Who knew? Wonder if this is true with humans.
A pair of gay penguins thrown out of their zoo colony for repeatedly stealing eggs have been given some of their own to look after following a protest by animal rights groups.
Last month the birds were segregated after they were caught placing stones at the feet of parents before waddling away with their eggs.
But angry visitors to Polar Land in Harbin, northern China, complained it wasn’t fair to stop the couple from becoming surrogate fathers and urged zoo bosses to give them a chance.
‘We decided to give them two eggs from another couple whose hatching ability had been poor and they’ve turned out to be the best parents in the whole zoo,’ said one of the keepers.
‘It wasn’t fair to stop them becoming parents and keep them apart from all the other birds just because of the way nature has made them.’
I guess it would be different if they were stealing the eggs and trying to stick them up each others asses.
#38 – SpEd
>>I guess it would be different if they were
>>stealing the eggs and trying to stick them up
>>each others asses.
Haw haw haw! Wait until you tell that one to the kids in the tree fort! That’s a real keen joke!!
#37 Pedro
I said nothing about logic, although I believe my argument logical. I’m talking about human values and morality not being applicable to a penguins behavior.
An example of an illogical argument designed to suit ones agenda would be equating ‘gayness’ in penguins to a disease, even though there is no precedent or evidence of any biological problems in the animals.
#38 – Hugh Ripper
>>An example of an illogical argument designed
>>to suit ones agenda would be equating
>>‘gayness’ in penguins to a disease,
Well, you know what they say about those who criticize the most vociferously…
Besides, ‘dro knows they don’t cotton to that kind of stuff in Kuzconia, so he’s got to be extra careful.
Pedro, I suspect that if you were a judge in the animal kingdom, you’d quickly get a reputation as the hangin’ judge! You seem to be pretty harsh when assessing the guilt of those critters for their moral shortcomings.
Your Honor, I ask for leniency as this is my clients’ first offense. They’ve already confessed to stealing eggs. Please be merciful.
#41 Pedro
For god’s sake man, they are animals. They have no sense of good or bad and act on instinct alone. They fact that penguins steal each others eggs, wallets or Ford Pintos is irrelevant. Only an idiot would judge them for that.
#42, Hugh,
I think you might have finally clued pedro in on what happened to his wallet and car after that wild drunk. I’m sure he was still wondering how those feathers got in his mouth.
Animals are capable of very simple rules only. Cunning and calculating most likely do not enter the picture.
Heh. My wife rang me at work before and asked me what I was up to. I told her I was defending gay penguins on the internet. She told me to get back to work.
I don’t quite understand the point of the article. Many species practice what for humans would be murder, rape, theft, incest, etc. Are these actions now to be good examples for humans because they are natural? Are we to believe homosexual people make the best parents because a pair of homosexual penguins were judged by some people to be superior?
#45 I almost wet myself… maybe I should get back to work too.
#46 radad
A good point. I think the article only serves, as I originally pointed out, that same sex parenting is not ‘unnatural’, as homophobes and narrow minded god botherers often insist it is.
As same sex parenting causes no harm to others and is in all likelihood not inferior to straight couple parenting, I fail to see the controversy as anything else than uninformed bigotry.
#48 Hugh,
You miss radad’s point. If the object was to show that gay parenting is normal/natural/desirable et. al. then the example chosen is laughable. Its not very strong.
By the same token we could also deduce that the road to successful gay parenting in humans would be to put gay human parents behind cages where they could raise their (designated) offspring with help from the State (Zoo Keepers).
#49 stinker
I think its a good example of gay parenting being perfectly natural. There are many other examples of this from different animal species. I dont see why humans are all that different in this regard.
As for normal, desirable, better etc, I agree that its a poor example.
#33 So Silo was bisexual, not homosexual. I’m sure that’ll make all the anti-gay fundies feel a lot better.
Heh heh.
Is it just me or is there no link in the story?
It’s good to have a mix of Financial crisis posts intermingled with Gay suggestive posts. It’s a form of therapy.
The right wingnutts can bond with the bigots (arguably redundancy) to channel their despair at gays – in this case, “gay penguins”. Oh boy, this is good.
#53 – ‘dro
>>Which kinda puts another nail on
>>that “Genetic/born-with/is-not-a-choice”
No “nail in the crowd” at all, ‘dro. Anne just likes to butter her bread on both sides (or tack her carpet at both ends, if you will).
I would have thought you, of all people, would be sympathetic to bisexuality.
Dang, looks like someone here really, really hopes he can switch back… good luck there, pal.
How is it that you are allowed to copy verbatim from news stories without referencing them anywhere!?
[Fixed — UD]