It was said at the first “Earth Day” in 1969, “Pollution is somebody’s PROFITS” !!! What has happened since ??? Detroit makes the Lincoln Navigator SUV, a vehicle one INCH smaller than the maximum allowalble in all dimensions, with an engine to match, guzzling gas and spewing out pollution, all to move one FAT-A$$ED AMERICAN DOWN TO THE BURGER JOINT !!! So much for “intelligent” life on Earth !!!
Pollution is a net positive, it’s all good. Pollution does the body good:)
1.) It makes for a brilliant and beautifully enhanced sunset.
2.) Pollution enables a return to a natural state of survival of the fittest. The natural condition where the dumb, weak, the lame and the sick are mercilessly exterminated by pollution and climate. Dying of old age is not natural. The natural world is not the “playland” depicted by Disney cartoons. It is the constant struggle for survival perceived by Charles Darwin.
3.) Pollution cools the earth down. All aerosol and hydrometeor particles absorb thermal-IR and near-IR radiation and the strongest absorber is black carbon. The strongest near-UV absorbing organics contain nitrated aromatics, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzaldehydes …
And this is going to sound weird, but I just came back from Beijing and Tianjin, and although it’s still bad by our standards, it’s much, much better than during any other previous visit.
On my previous visit, when I was leaving the Beijing airport (about 3 months before the Olympics) the smog was so bad you literally could not see the end of the runway. And this was at 3:00 in the afternoon.
Corporate China done cheap. This is how you take over consumer markets and don’t think about the ramifications of mass production.
I guess it’s going to be a question of when China will self destruct?
Makes me feel a little better about American (but just a little).
Hey Cincinnati looks like this in the summer when you get that big Bermuda high pressure sitting in the Atlantic. It always looks worse into the sun.
I’ve been here in Shanghai for a couple of months, and although there are some awful days, I’ve been surprised at how nice it can be when the cold fronts blow through, which they have been doing more and more as we get closer to winter.
Most of you are battering China because of this? Pretty hateful imo. We do have the same pollution here. When I went up to Pomona (20miles east of LA) for college and went outside to jog I literally choked. The air was so bad for me I had to stopped myself from exercising outside. Of course, one gets use to the pollution after being there for a few years. That in itself is bad.
Without detracting too much, we have cities here just as bad. You can’t see LA on most days. Heck, I couldn’t even see the mountains right in the back of my college apartment on a bad day. All you see is this brown layered dust. Of course having the dumpsite hidden in the mountain didn’t help either. All those burned ashes falling from the mountain…yea, nice planning there alright.
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It was said at the first “Earth Day” in 1969, “Pollution is somebody’s PROFITS” !!! What has happened since ??? Detroit makes the Lincoln Navigator SUV, a vehicle one INCH smaller than the maximum allowalble in all dimensions, with an engine to match, guzzling gas and spewing out pollution, all to move one FAT-A$$ED AMERICAN DOWN TO THE BURGER JOINT !!! So much for “intelligent” life on Earth !!!
Stop buying mountains of cheap shit from China and they will stop polluting. Pretty simple really.
Pollution is a net positive, it’s all good. Pollution does the body good:)
1.) It makes for a brilliant and beautifully enhanced sunset.
2.) Pollution enables a return to a natural state of survival of the fittest. The natural condition where the dumb, weak, the lame and the sick are mercilessly exterminated by pollution and climate. Dying of old age is not natural. The natural world is not the “playland” depicted by Disney cartoons. It is the constant struggle for survival perceived by Charles Darwin.
3.) Pollution cools the earth down. All aerosol and hydrometeor particles absorb thermal-IR and near-IR radiation and the strongest absorber is black carbon. The strongest near-UV absorbing organics contain nitrated aromatics, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzaldehydes …
And your point is??? What the hell do I care? I don’t live in that country of freaks.
Choke on it West Coast!
wow, finally china has ”Shanghai-ed” itself!
Thats progress for ya
And this is going to sound weird, but I just came back from Beijing and Tianjin, and although it’s still bad by our standards, it’s much, much better than during any other previous visit.
I actually saw some blue sky two days in a row!
Yep, those damn Navigator drivers in the US need to be stopped because they’re polluting China! The horror!!
Additionally, that picture itself is a testament to how much China has improved.
When I started going over there a couple of years ago, the smog was so bad that it was a rare day when you could see half a mile.
In this picture, you can clearly see blue sky and that building in the far right background, something that never happened even just a year ago.
I’m not saying it’s good there, just better.
Just one more comment.
On my previous visit, when I was leaving the Beijing airport (about 3 months before the Olympics) the smog was so bad you literally could not see the end of the runway. And this was at 3:00 in the afternoon.
I guess we exported our pollution elsewhere
They can get sick of respiratory diseases and worse while we here in America can continue to play RockBand
This is a cycle. Industrial revolutions create pollution. It will go away, just like it did in London, just like it did here.
Cripes, that’s nasty.
How do they monitor people with all that crap in the air? Must be tough – we should import their spy equipment!
Nothing like IFR conditions under a clear blue sky. Jeez!
Cancer is slated to be the world’s #1 killer within the next two years.
Wonder why???
Corporate China done cheap. This is how you take over consumer markets and don’t think about the ramifications of mass production.
I guess it’s going to be a question of when China will self destruct?
Makes me feel a little better about American (but just a little).
Hey Cincinnati looks like this in the summer when you get that big Bermuda high pressure sitting in the Atlantic. It always looks worse into the sun.
I’ve been here in Shanghai for a couple of months, and although there are some awful days, I’ve been surprised at how nice it can be when the cold fronts blow through, which they have been doing more and more as we get closer to winter.
I live in Shanghai, and it is usually not this polluted. This is an odd picture because of the angle of the light.
Also, I can’t figure out where in Shanghai this was taken!
It looks like the photo was taken from the Kerry Center roof around 6AM. It‘s the morning mist really, around 9AM it’s gone.
Most of you are battering China because of this? Pretty hateful imo. We do have the same pollution here. When I went up to Pomona (20miles east of LA) for college and went outside to jog I literally choked. The air was so bad for me I had to stopped myself from exercising outside. Of course, one gets use to the pollution after being there for a few years. That in itself is bad.
Without detracting too much, we have cities here just as bad. You can’t see LA on most days. Heck, I couldn’t even see the mountains right in the back of my college apartment on a bad day. All you see is this brown layered dust. Of course having the dumpsite hidden in the mountain didn’t help either. All those burned ashes falling from the mountain…yea, nice planning there alright.
# 16, would they consider it CAVOK?