• Google re-defining net neutrality it seems to me.
  • Yahoo adding third party apps to Yahoo mail.
  • By 2020 most of the net surfing will be dominated by handsets. Har. I think not.
  • Is the PS3 dying? Some think so.
  • Twitter chooses Google not Facebook.
  • Half of women surveyed would give up sex in favor of the Internet. Better sex there perhaps?
  • Netbook promotions.
  • Microsoft losing some sales folks no thanks to recent hire.
  • Why should Intel do batteries? Its crazy.
  • FCC postpones meetings on free Internet.
  • Samsung doing 8-megapixel phone.

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  1. Geoffrey says:

    Google threatens old school TV networks with new video business.

    Wall Street Journal is owned by Murdoch.

    Murdoch owns Fox TV networks.

    WSJ attacks Google, using standard propaganda technique of blaming your opponent of doing the very “sin” that you yourself are doing.

    WOW that’s hard to figure out.



    And old school TV networks are all for it.


  2. LinusVP says:

    Yeah…too many buttons.

  3. RBG says:

    I’m not a gamer, and I can’t say anything of PS3 sales. But I guarantee you from a logic point of view the PS3 can not be dying. Why? As someone who just intensively researched Blu-ray players (I bought a Panny BD55, actually), I can tell you the fight is between Sony’s PS3 Blu-ray capability, and all the others. In other words, PS3 sets the bar for Blu-ray.

    Throwing away everything that is game on the PS3 leaves you with a top-of-the-line Blu-ray player (some say the best) for the same price as a top-of-the-line competitor. Plus the PS3 is completely software updatable, 80+ GB hard drive, faster & so forth. Go read the reviews. Gaming is an added bonus.

    Now if you’re talking about the success of gaming on a PS3, that’s something else.


  4. GregA says:


    The CNN article is predicated on the idea that the PS3 sold less this November than it did last November.

    So even as a blu-ray player it is less interesting to consumers this year than it was last year.

    For whatever reason…

  5. Zybch says:

    Also, last month the much much older xbox 360 outsold the PS3 by a factor of 3 to 1.

  6. cmboyes says:

    Last November every knucklehead in America thought his house was worth twice as much as it was this November. He also thought his investments were going to keep appreciating, instead of plummeting to record lows. He probably had a job and is now out of work

  7. JFetch says:

    The majority of people are happy with their dvds, so Blu-Ray hasn’t “caught on” with average consumers. I myself have a PS3 and dislike the Blu-Ray movies because of the different size pictures and not all of them show correctly on my tv.

    Games are what drives the market, and Sony doesn’t have many worth the price tag of the system.

  8. JFetch says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  9. Bud says:

    The thing is, Sony is losing money, apparently, on every PS3 they sell.

    But there is more than mere price killing PS3 sales. For that style of console gaming, not only are more titles being created for the Xbox, but, they are coded better for the xbox. You have the same game, but with the better experience being on the cheaper system.

    Developers have relatively no problem whatsoever doing Xbox development. If the PS3 could show true parity with game titles and quality, the difference in sales would not be so great.

    Not that the PS3 has all the disadvantages, I wonder how many of those xbox sales are people replacing their red ring of death Xbox unit.

  10. Jim says:

    I never found any compelling reasons to update from the PS2 I had… which is sitting in my den in a box at the moment. I concentrated my efforts on building a good gaming rig for one or two mmo games I play, but I have pretty much lost interest in console gaming.

    Also, because of the lack of interesting content, I’m not bothering with blooray. My hd-dvd upconverter works fine and during the supposed “war” there was never a good reason to bother with them. I compared the quality between standard dvd and hd-dvd, and while it is noticable I cannot say that I MUST see people’s freckles or individual hairs in order to enjoy a movie.

    It can be nice to be able to see a clear image of important plot points (like seeing a puzzle or a newspaper article) but until we get true-3D imagery I don’t see a reason to have super-hi-def-tv for every movie or tv show.

    It’s all about content, and they all dropped the ball and spit on it. And now they reap the benefits of wasting the consumers’ time.

  11. amodedoma says:

    To compete with Microsoft is a dangerous biz. OTH, they are SONY. Personally I know they people at SONY can make PS3 successful. The same way PS2 was successful. All they need do is ‘accidentally’ release the information necessary to ‘backup’ the games. Lot’s of gamers I know are holding back because of this issue. Pirate-ablility is what made the PS2 successful and would make the PS3 equally so.

  12. xerocint says:

    On the Netbook thing, I myself am going to buy an iBook G4 for $250 instead of an Acer Aspire One (which has a larger HDD and all that) because I know I would hate typing on that tiny keyboard while squinting at that minuscule screen. I doubt there will be any huge difference, and if any it’d be marginal. I plan on upgrading the RAM to the maximum capacity (which is at 512 MB at the moment, and I believe it will fit up to 1.5 GB) which would definitely stream line things.

  13. GregA says:


    You know, Im looking at the console business and I know this is the Tech blog’o’sphere and everything bad in the world is Microsofts faults and all but…

    Sony was pwned by Nintendo. I know Nintendo is a cute cuddly little bunny with a creamy sweet filling inside, but it seems to me that the Sony marketshare was gobbled up by the Wii. The Xbox has its fans, and its grown a little bit from there, but they certainly are not dominating the console business in any way shape or form.

    If you want to be angry at someone you should be angry at Mario.

  14. Zybch says:

    That damn Italian Plumber. Coming over hear and stealing our women, Wiis and jobs (not necessarily in that order)

  15. keaneo says:

    Just in case someone cares to actually read what Google has to say about Edge Caching and Net Neutrality – http://tinyurl.com/59mecy

  16. Named says:


    Remember that no Apple OS from 10.5 on do not support PPC.

  17. brendal says:

    2020 – will anyone still be here?

  18. Improbus says:


    Did anyone survive 2000? Come January 1st, 2020, life will go one as usual, no rapture and no second coming. I am thinking that the world in 2020 will be a little more sane and sustainable after experiencing the Great Depression II that started in 2008.

  19. Macbandit says:

    PS3 dying? Is everyone using the US sales numbers? In Europe the PS3 is one million units behind the XBox360 which came out over a year ahead of the PS3. On a world wide scale the PS3 step for step on pace with the XBox360 how could it be dying?

  20. ken says:

    Ps3 is way too much expensive. Fanboys say that it’ s due to the bluray. Fine. It should be noticed though that majority of customers just wanted to buy a thing to put near the tv and play a next-gen game. Bluray is not needed at all during this current generation of games. Maybe later, maybe when ps4 and xbox 361 will come out , not now. You can see movies with higher definition? Fine. Customers did not want to buy a cheap bluray home theater system, they wanted to play a current generation videogame. Fanboys say that if you buy an arcade xbox, you have to upgrade it and it would cost as much as a PS3. This is false: it would still cost less and anyway Microsoft at least doesn t force its customers to spend money for items they don t need: the possibility to upgrade over time lets customers choose what is needed and what is not for and according to their personal exclusive use of the console. If fanboys keep on justifying the high price with the bluray, oh well, stop comparing Ps3 to videogame consoles then, let s start comparing it to bluray and dvd readers and lets say that Ps3 is not a videogaming console but a blue ray reader with the feature of letting you play ps3 videogames.


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