Not Tonight Dear, I’d Rather Blog
An online survey commissioned by Intel has found, among other things, that 46% of women would rather go without sex for two weeks than give up the Internet for that long. The numbers get bigger for certain age groups; 49% of women aged 18-34 would make that choice, and 52% of women aged 35-44.
Not that males are immune from the siren call of the Web, but the numbers aren’t so dramatic. Some 30% of all men would swap sex for the Internet for two weeks, if they had to, with 39% of men aged 18-34 willing to make that sacrifice, according to the survey. Only 23% of men aged 35-44 said they would do so.
Intel, it should be noted, did not set out to prove a point about modern sexual behavior. And some people might try to poke holes at these findings; for one thing, respondents of online surveys are typically drawn from panels of people who sign up for them, which could make them imperfect proxies for all Internet users. (In this case, Harris Interactive conducted the survey for Intel, putting the questions to 2,119 adults last month).
The company’s goal, not surprisingly, was to show how essential the Internet has become to people–even during tough economic times. That’s important to Intel, since many people get online with computers that use Intel microprocessors.
How say you?
This is a no-brainer. As a married man, I would have to be HAVING sex in order to miss it.
Considering that the number of women married between the ages of 35 and 44 is 13.6 percent, these numbers seem about right.
I’m not likely to have sex in the next two weeks. I’d also like to know the kind/frequency of sex when I’m answering the survey. I get the internet all day, every day.
As a married man with a wife in the 35-44 age group, I’d say that the internet is how I cope with the two weeks without sex.
What the hell is a webinnertube?
I’ve been having to have a lot of sex lately. I keep asking her “How come we don’t talk anymore?”
I vote for a break from sex.
#5, the webinntertube is what keeps you afloat when you fall off of your board surfing the web.
#5: Interwebitubes is the hip, sparkly new way of referring to the plain, old Internet. It’s derived from Sen. Ted Steven’s description of the web as a series of tubes.
It’s a term we’re trying to get into common usage, so find interesting and innovative ways to spread it around while not having sex for two weeks. Oxford English Dictionary, here we come!

You know what I’m going to say, but it needs to be said, anyways.
Thanks for being lame. Makes it that much easier to score for those of us that aren’t.
We are very careful to avoid my wife having an interwebitubal pregnancy…
Another lame survey done by someone who doesn’t know how to survey.
For some people, accessing the internet is necessary to work, make money & live. As usual the actual battery of questions is missing.
Thus, 100% of married men surveyed currently beat their wife or, used to in the past…
We men have combined sex and the net…..thank god for porn.
There’s porn on the net? Why didn’t someone tell me?
I was going to say something clever… but I see that it has already been said!
I want a condom for my keyboard this Christmas…
As usual, the answer to all of life’s questions can be found in a Canadian beer commercial.
#8 – Unk
>> It’s a term we’re trying to get into common
You might consider getting a web site to promote the name, like Dan Savage did to promote his brilliant new definition of “Santorum”, honoring the disgraced Republican ex-senator from Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum
The word “santorum” is now firmly ensconced in the American lexicon as meaning “the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.”
Paddy and Mustard. Well, that brings this thread to a close.
#7 – Stud Muffin
>>Paddy and Mustard. Well, that brings this
>>thread to a close.
Fuckin’ A. But you’ll note the newfound brotherly love between the two of us, as we dash through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh…
Does this include butt secks?
# 18 Mister Mustard said, “Fuckin’ A. But you’ll note the newfound brotherly love between the two of us, as we dash through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh…”
# 20 brendal said, “LOL ;)”
Hey, it’s Christmas.
#1 you took the text right out of my post. I mean anybody married more than 5 years would consider himself lucky as hell if he still got it once every other week. Been married over 20 years, I’d consider giving up internet all together for some regularly scheduled sex.
Gosh. Readers of dvorak dot org slash blog prefer the internet to nookie 61% = 39%.
I guess all that militant Atheism must be tough on the sex drive.
You infidels might want to consider attending the Reverend Paul Wirth’s house of worship:
He imposes his theist beliefs on congregants by urging them to have sex every day for a month.
Not to worry, I think erectile dysfunction aids are permitted, as long as you’re healthy enough for sexual activity, and don’t get one of those pesky erections lasting longer than four hours.
Everyday for a month? Do you have any idea how much that would cost?
If the woman is pregnant and has lost her urge for sex during the pregnancy…. then “ALL I HAVE IS THE NET”!!!!!
Sorry, personal experience.
Sex & the internet: I can live without. On the other hand, don’t even ask me how I could refrain from promoting Steve & Apple.
#28 – ‘dro
When are you going to stop digging yourself deeper into that hole, and STFU?
Just because everyone in Kuzconia is either a Catholic or a drug runner doesn’t mean that’s the case universally. There are plenty of religions that don’t adhere to that silly tenet.
NOW who doesn’t know what they’re talking about? Hmmmmmmmmmmm? Who?
#32 – ‘dro
Give it up, m’hijito. You’ve been busted. Other than some quirky folks like the Catholics, very few religions consider sex a sin.
NOW will you please STFU?
For some of you guys, I would think that 2-weeks without the internet is the same thing as 2-week without sex…
I think I’ll invent a new term called “Spreading Mustard”…which refers to spreading pure crapola here at…..he gets no spam, but he gets plenty of mustard spread….