![]() Daylife/Reuters Pictures
When climate camp protesters descended on the site of the Kingsnorth power station for a week-long summer demonstration, the scale of the police operation to cope with them was enormous.
Police were accused of using aggressive tactics, confiscating everything from toilet rolls and board games to generators and hammers. But ministers justified what they called the “proportionate” $9 million cost of the operation, pointing out that 70 officers had been injured in the course of their duties.
But data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act puts a rather different slant on the nature of those injuries, disclosing that not one was sustained in clashes with demonstrators.
Papers acquired by the Liberal Democrats via Freedom of Information requests show that the 1,500 officers policing the Kingsnorth climate camp near the Medway estuary in Kent, suffered only 12 reportable injuries during the protest during August.
Injuries reported included “stung on finger by possible wasp”; “officer injured sitting in car”; and “officer succumbed to sun and heat”. One officer cut his arm on a fence when climbing over it, another cut his finger while mending a car, and one “used leg to open door and next day had pain in lower back”.
A separate breakdown of the 33 patients treated by the police tactical medicine unit at the climate camp shows that three officers had succumbed to heat exhaustion, three had toothache, six were bitten by insects, and others had diarrhoea, had cut their finger or had headaches.
Sounds like British coppers are daisies and their political bosses are liars. So, what’s new?
I’ll never forget the elderly Wiltshire police sergeant who questioned me for an hour in the 70’s. He walked into the interview room, and moisture condensed on the table top.
What a great idea – take their toilet paper!
That will let the tree-huggers truly get back to nature in a personal way.
There can be no Democracy without the right to dissent. This appears to be a concept that law enforcement officers around the world fail to grasp.
Police are definitely on edge these days, and most of the time, it’s for no good reason at all.
Look, these are a bunch of hippies. I hate hippies, but there are things I know about most tree-hugging hippies:
1 – They’re usually pacifists.
2 – Most importantly, they have the right to their own opinion, as well as the right to peacefully voice their opinion.
The smarter thing to have done would be to have sat down with the organizers, find out what their intentions truly are, lay down ground rules, then have a truly “proportionate” ratio of cops to protesters. Keep a number of officers “on call,” at the ready.
Stick to the rules, kids, and we won’t have to call in for backup. Agree to disagree.
Looks like most of the usual whiners about politics miss the point of the cops whining about insect bites – and the pols skimming the take.
They are mostly a humorless lot, said Sherlock.
That’s because the tough MFs are in the rugby clubs. The rest is a bunch of limp-wristed pansies.