1. xwing says:

    Now I’m all psyched up for nothin’.

  2. ± says:

    WoW! Germans rock. Imagine Americans compiling a similar montage in German. Not likely.

  3. Jeff says:

    It was great up until they said that is the Chicago way. Does that mean we need to bribe officials, or vote early and vote often? (sarcasm)

  4. eyeofthetiger says:

    For those wondering what a plum has to do with an angry mad dog it also means: an especially desirable position, assignment, or reward.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Okay, about 1:28 in, the old, white-haired, white-bearded gent in the white robe with grey stripes: who can tell me who that character is and what film it’s from?

  6. chuck says:

    im spartacus.

  7. TridenT says:

    Wow… I felt it all inside and was just feeling all pumped up and excited, but teary too. I ask myself though, “for what?” Anyway.. I was kind of hoping it would be something better said at the end instead of INDEPENDENCE DAY. I think it could have gone better.

  8. Snarebyte says:

    @Uncle Patso, it is from the movie “The Last Starfighter”

  9. Cripes..who has the time to make all these edits?

  10. soundwash says:

    #10: hey John..

    i can name 6 personal (2-IT) friends here in nyc recently laid off from downtown, -um, (55 Water street and surrounding..) bored out of their
    minds…and they could name alot more..

    (it’s hilarious tbh..after 4months, they are
    still trying to get jobs with all the same
    perks as their former jobs..[these are
    people that used to tip me $100 for
    house calls..[[pc repair]]) -they refuse to see the writing on the wall.

    just who do you think is claiming 500K+ unemployment checks a month..just burger
    flippers? ;p

    as for the clip…too bad such inspiration has fallen on the deaf ears of the current populous..


  11. Les says:

    What no “Did I break your concentration?” or
    “Will somebody shoot this *************.”

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Thank you, Snarebyte!

  13. Taintcheese says:

    Um…I want my 2 minutes back.


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