I saw these things come off the freeway then decided to take a closer look. The red one at the back is a beauty.

  1. James Hill says:

    #21 – Worship, noted.

  2. niyoko says:



    >So you’re one of those eh?
    >To the rest, watch out for your republican friends. Now that >Jesus H Bush has left the White House the CommuNazi’s are in >charge and they’re going to make all you white people marry >black people with Muslim/chinese names and give birth to gay >dogs.

    …gheez, did #3 push a button or something? Sick of hearing people say bad things about Democrats auto plans?

    beyond that. The ’10 looks really nice compared next to that other Red ’05 (or whatever year) mustang.


    >Very nice. Ford has made great strides, both in quality and >engineering. I work for Ford and am not just tooting their >horn, this company is definitely moving in the right >direction!

    I agree with you. I think Ford has done great with the ’01-’05 Focus and the new Fusions. They, to me, are moving design and quality into a better direction then GM.

    BUT Ford is to divided to me. They have Ford Europe and Ford USA. I think Ford US needs to work more with Ford Europe with design and bring more cars over. The Ford Europe philosophy that I see is “more everything, for less price”. I use the European Focus as a great example of this. It offers more space, standard features, and cheaper price then the Golf. It also looks great. But the US Focus is horrible looking and designed compared to the Euro counter part.

    FOrd should consolidate with Ford Europe and save money by using some of the same cars. I’d say the C-Max, Mondeo, and FOcus would be a good start. Even the Fiesta might be a good one to bring over since Toyota and Honda have done with same with the Aigo/Yaris and Fit

  3. Ford blows, as well as the drivers says:

    Aw James, don’t take it personal, I’m just fucking with you.

  4. plumbum says:

    I cant believe they redid the taillights! puke!
    The retro taillights and rerto gas cap made the Mustang rule the streets again, now Ford went and changed them back to the “space-age” look , huge mistake!

  5. deowll says:

    There will always be some people who have the money to afford something like this and the traditional mustang wasn’t as big of a wallet buster as some.

  6. Named says:


    Frankly, I’m not ‘Merican so it’s pretty moot. Nonetheless I find it pretty sad that because a Democratic candidate was elected to the POTUS the “capitalist” market that is the US manifesto is suddenly null and void. I like to remind people of the inanity of that frame of mind.

  7. pcsmith says:

    What kind of gas mileage does it get?

    Can you get one with a standard transmission and a 1.8 liter engine?

  8. Special Ed says:

    If they can do this http://tinyurl.com/6fnbrd they should be able to build a decent car. You know, with 22″ rims and hydraulics and shit.

  9. JimD says:

    Mustangs in ‘Frisco ???

    Where’s Steve McQueen(Bullitt) when we need him !!!

  10. Grandpa says:

    Are these the ones they are making in Mexico? Are they hybrids or battery operated? WoW, American made cars from Mexico.
    We should really bail them out so they can build more factories in other countries. That’ll help the American bottom line eh.

  11. #32 – James Hill

    Who better to advocate for gay rights than one who is worshiped for living his dream?

  12. scadragon says:

    Just think of how many of San Francisco’s homeless people could be given shelter and food for what one of those costs….

  13. gmknobl says:

    I’m partial to the blue one. Specs? Can it corner for real – in other words have something other than a limited slip differential and old-style suspension in the back?

    I use to have a firehawk (look it up) and loved it but it wasn’t meant for sharp cornering. That’s the problem with pony cars. Great in a fast line though. It was comfortable inside though even if the sound system was a sucky Bose monstrosity that someone at GM thought was “Boffo!” And of course, going with the (T) top down, on a sunny but chilly day with the heat blasting was great, great fun I will never forget. Wish I still had it. I flipped it when I ran into a rocky hillside coming off black ice when I wasn’t even close to speeding. The mean temperature was 41 degrees except in a few small sheltered pocket valleys that had temps below freezing (obviously). The police officer (jerk) said he wanted to give me reckless driving but decided not to. He told me I was going too fast for the conditions. He was such a redneck jerk!

