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  1. Personality says:

    It will be cool when he adds hind legs.

  2. Michael_GR says:

    More of an oversized wind-up toy, really.

    By the way, I’m getting an “access denied” page whenever I try to access from my home system. There’s this page with details about the website;s server and tha’t all. What could be the reason for that?

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    I don’t think this is street legal without a couple sidewinders and maybe some mini guns.

  4. AdmFubar says:

    wow it looks just like larry the cable guy too!!! with the added bonus of bad breath…

  5. Nth of the 49th says:

    Halitosis travels through online video now, cool, I didn’t know that.

    just in case /sarcasm

  6. JoaoPT says:

    Looks cool.
    But why in the name of hidrocarbonets, those things can’t ever be snappy? They’re always painfully slow. C’mon, can’t you guys build them at least pedestrian? I mean, something I could go to work in (just for style credits…) and not have to leave home the night before…


  7. Zybch says:

    Looks and behaves like the old Doctor Who monsters from yesteryear. All you need to escape is to walk away briskly.

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    But can it run for help when Timmy falls in the well?

    If you don’t recognize the Lassie reference, it’s only because you’re not ancient 😉

  9. Ron Larson says:

    He so needs to take that to the Sturgis Rally next year!


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