Damn, so close, so close. This would never have happened if the TSA were screening these guys.
Found by Mister Justin
Bush Assaulted in Iraq… by size 12 shoes!
By McCullough Sunday December 14, 2008
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#86–Thomas==now you’re being stupid on purpose right?
1. Did Katrina being BENEATH SEA LEVEL escape your review?
2. Like I said==when “everyone” has blame to bear, singling out any subset of everyone only reveals bias which you post as if it were an asset. You are being stupid and biased in an obvious way and when corrected on it, you repeat and amplify it. “It” being how partisan and thereby defective your erstwhile contribution is. IE==with the bias you show and refuse to upgrade, you are all FUD.
2. FISA. You think so little of Constitutional Rights? Must be a Bushie. For the 4th time, you refuse to say what is “unclear” about FISA or to simply admit you misstated some issue or suffered, and continue to suffer, a brain fart. More FUD.
3. Civil War. So, “DURING THE CIVIL WAR” there was no “official declaration of war?” Is that your point Buckie?? Seems to me the South Fired on Fort Sumntner and the North responded. Don’t need a declaration of war to defend if that is your point. But if you don’t think the Bill of Rights is relevant for preventing Presidential warrentless wiretaps, how does it become relevant in issues of declaring war or suspending Habeus Corpus? You really don’t make any sense at all and by that I mean==you contradict yourself. Drowning men do that when they are over their head in FUD.
Gitmo–yes, lots of taxi drivers and chauffers caught up “over there.” That will happen when you give a bounty for people turned in during a civil war. Gitmo is a few hundred people. What about the 80K who were detained at least overnight by the FBI in their post 911 security sweep?
Since you continue to blather incoherently and tangentially to the Bushie’s responsibility for Katrina, I will change tack. Fine. Bush was rereading “The Boy and His Goat” (whatever) during Katrina as it was interrupted by 911. If you think his performance was acceptable, then that is the value you set on the Office of President.
I expect more.
Imagine Bush being the target of a shoeicide attack! Iraq is not safe!
I guess sneaking in pies would have been too obvious.
RE: Katrina
You are calling ME biased?! ROFL. Talk about Pot Kettle Black. You are the one that illogically blames Bush for everything from Katrina to belly button lint.
Sure, there are many people that are responsible for Katrina. The question is who is first and foremost responsible? You want to blame Bush for all the world’s woes. THAT is bias. The people of New Orleans and Louisiana first and foremost dropped the ball in having their city prepared. It was their responsibly first.
For the 400th time, during a time of war it is unclear whether Presidential war time powers grant him the ability to conduct surveillance on US citizens perceived as enemies. He already has that ability in peace time with foreigners and it has already happened that a President was given the power to conduct surveillance on citizens (Civil War) during a time of national crisis but not war so why not during a war?
RE: Civil War
The Civil War was never officially declared as a war by Congress because it would have admitted that the South was an independent entity. Should I use smaller words so you understand? The President during a time of national crisis was given (took) the power to conduct surveillance on US citizens even though the country was not officially at war. We are technically at war where a President is granted additional powers and it is unclear whether he should not have ability to conduct surveillance on all types of enemies in the US even those that are citizens.
The Bill of Rights says nothing specifically about wiretapping. Your protection against surveillance is due to years of interpretations of those Amendments as they apply to modern technology *and* specific circumstances. That is entirely different. The Supreme Court never ruled on wiretapping protections specifically during a time of war.
IMO, Bush exploited a grey area of interpretation on his ability to conduct surveillance in order to root out terrorists in the US. You should be more worried about the next couple of Presidents using that power than Bush.
RE: Detainment
I don’t know about the supposedly 80,000 people that were detained by the FBI. That would be a problem but wouldn’t that be more of an issue of an overaggressive FBI? It sounds like more of a problem related to a knee jerk reaction by law enforcement than by Bush.
> Bush was rereading “The Boy
> and His Goat”
> (whatever) during Katrina
> as it was interrupted by 911.
I have no idea what you were trying to say here.
That your fanatical opinions prevent you from understanding or devising a coherent, logical response is not FUD. As I have said, there are valid criticisms against Bush. These are not it.
#94–Thomas, you are an idiot. What part of “EVERYBODY IS RESPONSIBLE” means just Bush?
Too stupid for further response. Amazing how perspicacious I am.
#94 – Thomas
>>You want to blame Bush for all the world’s
>>woes. THAT is bias.
No one is blaming Bush for “all the world’s woes”. We’re just saying that everything he touched, he fucked up. Be it FEMA (sure, the genius who built a city below sea level is to blame too, but Dumbya royally fucked up what the Fed was supposed to do in an emergency) to Iraq to FISA to Gitmo to the economy. I got a flat tire last week. That wasn’t Bush’s fault. You can be sure if he came out to change the tire, the transmission would have fallen out and the motor would have exploded, though.
