Daylife/AP Photo by Alessandra Tarantino

“I wear the same shoes as Cristiano Ronaldo.”

Three men who claim they were abused by Catholic clergy in America have succeeded in naming the Vatican as sole defendant in a lawsuit and are hoping to force Pope Benedict XVI to give evidence in the case.

The 6th US circuit court of appeal recently ruled that although the Holy See, as a sovereign state, was immune from most lawsuits, the plaintiffs could proceed with their argument that its officials were involved in a deliberate effort to cover up evidence of sexual abuse by American priests.

Their case centres on a 1962 directive from the Vatican telling church officials to hide sex abuse complaints against clergy.

William F McMurray, a lawyer representing the men, who claim they were abused in Louisville, Kentucky, says the document, which became public in 2003, makes the Vatican liable for the acts of clergy whose crimes were kept secret because of the directive. He says the pope, at 81, is the only living witness to the establishment of the 1962 policy. Before his election to the papacy, Joseph Ratzinger spent 24 years heading the Vatican department charged with investigating and disciplining abusive priests, a role that would have led him to brief his predecessor, John Paul II, on the situation.

Wonder if they’ll ever get to trial?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    “and are hoping to force Pope Benedict XVI to give evidence in the case.”

    While I agree that the Vatican should be sued, a sitting head of state isn’t going to be ordered to testify. If the atty’s of the plaintiffs think this is possible, they are incompetent.

  2. revere says:

    “While I agree that the Vatican should be sued, a sitting head of state isn’t going to be ordered to testify. If the atty’s of the plaintiffs think this is possible, they are incompetent.”

    if they call him to the stand and he cannot or will not take it to give evidence then they will win the case by summary default judgement.
    its actually a VERY smart ploy when they know he will almost certainly refuse.

  3. the answer says:

    It’s plaintiff vs. pontiff in this no shame barred court match. Watch Live on Pay Per View only $99.95

  4. revere says:

    addendum: it also means he will be arrested anytime he sets foot in america on charges of ‘contempt of court’
    all in all should provide good giggles.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 2 revere said, “Wrong.
    if they call him to the stand and he cannot or will not take it to give evidence then they will win the case by summary default judgement[sic].

    If, it rains gold we’ll all be rich.

    The judge won’t allow it.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 4 revere said, “addendum: it also means he will be arrested anytime he sets foot in america on charges of ‘contempt of court’
    all in all should provide good giggles.”

    Addendum: get an education and learn what diplomatic immunity means.

  7. Thomas says:

    Not true. Just because the Pope himself does not testify does not mean that the Church will not have lawyers present. In fact, it might make the plaintiff’s case harder to win.

  8. revere says:

    i have an education 😉
    and thats why i know that even those with diplomatic status can be called to testify and charged with contempt. the focal charge of the case is not against the pope himself so diplomatic immunity dont mean squat if hes only being called to testify. he can also be arrested for ANY crime so long as he is held in his own embassy prior to deportation, alas deportation is about as much as they can do to him unless his status is revoked.
    id suggest you try nightschool, community college didnt seem to work too well for you.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 revere said, “he can also be arrested for ANY crime so long as he is held in his own embassy prior to deportation”

    Umm, wrong. As a sitting head of state the Secret Service wouldn’t allow anyone near him to arrest him. You really are uneducated aren’t you?

  10. Sea Lawyer says:

    I say we just send in our military to overthrow him. Then we can do whatever we want to him. Worked pretty well with Saddam >.<

  11. Dallas says:

    The Vatican should settle.

    For example, forgive any 3 sins (the big ones), good till 12/31/2010 midnight.

  12. JimR says:

    It’s all that coward God’s fault. At least Satan owns up to his crimes.

  13. joe says:

    nothing will ever happen, this will go to the supreme court and the 5 “catholic” justices with bitch slap them down.

  14. JimR says:

    Re: the answer: “It’s plaintiff vs. pontiff in this no shame barred court)match.”

    Good un !!!

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    Those shoes look kind of gay with the white stockings and the robe.

  16. moss says:

    Wonder if he falls down as easily as Ronaldo?

  17. WTF? says:

    How in hell can an AMERICAN court have ANY power of a different sovereign state!?!?

    The US court is do monitor the US government, not the Vatican government. That’d be like the French court deciding that Obama couldn’t be president of the USA

  18. JimR says:

    It looks like he’s doing his mime gig… “fairy trapped in a box”.

  19. bobbo says:


    Its well established that churches/religions can be sued for malpractice/crimes. Catholic church/Pope being no different.

    Seems to me that the Pope should always be held to his highest most estemed position which is head of the church, not head of State.

    Why does the Pope demean his religious role?

  20. Nimby says:

    #8 – Too bad your education didn’t include use uppercase letters.

    My question is: How can a religion be a sovereign state. anyway? And, since it is, shouldn’t all of the Roman Catholic priests and nuns need to register as foreign agents when working in the US?

    Can someone please direct me to the local RC Consulate?

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 20 Nimby said, “My question is: How can a religion be a sovereign state.”

    It can’t. But a state can be sovereign. You asked the wrong question.

  22. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #18 Jimmy – Your wrong. The photographer caught the Pope right before he took to flight. Those shoes are magical. They give him the ability to fly like Superman.

  23. brm says:

    Is this even possible? This would be like another country putting our government on trial and trying to get the President on the stand.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    #20 – Nimby

    >>Can someone please direct me to the local
    >>RC Consulate?

    The Holy See does not have an embassy, per se, in the US but neither do a lot of other countries. If you can get to New York City, you can address any concerns to the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations:

  25. Angel H. Wong says:

    If this were done by Evangelicas the “traumatized” men would be way too affraid of repisals coming not only from the Preacher/reverend/pastor but also from the brainwashed followers to come out and declare their statements.

  26. JimD says:

    Pope and Church = RICO – an on-going criminal enterprise !!! With plenty of attachable property in the USA !!! Good luck to the Plaitiffs !!!

  27. HMeyers says:

    #20 for the win:

    “Too bad your education didn’t include use uppercase letters.”

  28. JimR says:

    #22, Monster L, I stand corrected… I didn’t recognize the ruby slippers that belonged to the wicked witch of the East. The picture shows him doing a little tap dance before he took off.

  29. Shubee says:

    Not only do I agree with the U.S. Court ruling, I think that the Vatican ought to be sold to the highest bidder to pay damages to all those victims harmed by the pope sanctioning the sex abuse cover-up.

  30. Special Ed says:

    I look at this guy and think, “trick or treat!”


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