Joe Biden is laying plans to significantly shrink the role of the vice presidency in Barack Obama’s White House, according to an official familiar with his thinking.

It’s not just that Biden won’t sit in on Senate Democrats’ weekly caucus meetings – a privilege Republicans afforded outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney. He won’t have an office outside the House floor, as House Speaker Dennis Hastert gave Cheney early on.

Biden will not begin every day with his own intelligence briefing before sitting in on the president’s. He will not always be the last person Obama speaks to before making a decision.

He also will not, as a transition official calls it, operate a “shadow government” within an Obama administration.

One of the few ways he will resemble Cheney is in making clear his future ambitions, or lack thereof: Biden doesn’t expect to run for president after leaving the vice-presidency, according to a transition source who was not authorized to speak on the record.

“What he has said previously is that Vice President Cheney had an overly expansive view of the vice president, almost created like a shadow government inside the White House,” said the transition official familiar with Biden’s role. “Vice President-elect Biden has a very strong view that the vice president’s role is to be an advisor to the president and to be a member of the president’s team, and that’s how he’s going to be in the job.”

  1. Dallas says:

    Good to see our Constitution will again soon be preserved, protected and defended.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Sanity returns!

    Cheney probably had to do some of that due to the intelligence vacuum present in the Oval Office.

  3. gquaglia says:

    Biden doesn’t expect to run for president after leaving the vice-presidency

    That’s because he knows he’ll lose. He’s already tried twice for that spot and voters made it clear that they don’t want him as President.

  4. MikeN says:

    He doesn’t know he’ll lose. He thinks he’ll win now that he has the vice-presidency.

  5. MikeN says:

    Having an intelligence briefing makes you a shadow government? Is there no end to these conspiracy theories?

  6. Stu says:

    conspiracy theories?

    The facts speak for themselves.

    All you have to do is stop putting your party before your country.

    Love the truth and our sacred Constitution. Is that too much to ask of a citizen?

  7. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    This is because Biden is an alien. Look up a picture of Exeter from “This Island Earth”.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    The position is going back to being a “warm bucket of spit”. Not a bright move by Obama.

  9. jobs says:

    Go joe! First thing I like to do when I start a new job is to reduce the work load.

    In four years most people will go back to trying to answer the question “What’s the name of the Vice President again?”

  10. Tomas says:

    The Shadow Gov’t goes much deeper than Cheney. Obama and Biden will do nothing to affect it.

  11. Cap'nKangaro says:

    Here is something for all good conspiracy enthusiasts. The electoral college votes on Monday 12/15 and the results mailed to VP Dick Cheney, as president of the Senate. He then opens the results before a joint session of congress on Jan 06, 2009.

    Now have at it. May the most absurd theory win.

  12. doug says:

    #9. The job is supposed to be a ‘warm bucket of spit.’ When the Framers came up with it, the VP had exactly two jobs – (1) break ties in the Senate; and (2) take over if the president dies.

    Only Cheney thought of it as some Fourth Branch of Government, immune from any oversight.

  13. BigBoyBC says:

    In darkness or in light, the shadow always remains.

    From Cheney’s shadow government to Biden’s co-presidency?

    From one puppet president to another?

    Is the next chapter to be written by historians or the “truthers”?

  14. Pmitchell says:

    Hmm and this is the excuse the left comes up with trying to keep Biden from his average gaff a day remark out of the lime light

    wow that is a stretch

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I’m also guessing that Biden WON’T be on a first-name basis with the CIA folks who compile intelligence reports, making sure that even largely discredited and unlikely items are included in briefings as credible possibilities because they support administration military plans.

  16. doug says:

    #15. Um, wasn’t Cheney “out of the limelight”? He wielded enormous power within the Bush Administration, but was only occasionally the front man.

    If anything, giving Biden to the traditional VP role, which involves a lot of state funerals and ribbon-cutting, gives him the opportunity for MORE gaffes.

  17. Matt Garrett says:

    Translation, Slow Joe Biden wants more time to play golf!

  18. Dallas says:

    I can see why angry republicans are puzzled by the dismantling of Cheney’s illegal shadow government. Folks, it’s because a real president is stepping in !!

    We can now go back to the way the Constitution affords power to the Vice President. Stay tuned for how the First Lady’s role will change from baking cookies to something more productive. Change is coming.

  19. Sea Lawyer says:

    #13, Early Vice-Presidents did preside over the daily goings on in the Senate, and even in some cases set the day’s agenda. It’s just most found it a boring job and decided it better to delegate it all to the President Pro Tempore.

  20. B. Dog says:

    Simplified: Cheney will retain complete control from his bunker.

  21. Thomas says:

    The Constitution says that the First Lady is supposed to be productive? Prior to Eleanor Roosevelt, the First Lady was a slight less relevant bucket of spit than the Vice President. I’m not sure why we expect her to be productive.

  22. Sea Lawyer says:

    #22, She’ll be managing the weekly White House bake sale, selling all those cookies to pay off our ever increasing public debt.

  23. Uncle Patso says:

    # 8 SnotLikeBlasterpoop said:

    ‘This is because Biden is an alien. Look up a picture of Exeter from “This Island Earth”.’

    With the advances in miniaturizing electronics since then, his Interocitor probably fits in that lapel pin he’s wearing!