  14. bobbo says:

    Here’s the car I would buy===sad, the Chinese leading in innovation, even if Buffett bought into this plug-in electric.


  15. Paddy-O says:

    #46 7 hours to charge for a 60 mile range. Could be a good additional car for going to the supermarket. I don’t think that in the current economic situation, having to buy an additional car will play well.

  16. bobbo says:

    #47–Paddy==you are coming along. Congrats. Try to follow the thought: “My next car.”

    How many million Americans will buy “their next car” next year?

    Statistics bear it out: 85% of driving is less than 50 miles per day. Idiotic to think a car appealing to 85% of people won’t have a market.

    You aren’t idiotic are you Paddy? I thought not.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    # 48 bobbo said, “#47–Paddy==you are coming along. Congrats. Try to follow the thought: “My next car.””

    Try to follow. This car cannot be a replacement car for most people.


  18. bobbo says:

    OK Paddy. Lets trash this one thru. What part of 85% of people drive less than 50 miles per day don’t you understand??

    You see–any number above 50% is “most people.”

    Further–the car in the link has a gas engine to give the car much further range.

    Explain how this car, other issues being equal/ignored for now, is not a valuable option for anyone to consider?

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 50 bobbo said, “OK Paddy. Lets trash this one thru. What part of 85% of people drive less than 50 miles per day don’t you understand??”

    What part of most people WILL drive more than 50 miles many times over the course of a year?

    And, they won’t be buying an additional car just for those trips. Thus they won’t buy as their primary car, something that can’t make those trips.

  20. bobbo says:

    #51–OK Paddy, that does make sense. I guess most people are just as stupid as you understand them to be.

    Save the planet, save $100’s per year but accept the inconvenience of occasionally having to rent a gas car and spend 50-60 bucks every once in a while.


    See Paddy, I tried to meet you half way.

    Is the availability of this car a good option for certain people to entertain or not? Or is any drawback to any number of people a black ball review in your book?

    How do you think change ever comes?

  21. #51 – Paddy-RAMBO

    RAMBO, why don’t you just give it up? You’re like Bobbo with his theophobia…you have a congenital need to ridicule and dismiss anything that could possibly be good for the environment.

    So what if Version 1.0 of the electric car commodity won’t serve as a panacea for every single person? Christ, you sound like John C. Dvorak ridiculing the computer mouse. Get over it. This is the wave of the future, and you’re obviously under this bus, rather than on it.

    And also take note that it isn’t everyone’s goal in life to live in a cookie-cutter McMansion, driving 20 miles in their Humper or Naggravator to the nearest grocery store. For millions and millions of people who live in cities, towns, or who don’t have the automotive needs of a traveling salesman, 50 miles/ day is plenty. And when it’s not, there’s always planes, trains, buses, and rental cars for the longer trips.

    You should move out of Mom’s basement and get a place closer to your Radio Shack. The electric car would do you just fine. Maybe they’d even let you plug it in at work.

  22. bobbo says:

    #53–Mustard==the picture in my mind is that those radio controlled battery powered cars at the Shack are “almost” large enough to give Paddy that daily ride to work that he needs.

    Maybe two of them as powered rollerskates would work?

    Why, oh why didn’t god give us an innate desire to protect Mother Earth? Maybe he did, and the devil took it away????? Damn Devil!!!! Devil eats coal for breakfast and uses gasoline as milk. Paddy smiles.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 52 bobbo said, “Is the availability of this car a good option for certain people to entertain or not?”

    Not enough people to make it a player in the auto market.

  24. #55 – Paddy-RAMBO

    Trust me, Paddy-RAMBO, the people who are going to buy this car are not the ones who come into your Radio Shack to watch you entertain them with the remote controlled cars.

    If there are enough people willing to pay $325,000 for a car to make it “a player in the auto market”, there are plenty of people willing to buy this one. And Version 2.0 will be a landslide success.

