I saw these things come off the freeway then decided to take a closer look. The red one at the back is a beauty.
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Wow! They really redesigned the lights! So innovative!
Are they going to sue you know for posting an article on their car with the logo showing?
Obsolete car from obsolete manufacturer… Skin-deep beauty.
Too bad no one will be able to by one. Obama and Pelosi won’t let these be sold no matter how much people want them (unless it can be run on 2 AA batteries with a top speed of 15 mph and a range of 5 miles)
Once a car Czar is appointed in the bailout, this will be the first car he stops production of.
Very nice. Ford has made great strides, both in quality and engineering. I work for Ford and am not just tooting their horn, this company is definitely moving in the right direction!
Someone pls. bring back Iacocca…please.
I already bought my hot rod. My next car is going to be a sensible no frills plug-in hybrid.
So they’re selling the 2010 car in 2008? I’m confused.
2010 models and it’s not even 2009. Parked is as good looking as those cars will be until they make them run off fusion energy and fly. Back To The Future is looking less and less like an awesome realism with every “up to 40mpg” car being made. Seems like it’s been 30 years of “up to 40mpg” with the only advancement beyond that being because of hybrids in the last 10 years. They definitely seem to be watering down the Tech to squeeze every dollar out of us until they can’t sell gas machines anymore. BS, I’m riding my bicycle.
So you’re one of those eh?
To the rest, watch out for your republican friends. Now that Jesus H Bush has left the White House the CommuNazi’s are in charge and they’re going to make all you white people marry black people with Muslim/chinese names and give birth to gay dogs.
By default, you ARE tooting your own horn. And Ford’s.
Buy them while you can.
Odds are that this Mustang will never see the light of full production.
Here we are at the beginning of a deep deep recession, when people are going to tighten their belts, go for reliable, practical and inexpensive.
Actually, if Ford decides to go ahead with the production of a car like the Mustang, maybe the company deserves to fail.
Leave ‘toys’ like the Mustang for specialty manufacturers… Ford needs to concentrate on real cars for real people.
I like the new updated look more than the previous mustang. I still wish they had kept it closer to the concept in 2005.
Ford Plant In Brazil – Consider this as we prepare to bail out the Big Three Automakers.
This is a video of a new Ford plant in Brazil. One look at this and each of you will instantly be able to tell what is wrong with the manufacturing plants of the US car makers and why there will probably never be another one built in the US. It will also point out why more will go off shore.
Click below:
Ford’s most advanced assembly plant
I’ll take my ’05 over the ’10. They didn’t do enough to make me want to upgrade.
So what? It’s a car. It has grease. It has oil. It has gears and it has a maintenance schedule. How can anyone give a damn about a different shaped car? Jeez.
#4, Highawker: I agree. I’ve owned two Fords recently (Focus and Ranger) and both have been at least the equal, and in some respects (and for the driving I do) superior to the similar Japanese models I had that they replaced. I think of the Big Three, Ford is best positioned to survive whatever the clowns in Washington do. At least I hope so.
Is it just me or do douchebags love Mustangs? Especially yellow ones and especially yellow convertible ones?
(Note that I’m not saying that if you love Mustangs then you are a douchebag)
#13 – Bill
>>One look at this and each of you will
>>instantly be able to tell what is wrong with
>>the manufacturing plants of the US car makers
Yeah, you don’t want to miss out on the union-bashing at the very end! And I see what’s wrong with the US car makers’ plants; they employ people! Wages! Homes! Pets! DVD rentals! How dare they do anything that supports human beings, when they could be supporting robots!?!
No, no, no…
THIS is the 2010 Mustang:
#19 – I’d rather own that one.
Since only gay guys drive Mustangs (see #14), it is appropriate that it should debut in SF.
Beautiful car, beautiful horse.
A pity we can’t get the Mustang here in Europe.
BTW the other day I happened to see a 60’s pony car at a used car dealership. I took some photos, you can see them here:
Apparently imported for someone who wants to do a restore job. Still looks good after so many years.
Any idea how much they wanted for it?
My favorite Mustang will always be my one that my great grandmothers neighbor had. It was a 68 California edition, fire engine red with a white top. It was a beautiful car that he hardly ever drove. Memories.
Quem quer um Ford Mustang? Not me! They were cool 40 years ago. Today? Not so much.
Boring…Also, each of these cars will have major problems within the first 50,000 miles!
Found On Road Dead.
#23, no I didn’t ask. Next time I stop by I can ask.
Nice try John!
Now there’s no car company bailout you are going to save the American car companies by yourself?
By posting ‘ads’like this? 😉
O..nice cars btw
Looks like a ripoff from a Foose design I saw on Overhaulin’ on Discovery. Nice lines, but hell, I grew up in the 60’s.
Fix Or Repair Daily.
I don’t think it’s going to appeal to many potential buyers. The styling is a mixture of retro and modern which doesn’t really work that well imo. The tail lights remind me of the Lotus Elise back in 85.
Add to that 2009 will see new versions of a few sports cares and this Mustang won’t be able to compete much. It really needs a new design imo, this one is already old, although I initially liked it.