Damn, so close, so close. This would never have happened if the TSA were screening these guys.
Found by Mister Justin

  1. SparkyOne says:

    I wish I could offer a mild rebuke like that.

  2. JimD says:

    Well, they wanted to GIVE HIM THE BOOT, but none were at hand, so the SHOE WOULD HAVE TO DO !!! Lucky it wasn’t a SHOE BOMB !!! Bush would have gone out with a BANG !!!

  3. moss says:

    Bush said they were size 10’s.

  4. Dallas says:

    I admit Bush did a darn good job of ducking those shoes. Practice makes perfect!

  5. McCullough says:

    #4. He has a bright future in dodge ball.

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    His approval rating in Iraq must be much higher than it is here. There aren’t enough shoes at the mall to express my current thoughts and those of my fellow Americans.

  7. pfkad says:

    Looks like he’s had a lot of practice ducking shoes. How about it, Laura?

  8. amazo says:

    He should be ‘booted’ to Gitmo!

  9. Winston says:

    Bush exclaimed, “I smell defeet!”

  10. Winston says:

    Question from Iraqi journalist:

    “Bush, you lying dog, sir, do you now prefer Nikes or Florsheims?”

  11. Ron Larson says:

    Two thoughts:
    (1) Major fail for the secret service. Why was Bush just left standing there after the first shoe? And worse, after the second shoe?

    (2) Very unprofessional of the “journalist”. Journalism is already bad enough without asshats like him who can’t keep his personal emotions in check long enough to do his job.

  12. roastedpeanuts says:

    I know a lot of people have said Bush is slow but he seems pretty quick to me.


  13. Jopa says:

    I hope they execute this so called journalist.
    what a disgrace these arabs are…

  14. Geoffrey says:

    I guess the scene well illustrates what is meant by the cliche “waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

    And it could not have happened to a more deserving man.

  15. Unbound says:

    Well, that does it, from now on Bush won’t be seen in public anymore. He can now expect to be pelted with shoes by patriotic Americans whenever he shows his face.
    And if they make people take off their shoes before being in his magnificent presence, Americans can always behave like monkeys at the zoo, and shower him with something a little softer.

  16. Carcarius says:

    LOL… he has cat-like reflexes…. or was that his spider sense?

  17. Hugh Ripper says:

    No way would I have wasted a perfectly good shoe on GWB.

  18. Dave from Illinois says:

    Why oh why must the Daily Show be on holiday break?!

  19. jcj7161 says:

    Almost seemed like a setup or a fake…..I am 43 and would have been hit in the face by the first shoe…I just cant figure why it was faked

  20. amodedoma says:

    Is it just me or is the world going nuts! If the SS (Secret Service) can’t screen the pres from an obnoxious journalist, this trip to Iraq could’ve been a suicide mission. Mission Accomplished indeed! At least as Commander in Cheif he should be entitled to hazardous duty pay… I don’t think he’s gonna get much else from the iraqis. As president he’s been so pathetic I’m actually starting to feel sorry for him. I mean, imagine going down in history with this guys track record. I’m sure he’ll be remembered.

  21. billabong says:

    I think all those shoes Laura threw at him gave him a reflex crouch second to none.My favorite Bush moment.It even beats his Dad throwing up on the Japanese P.M.

  22. bobbo says:

    I could never be part of the Secret Service protecting the President.

    I would never take a shoe for Bush.

  23. BillM says:

    Hmmmmm….wonder where this “journalist” would be if he had thrown a shoe at Saddam?

  24. HMeyers says:


    Please don’t derail the opportunity for the “I hate Bush” crowd to vent or imagine themselves as the one throwing the shoe.

  25. orizzle says:

    lol i now hope we withdraw from that hole of a country and bomb the shizzle out of it!!! make way for Micky D’s and Super Walmarts!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!

  26. MikeN says:

    Wow, a job American journalists won’t do.

  27. chuck says:

    I didn’t think much of the Secret Service response. The guy got 2 shots off.

    Do you they’re just counting the days until Obama is sworn in?

  28. Thomas says:

    Doesn’t anyone find this to be the height of disrespect? The man is the President of the United States. Who cares if you dislike his politics, that is no excuse to treat him this way. I suppose it will be ok for someone to throw a shoe or two at Obama after he takes office if they don’t like his policies? Seriously people. Doesn’t anyone teach their children manners any more?

  29. poindexter says:

    Who throws a shoe…..honestly.

  30. jeff says:

    #28 Thomas

    I dunno, if you had invaded my country, been responsible for nearly a million deaths… I might throw more than just a shoe at you. Just because you are the President of the US does not give you a free pass.

    I am sure that at this point this person was beyond simple “manners”.


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