For Kindle and with free ePub version. Only $9.49 Great reading.
Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
Top Gear reviews the Tesla Roadster
Bitches in a Pink Cadillac!
Now that gas is down to $1.25 per gallon, the Chevy Volt line was sold off to Toys-R-Us in hopes of saving the company.
“Just ask for directions.”
Real men shave and drive pink cars.
There – Sleeping cat at 2 o’clock – let’s circle back and get this baby up to speed…
The economic recession has resulted in an increase in the consumption of SPAM.
You’re the one who wanted to buy this damn Telsa!
Not to worry! The cat assures me that the brakes will work this time…we just have to go faster.
New alternative fuel source “Puppy Power”
Who let the dogs out? [insert barking noises]
“yap, yap, yap. You know, Paddy-O was right, this Tesla is a fail.”
“Ferris, my father loves this car more than life itself.”
“A man with priorities so far out of whack doesn’t deserve such a fine automobile.”
You could make it make barking sounds, and sell it as an iPhone application.
John and Sebastian going for a drive.
We got the cat in the pool LAST time, think we can do it again??
I don’t care what the GPS says, I smell kibbles to the right!
Step on it… Little Stuart is gaining on us.
Whaddaya mean it’s ‘out of gas’?
And now, if you’ll allow me, Senator, here’s a picture of some cute puppies driving a car. Don’t we deserve a bailout? C’mon. Puppies.
“We need a new car — there’s so little room in here that I can’t even smell your butt.”
Mustard and Fusion’s Wild Ride
the car detroit had to build to comply with the bailout.
“Not long now, my dear. As soon as he opens the front door we head for California and a new life.”
“Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
I think so, Brain, but we’re already naked.
Yes honey, I DO see the speed limit sign…..
bloody muppet! You’re sitting on the gearshift!
Come on hunnie, if you go down on me I will take you to Taco Bell!!
NOW will you bail out GM?
Uncle Dave.
I see your puppy photo and match it with this übersugary kitty clip.