  24. Rick Cain says:

    Well at least the VP balloon in the organizational chart goes back down below the president with a line, rather than off to the upper left and not connected to any other balloon.

  25. amodedoma says:

    I think Bush was afraid that if he didn’t let Cheney have his way, he’d get invited to go hunting….

  26. Mr Diesel says:

    #24 Uncle Patso –

    I don’t know, we all know what happens to an Interocitor when it is finished. I don’t think he would want it on his lapel.

  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Sure, he has good intentions of dismantling the evil machine but wait until he steps inside the secret golden palace of Darth Cheney’s.
    He’ll change his mind. Welcome to the dark side Joe Bitten. All it takes is one small bite from the Prince of Darkness and Joe will be one too.

  28. John Wallace says:

    America’s Treasonous Lilliputians

    In 1726, Jonathan Swift wrote “Gulliver’s Travels” which was a story of an English surgeon, named Lemuel Gulliver, who takes to the high seas when his business in England fails. Gulliver’s multiple adventures begin in a place called Lilliput when he awakens on a beach after a shipwreck only to find himself immobilized and tied down by thousands of tiny threads woven around him by the very tiny Lilliputians. If Gulliver had been awake, he could easily have snapped these threads individually or in small numbers and the Lilliputians would never have succeeded in taking control of Gulliver and making him their prisoner. Those tiny threads were multiplied and woven hundreds and thousands of times by the Lilliputians while Gulliver was sleeping. By the time Gulliver finally did wake up, it was too late. He was totally incapacitated and unable to do anything. He was at the mercy of his new masters, the Lilliputians.

    Just like Gulliver, the American people appear to be either asleep or unaware of the growing danger of being incapacitated by America’s own version of the Lilliputians, who are nothing more than well financed traitors to this great country. Do not underestimate the danger. There is a network of prominent individuals and organizations, led by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), who are very much like the Lilliputians in Gulliver’s Travels. Pushing the globalist agenda of their masters, these individuals and organizations are extremely well financed by large international banking and corporate foundations and they currently pose more of a danger to America’s freedoms, liberties and sovereignty than any foreign enemy.

    After World War II, this same network of individuals and organizations were instrumental in the founding of the United Nations, which was specifically designed to be used as an instrument for the creation of the New World Order. The American delegation to the San Francisco meeting that drafted the charter of the United Nations in 1949 included many CFR members such as Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles, John Mc Cloy and the Secretary-General of the conference, Alger Hiss, who was later arrested as a communist spy for Russia, as were several other prominent CFR members.

    This growing network of individuals and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) have been instrumental in using our country’s membership in the United Nations and other international organizations to circumvent the US Constitution by gradually expanding the role and power of these international organizations in an effort to diminish our own sovereignty. They advocate giving a wide variety of international organizations ever increasing powers at the expense of the sovereignty of individual nations. They also advocate for the consolidation of international finances and money creating powers into the hands of a few private international banks. All of this is proposed for the benefit of all mankind, of course, and they always push for global organizations to solve global issues.

    The individual “threads of change” that America’s own traitorous Lilliputians use against their fellow Americans are varied and if examined individually would not appear to pose to any big danger to our way of life in America. But added together, these individual “threads of change” are placing American’s freedoms, liberties and sovereignty at risk. This is one reason that many Americans today feel that the American way of life is being attacked and challenged every single day from a hundred different directions and they are right.

    Here are a few of the “threads of change” currently being woven around America’s freedoms, liberties and sovereignty by these traitorous enemies within out own country:

    Unfortunately, the list is only a small fraction of the “threads of change” that are being woven around and through American society today by America’s enemy within. Although this traitorous network of individuals and organizations is relatively small, they have an unlimited amount of money at their disposal to use to pursue their globalist agenda.

    They advance their agenda by:

    1. Using their own group members currently in high government positions,
    2. Using individuals and research groups financed by their own non-profit foundations, and
    3. Using the media companies they own to bring pressure on government officials from several different directions at once.

    The long term plan of America’s Lilliputians has been to use a small “step by step” process, or “thread by thread” change process that is designed to slowly but steadily advance their goals while at the same time going virtually unnoticed by the majority of Americans. Unfortunately, their success in implementing their goals will gradually convert the USA from a sovereign nation into a subservient position in the new world order run by non-elected, appointed bureaucrats selected by the international bankers.

    The sheer numbers of these individual globalist “threads of change” that threaten America’s freedoms, liberties and sovereignty have been increasing dramatically in the last few decades. As these “threads of change” are very carefully woven deeper and deeper into the fabric of American society by the enemy within and are combined with other “threads of change,” they are steadily becoming stronger and more difficult to break.

    If America fails to awaken soon to the danger that these traitorous American Lilliputians pose to this country, we too, like Lemuel Gulliver, will find ourselves totally incapacitated, without individual freedoms and liberties and unable to do anything about it. The grip of these international criminals must be broken and the threats against our liberties, freedoms and our nation’s sovereignty must be eliminated before it is too late.

    If the plan of the international bankers is ultimately successful, the US constitution will gradually be superseded by international laws, rules, regulations and legal decisions of the International World Court.

    If we do nothing and the traitorous Lilliputian international bankers are successful in fully implementing their globalist agenda for America, we will all be destined to be poor, overtaxed, unarmed, bound by the chains and shackles of servitude and at the mercy of our new masters.

    By John W. Wallace


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