Daylife/AP Photo by Guillermo Arias

Mexican soldier guards a Tijuana police station

“Mexican drug trafficking organisations represent the greatest organised crime threat to the United States,” says the annual National Drug Threat Assessment, drawn up by the justice department’s National Drug Intelligence Center.

“The influence of Mexican drug trafficking organisations over domestic drug trafficking is unrivalled,” the report says.

Mexican gangs control distribution in most US cities and are gaining strength in areas they do not yet control, the study finds.

Mexican gangs maintain cross-border communication centres near the US border to co-ordinate smuggling, using satellite technology, VOIP, and encrypted messages.

See – there are some IT professionals in North America who don’t have to worry about outsourcing.

  1. GregA says:

    OMG, this is a horror show. I only got 15k for bonus this year;( Groan, Im middle class again.

  2. Improbus says:

    Resistance is futile … now, pass the spliff.

  3. Tomas says:

    Three cheers for Bush’s Security and Prosperity Patnership. Yeayyyyy! Another Mission Accomplished.

  4. bobbo says:

    I Disagree. The Record is Clear.

    “The greatest organised crime threat to the United States” is Congress.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    As long as there’s people consuming drugs there will always be drug trafficking.

  6. Lou says:

    Make drugs legal.
    Problem solved.
    It’s that easy.

  7. Breetai says:

    Using commonsense like that would require the government not accept money from the cartels.

  8. Dave W says:

    Actually, the study is wrong. Rite Aid and CVS now have a near monopoly on drug trafficing in many US cities. They are not, however known for perpetrating violence.

    I wonder why?

  9. Nth of the 49th says:

    #6 and #7
    Not to mention the law enforcement guys wouldn’t get all those fancy gadgets to play with and their budgets might “gasp” be lowered.

  10. sargasso says:

    Wow! They have a web site?

  11. Improbus says:

    I still think that sprinkling a DASH of hemp oil on the cars that go threw the Check points would be fun..


  12. Mr Diesel says:

    You want to stop traffic coming into the US just make it open season on anyone crossing the border from Mexico illegally or make it a “bag 20 per day” limit.

  13. Gunt says:

    The “Biggest organized crime threat in the United States” is Christianity.

  14. John Paradox says:

    # 4 bobbo said
    “The greatest organised crime threat to the United States” is Congress.

    “Congress” and “organized” in the same sentence, bobbo?


  15. bobbo says:

    #15–John==yes Congress is VERY organized. Don’t confuse their criminality with disorganization. Its how all majority votes get done.

    “It is often said most people think of Congress people as not too bright but basically honest, whereas the truth is just the opposite.” by Forget Who but don’t think it was Anonymous.

  16. billabong says:

    Drugs prostitution and gambling do not thrive without government complicity.Legalize it today!

  17. HMeyers says:

    Legalizing drugs would be a huge blow to organized crime.

    The internet managed to put piracy out of business in the USA.

    In the past, I would have been against legalizing drugs. But I don’t believe making something legal will cause someone to do it, look at cigarettes.

  18. deowll says:

    They’re big but I’d still say Congress and the Fed Gov. has the lead. They’ve blown trillions this years with just about zip to show for it.

    Of course I don’t know if Congress and the Fed gov is mainly incompatant or mainly on the take. I guess incompatant because most of them only get a tiny fraction of the money they squander.

  19. #19 – ksh3

    >> Maybe if it was legalized I would get stoned
    >>and try performing surgery while stoned.

    {snicker} Like you even know what MCATs are, much less how to get through medical school and become licensed. {snicker}

    >>From my experience with drug abusers is
    >>they don’t have a meaningful job and most
    >>are pedophiles.

    Gosh. I don’t personally know a single individual who is a pedophile. You must move in some interesting circles. Exactly what sort of experience do you have?

  20. Hugh Ripper says:

    #19 – ksh3

    >>From my experience with drug abusers is
    >>they don’t have a meaningful job and most
    >>are pedophiles.

    Surely only a stoned person would come to such a ridiculous conclusion…

  21. Lou says:

    Hey John Ashcroft.
    When you post, you should use your name.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, 22, and 23,

    Please stop picking on the retards. It is unbecoming.


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