The meaning of this should baffle your friends.

Buy a T-Shirt here. You’ll be doing everyone a favor, especially me and the t-shirt company.

  1. Zybch says:

    #25 odd how your DNS host uses
    When I do the ping I get
    Could be to do with openDNS resolving the IP address differently or something like that I guess. Are you using your ISP’s DNS server or something a bit better?

    I appreciate how Adam Curry correctly pronounces certain words though, if only because it pisses you off a bit, and I agree with Rick Cain, a bright orange Gitmo color for the t-shirts would be cool.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 – Z-bitch

    >>could it be to do wi

    wtf does that have to do with anything? The server was down (or “blown up”, if you will). I made my point, that something was fucked up. And not for the first time.

    >>I appreciate how Adam Curry correctly
    >>pronounces certain words though

    I wouldn’t call affecting a chi-chi foreign accent as one approaches mid-life crisis an example of “correct” pronunciation. The guy’s from Washington DC. They don’t talk like Prince Charles in Washington DC. They don’t even talk that way in “frawnce” or “pokki-STAHN”, fer chrissakes.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #34 – ‘dro

    >>What does Unix has to do with PDP’s, Vax’s &
    >>mini Vax’s? Enlighten us, please.

    If you had done what I suggested, ‘dro, and STFU and done some research, you would not only know what a tautology is, but you would know what PDPs and VAXen have to do with Unix. (I never mentioned mini VAX, but the same principles apply).

    Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie wrote the first Unix OS for the PDP-7 (later PDP-11); the first commercial release by AT&T (System III) also included support for the VAX-11. Back in the day before every pimply-faced jerk-off could fiddle with Linux on a PC in his mama’s basement, Unix only ran on PDP and VAX platforms.

    You should read some of those “Whatever happened to…” articles on the right side of the screen. You might learn something about the history of computing.

    In the meanwhile, STFU.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #36 – ‘dro

    >>So, you rather run unix on a vax than VMS?

    ‘dro, you’d be well advised to take my advice, and STFU. Unix was available years before VMS.

    And regardless of that, while you may be the CTO of Kuzconia, I’m not. I didn’t decide what operating systems to use, I just used what was available to me at the time.

    As to your piss-poor putdown of me for not using VMS (or RT/ RSX), I’ve used RT-11 and RSX-11 too, as well as VMS and OpenVMS. Along with Multics, OS/2, BeOS, CPM, OS/360, DOS, DR-DOS, Windoze, Windoze NT, Solaris, BSD, Linux blah blah blah. Whatever takes to get the job done. I am not a holy-rolling OS fetishist, as you seem to be. An OS is a means to an end, not an end unto itself.

    >>I bet you really ran DOS and are saying you
    >>ran Unix to make yourself important.

    ‘dro, if you think that by claiming to have used Unix I’m trying to “make [myself] important”, you REALLY need to STFU. Right now.

  5. jwilliams says:

    I bought a shirt and will wear it to piss people off.

    The slowness of this site seems to have something to do with the pathetic ad servers.

    OK, the site is free and supported by the ads (and shirts), and I get that – I bought a damn shirt. And having a man-crush on Dvorak I’m willing to tolerate a noticeable delay but a more casual ‘reader’ won’t be, page views will decline and the site will either get worse or go away.

    Now you may have stats showing page views and unique visitors increasing and congratulations for that. I’m telling you your infrastructure sucks and you’re soon going to lose people faster than you gain them.

    Fix it.


  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #38 – jwilliams


  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #40 – ‘dro

    You’re failing to make any sense. You’d best STFU right now. I never claimed that Unix on a VAX was the “be all” OS on those machines. I didn’t even like it too much.

    I didn’t really get all that hot and bothered about VMS or OpenVMS either.

    Come to think of it, I have a hard time getting whipped up about ANY operating system, unless it’s a piece of worthless dog shit like Vista. That, I get whipped up about. And not in a good way. For the most part, OSs are just a background process that let me get my work done. Or, as in the case of Vista, interfere with it.


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