#43 our of 43 presidents. That’s Dumbya’s legacy.
He’s been dodging the truth his whole career. That was a piece of cake and if I could meet the guy i’d shake his hand.
#81, don’t waste your time. That guy could have been launching bullets instead of shoes, and they would still be regretting that he missed.
Re-read #76 and #80. Many on the left, specifically many that post on this blog, blame Bush for the fiasco that occurred with Katrina. “Everybody” is not responsible for Katrina. The people that live in CA, NY, WI and all the other States are not responsible for bad planning by the people of NO and Louisiana. Your singular wit belays your ability to see the point.
That should have read:
Your singular wit betrays your ability to see the point.
#99 – Thomas
>>Many on the left, specifically many that post
>>on this blog, blame Bush for the fiasco that
>>occurred with Katrina.
Many all across the political spectrum blame Bush/ FEMA for the fiasco that occurred with Katrina.
I suggest you read the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, and Related Authorities (FEMA 592, June 2007) to find out what FEMA was SUPPOSED to do, and compare and contrast it with what they actually DID DO.
Why do you continue to enable Dumbyaphiles in their denial of responsibility for the massively catastrophic tragedy Katrina turned into? Sure, Dumbya wasn’t responsible for NO being below sea level, he wasn’t responsible for the storm, he wasn’t responsible for what NO and LA government officials did or did not do. The buck stops somewhere though, and in this case it stops with FEMA. Your transparent attempts to shift the blame elsewhere are akin to someone’s stovetop dinner catching on fire, and the fire department not putting it out, resulting in the whole house, then the block, then the entire city burning down. Sure, the homeowner shouldn’t have let his dinner catch on fire, he should have had a fire extinguisher, the houses shouldn’t have been built so close together, blah blah blah. The guy would have ended up with a burnt dinner no matter what, but if the fire department had done its job, the WHOLE CITY would not have burned down.
Face it. In this case, just as in so many others, Dumbya muffed up big time. Face it. He must be jinxed or something. He can’t do ANYTHING right.
On another very important note:
#67 – Paddy-O’Pinocchio
>>Except he was, from Egypt.
There you go again, Paddy O’Pinocchio. Lyin’ again.
He was from Iraq. You know, the country we “liberated”?
As typical of your responses, your analogy is flawed. Imagine that it was well known that a fire in the area of the house could ignite the entire city. They knew for decades that it was a real danger to everyone in the area and the city, county and State governments through years of corrupt politicians did nothing.
Now imagine that once the blaze starts, the local city and county fire departments leave and the State government is too incompetent to send help from elsewhere. Finally, late, the Federal government sends assistance and the management of that assistance is bungled.
You want to blame the Federal government for those problems which is entirely misplaced. Blame should go to, in order:
A: The people that started the fire. In Katrina’s case, this is Mother Nature so no dice.
B. The city, county and State that ignored the danger *for decades* which made the problem 1000 times worse that it should have been. Had the politicians in NO and Louisiana really focused on preparing for a major category 5 hurricane which could wipe out the city of NO, this would have been a non-issue.
B1. Closely related are the voters of these governments which regularly elected corrupt politicians that did not work to protect them.
C. Federal assistance.
Note that blame on the Federal government is LAST. If you do not help yourself, help from the Federal government will be crap. FEMA was *never* meant to be the single major source of help in a disaster nor was it ever all that competent.
Like I said, there are plenty of cities along the Caribbean and the Gulf that are hit by hurricanes all the time. Somehow they never have the problem that occurred at Katrina.
“Everybody” is not responsible for Katrina. The people that live in CA, NY, WI and all the other States are not responsible for bad planning by the people of NO and Louisiana.
“Cut taxes at the cost of infrastructure” Reagan Republicans deserve most of the blame.
They live in CA, NY and WI, too.
You cannot seriously believe that. Tax revenue during the Reagan administration went *UP* after the tax breaks. More importantly, the *Federal* government is not a nanny that wipes up after everyone’s problems. That is not their role. Are you telling me that the Federal government was to blame for the 1905 earthquake and fire in San Francisco? No. Lack of proper **local** fire control and building codes were to blame.
Each city has a unique set of expected natural disasters in which they are responsible for preparation. The people of Wisconsin are not responsible for damage to the city of San Francisco due to severe lack of preparation for an anticipated natural disaster.
#104–greg==of course “everybody” is not responsible. That is SO stupid I have to wonder why you respond seriously to that concept.
IN CONTEXT the everybody referred to is the Louisiana State and Local Officials, City Officials and Federal Agencies responsible for Disaster Response.
You are as silly in averring that “everyone” is responsible as is Thomas in claiming anyone thinks Bush is solely responsible.
Whats wrong with you people? Brain Damage?
Can’t wait till some of you rabid types get to know the priciple of it all when someone throws a shoe at that nigger in office now.
I have the game where Bush has to save himself from shoes. I love to play it. And I also enjoyed watching video you posted.