• Bad news for Apple. Steve will not give keynote in 2009. Company may drop show in 2010. Apple Mac and iPhone sales slipping too. The App store is still a problem.
  • Australia allows people to use Facebook to serve liens.
  • Chip industry in the toilet and it is getting worse. How can this happen?
  • Dell falling behind. Experts think they will start acquisitions.
  • IBM ranks as most trusted tech provider.
  • New Palm OS may be Linux.

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  1. hhopper says:

    John, that laugh at the beginning scared the crap out of my cats!

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    Is that Steven Furst at the end saying, “I like candy. Do you have candy?”

    That sound bite rings a faint bell in the back of my mind, but I can’t place it.

  3. I'll Be Back says:

    Oh yea, we’re to believe the masters of hype.


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