  25. bobbo says:

    #55–Well Paddy-O==you think just like a Big Three Auto Exec–aka–Bankrupt!

    Only difference being, I assume you aren’t pulling down those Million Dollar Salaries Plus Bonus, but you probably do think you are just as smart?

    I love this blog. A real live republican. Cute as a baby rattlesnake but still poisoning society. But even in your universe, your attitude is proof positive the market “works” as long as gasoline is kept at a low enough price, yes, many Americans will prefer oversized humpers. I like the tech of hybrids since you can’t work on any cars anymore, “gas” has lost its appeal.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    # 56 Mister Mustard said, “If there are enough people willing to pay $325,000 for a car to make it “a player in the auto market”, there are plenty of people willing to buy this one.”

    Cool. Let me know when they are selling “plenty” of them in the US…

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #58 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Cool. Let me know when they are selling
    >>“plenty” of them in the US…

    Will do, Paddy-RAMBO.

    What’s your criterion for “plenty of”? As many as they sell Lamborghini Murcielagos? As many as they sell Ferrari 599s? As many as they sell Maserati Quattroportes? You must know the popularity of those cars from the sales figures of the radio-controlled ones you sell at the ‘Shack.

    Or do we have to wallow in the putrid mud of Humpers and Naggravators, that every wannabe nouveau-rich McMansionite dreams of having in the driveway? That’s a pretty high sales bar to clear, but I’ll bet that Version 2.0 will sail right over. Your bellicose ludditism notwithstanding.

  28. mac.mogul says:

    To everyone…
    Ford isn’t taking a bailout. They’re not spending your tax dollars to make their vehicles
    Ford is a global company, of course they have plants in other countries.
    Ford is going to be one of the FEW companies to bring in an automotive revolution (or at least survive long enough to see one)
    The 2010 Mustang is aimed specifically at a younger age demographic. It is high-style bang-for-buck (like always, duh) vehicle. They will sell like hotcakes, just watch.
    To all the idiots/morons/douchebags using FORD as some sort of clever acronym… Grow up. You’ve likely never driven anything that didn’t have a bow-tie or horns on the front of it.
    Allan Mullaly is the man with the plan for Ford. He’s on the right track and it shows. Ford reported profit gains in the first half of 2008 before the crunch, so what is stopping them from moving forward AFTER the crunch? Like I said before, Ford is a global company and Mullaly knows it. CEO’s in the past didn’t embrace that fact until now and Ford’s current plan for global architecture in the 2011 Fiesta and other 2012 models is probably the single most important happening in the company’s history.

    The Mustang isn’t going anywhere so all the haters are just wasting their time.

    …Meanwhile back in Dearborn… the Camaro struggles to get off the ground and the Challenger faces early retirement, story at 11.

  29. fooshka says:

    According to Ford, all their Mustangs leak rain. So, have they included a lifetime supply of Sham-Wows with the new car to allow the owner to soak up the water inside?

  30. babuska says:

    # 3 Thermo said, on December 16th, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    Too bad no one will be able to by one. Obama and Pelosi won’t let these be sold no matter how much people want them (unless it can be run on 2 AA batteries with a top speed of 15 mph and a range of 5 miles)
    Once a car Czar is appointed in the bailout, this will be the first car he stops production of.

    That is correct.

    If Pelosi wants to help Detroit she can start by canceling the CAFE standards and after that she can roll back the emission standards, t hen they wouldn’t need 25 billion to retool. You whiners about fuel economy in CA don’t realize that your very own CARB is responsible for much of the shitty performance of modern cars. Then eco douches in other states thought it was a good idea to adopt CA standards as well.

    Why would you need CAFE standards when the epa fuel mileage is printed, very large, right on the sticker?

    The CAFE standards forced Detroit to build a bunch of crappy little cars when they were not good at doing that. They had to build those and lose money on each one, so they could continue to sell their big vehicles which was what they were good at. Appointing a “Car CZar” will destroy the domestic auto industry. Can you think of anything run by the government which is run well?


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