging retards!”

    Softy lefty feel-good nonsense response follows:

    “This is merely a seasonal fluctuation. The trend is still toward global warming.”

    I’ve got all my bases covered.

  11. Sapphire says:

    What?!! It’s snowing in Vegas and here I am in Sweden, and there no’s sign of snow.

    What has the world come to!

  12. bobbo says:

    #42–Rich==Why not be honest and say your rightwingnut response is paid for by the oil companies and the left liberal position is — oh, its the one maintained by the vast majority of scientific evidence. Yet you equate the two.

    Why do you do that???????

  13. Evil Genius says:

    The thinly veiled global warming skepticism among the writing staff on this blog isn’t doing the place any favors.

    It’s not theory, it fact.

    It’s not hearsay and conjecture, it’s science.

    It’s not a conspiracy to take away your SUV. It’s an attempt to avoid a global catastrophe.

    Stick to you area of competence, namely consumer computer technology. Leave the climate science to the climatologists.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    We’ve had 30 inches of snow already, and the forecast is for 5-10 more tonight. Last year we has 134 inches total, a near-record.

    Winter starts next week.

    The good news is that I have a big-ass snow blower.

  15. Go Out N Play says:

    I just have to laugh when people say “it’s science” as if all scientific research based on facts reaches the same delusions, er, I mean, conclusions.

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #48…yeah, I know what you mean. I still say that the theory of gravity is a hoax.

  17. floyd says:

    #48: that’s a nice set of delusions you have there.
    Science is based on observations, which eventually lead to conclusions. While climatologists don’t have all the answers, they are at least observing instead of pontificating.

  18. floyd says:

    By the way, I remember an inch or two of snow on the palms in Las Vegas in 2003 or 2004 (we lived there at the time).

  19. contempt says:

    #47 Evil Genius

    >>The propane frig in my old RV did it quite effectively.

    You obviously don’t know the mechanics of your propane frig and how it works. The first basic principle of refrigeration is that cold is created by the removal of heat.

    You make your argument using “experts” that receive or don’t receive government grants depending on what they report. Sadly we are witnessing their survival technique of going along to get along.

  20. QB says:

    A little snow in Las Vegas doesn’t worry me. I have a friend in Inuvik (yup, way North) who tells me that the Inuit up there don’t have words for robins and sparrows which are now showing up in the summer.

    That makes me wonder.

  21. bobbo says:

    #54–Pedro==this is one of the funniest and smartest things I have read: “To be fair, global warming experts have based their conclusions on observations too…of computer monitors.” /// And quite right you are.

    The major scientific flaw in “climate change” is that it is “not science.” It is NOT based on observation which in itself is not science, but only a precursor.

    SCIENCE–is disproving the null hypothesis==running an experiment and getting a consistent result. That (ie–science) cannot be done on the Earths atmosphere. There is no control. No control==no science.

    Its very much like cigarettes cause cancer. We can’t prove that without a double blind experiment. Right now, it “looks like” the best evidence is that cigarettes cause cancer in the sense that smoking increases your odds of getting cancer, but even that admits to other factors.

    Same with client science. The best evidence is that increases in co2 increase the temperature, but it can only be “modeled” and not tested. Therefore, its not science in its best operation AND there are many ot her factors not taken into account.

    Its a close question–go with a consensus scientifically oriented best guess, or with the know nothing what they see out their front window nay sayers. Yes, quite a close question.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    # 56 Benjamin said, “#37 Bobbo: Where are the 100K years worth of ice cores for Los Vegas? Ice cores are limited to areas that have ICE.”

    Well, if the temp trend of the last few keeps going, there will be ice cores from Vegas to examine…

  23. gooddebate says:

    #40 Michael

    The irony is that global warming isn’t global. Somebody forgot to include the entire southern hemisphere, it’s not participating. This is why the intelligentsia have changed the term to ‘climate change’. This is a term that means nothing since the climate is constantly changing. Actually, this term shows the arrogance of the elite because it implies you can do something about it.

    I find it sadly humorous to see serious posts say that the cold is due to warming. There’s a certain insanity involved when the definitions change to suit the argument. But one thing is consistent, the left will continue to move the target.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 58 gooddebate said, “But one thing is consistent, the left will continue to move the target.”

    You mean like ignoring the fact that the Antarctic ice cap mass has been increasing for the last 11 years?

  25. MikeR says:

    A pleasant -21 in Edmonton today – I understand it’s cooler next door in Sask. and Man.

  26. randomreaction says:

    #46 contempt said:
    “Parallel to the government created financial crisis they employ this tried and true method of fear to make us relinquish freedoms we would not ordinarily give up.”

    When things make this little sense, it is usually a troll alert, but I’ll bite, even though it is OT. How do you figure that the government is responsible for the greedy bankers creating fantasy financial instruments that ran their private companies into the ground, and then come crying back to the government to bail them out?!

    Now we DID have a gov’t-created terrorism crisis that they used to force us to give up freedoms we wouldn’t normally give up.

  27. Tired of this garbage... says:

    The idea that all climatologists are honor-bound people who don’t have flaws that cause them to distort factual observations for their own gain is absurd.

    #55 – Ah, there it is. I was wondering if the more C02 = higher temps would show up here. As a fan of science, how can you disprove the notion that higher temps lead to more C02, and not the other way around?

    The “climate change” folks will keep their heads in the sand until it gets to the point where our attempts to prevent the planet from warming will end up instead cooling it and causing even more damage to society. (That’s assuming that you even believe we can drastically alter our climate.)

  28. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, couple that with scientific observations of a correlation with the sun, and finding a historical trend of carbon dioxide increasing after a temperature change instead of the other way around(from those ice cores you mentioned), and the ‘naysayer case’ is also scientific.
    Generally when you have a theory, you try to find evidence that it’s wrong, but here the opposite occurs.

    Even in the modelling, the science is very much open, but that doesn’t get said very much. Change a few of the variables, and global warming disappears.

  29. contempt says:

    #61 randomreaction
    >>How do you figure that the government is responsible for the greedy bankers creating fantasy financial instruments that ran their private companies into the ground…

    The financial situation was created by government forcing banks to make loans to unqualified applicants. Had government not strong-armed lenders into making bad loans the financial crisis we find ourselves would never have occurred.

  30. Rich says:

    Bobbo said:

    “#42–Rich==Why not be honest and say your rightwingnut response is paid for by the oil companies and the left liberal position is — oh, its the one maintained by the vast majority of scientific evidence. Yet you equate the two.

    Why do you do that???????”

    I honestly don’t know which way to flop on the global warming issue, thus the two proclamations. I do believe some (not all) of the lefties have an anti-human agenda to promote, thinly veiled by a concern for “Mother Earth”. Consider this- Washington DC, New York City, and San Francisco underwater due to global warming…that’s not such a bad thought! John C should move, though.


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