Thanks to Gary, the dangerous infidel

  1. garyk says:

    Elwood: It’s 2 miles to PetSmart, we have fully charged batteries, a half a pack of puppy chow, we’re cute, and the door is open.

    Jake: Hit it.

  2. jeroen says:

    they say that owners look like their dogs. this picture of paris hilton begs to differ.

  3. Bill R. says:

    Quick! Step on it before Paris wakes up!

  4. QB says:

    Louise, no matter what happens, I’m glad I came with you.

  5. Rainbow says:

    Pst, I think they see us. Don’t look. Stare straight ahead. Keep driving. Almost there.

  6. JB says:

    Obviously this photo was taken deep inside Paris Hilton’s hoo hoo and the classic line is… If you find the car keys, we can drive out of here.

  7. m.c. in l.v. says:

    When the officer asks for my license and registration, you show him your little pink belly and I’ll tell him we were speeding to the hospital to have more puppies.

  8. Cap'nKangaro says:

    “OK We chased it. We caught it. Now what?”

  9. Pjoslin says:

    Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.

  10. Jim says:

    “You know, this new Tesla is supposed to get 200 miles to a charge.”

  11. aglue says:

    Dude, put the top down I’m f*cking freezing.

  12. FatBastard says:

    I said, “don’t piss-off the scary voodoo lady”, didn’t I? But did you listen? No! You had to go ahead and ask her what her Twitter name was.

  13. furrypotato says:

    The year is 2058, Paris Hilton & her pal Brittany go out for a spin after their latest amazing plastic surgery treatment. Forever young !

  14. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Put out or get out

  15. Maleman says:

    No, I haven’t got the steering wheel. I thought you had it!

  16. gmknobl says:

    Looks like the auto business has gone to the dogs.

  17. jerry says:

    We made a wrong turn at Albuquerque.


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