Click on the image – please

You can’t make this shit up!

  1. gquaglia says:


  2. syrinx says:


    You beat me to it.

  3. McCullough says:

    I feel cheated.

  4. GregA says:

    Full Screen yeah!

  5. Grey says:

    I know it was already said… but it cannot be said enough in this case. WTF

  6. Miguel says:

    WTF 3.0

  7. Rich says:

    It seems I’m missing something.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Now when I go to burger king, I really, really, REALLY want to barf.

  9. Mark Derail says:

    Geez, it’s Obvious 1.0

    Use laptop, connect to HDTV and Dolby amp.
    Choose background for the Missus.
    Invite Missus to the Den for some Talk.
    Get the FLAME going.

    (.)(.) (_._) 🙂 😉

    Now the Missus won’t mind going to BK for a flame broiled vege burger to satisfy Your Manly desire.

    // BK’s vege patties are good, but Harvey’s are better

  10. WTF OMG BBQ says:

    Wow…this is shaping up to be a slow news day.

  11. DWY says:

    Don’t miss the full screen icon (lower right).

  12. Dallas says:

    I knew Barry White was still around.

  13. pfkad says:

    Hey, home of the Whopper, right?

  14. gquaglia says:

    Just when you thought the King couldn’t get any creepier!

  15. rzwo says:

    That is hilarious! I counted 4 different scenes with the King. LOL

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    This is sooo sick I love it.

  17. EvilPoliticians says:


  18. Uncle Patso says:


    (Do not want!)

    I can’t stand to look at that creepy whateveritis when the ads come on the TV — I’m not about to willingly leap into some RickRoll from Hell with that creeeeeeeeepy mug on my hi-def monitor!

    Did someone come up with that thinking it would really _attract_ people??? _Increase_ sales??? I will probably never enter another BK as long as I live (though their fish sandwich wasn’t too bad 30-35 years ago if you customized it enough). If this ultra-creepy advertising character has actually helped BK, I may have to secede from the human race. Or, I guess I could just wait a few years until all the Whopper eaters have their coronaries…


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