Falling snowflakes glimmered in streetlights, so wide that they billowed to the ground like parachutes, and so tantalizing that even awestruck adults reached out their hands or stuck out their tongues to catch one.

By Wednesday evening, the flakes were big enough to hold their shape for a moment on the street before melting into the pavement, and a dusting had collected on parked cars in some parts of town. The flurries tied a record for Houston’s earliest snowfall ever and warmed the hearts of winter weather lovers who have pined for snow since it last made an appearance on Christmas Eve 2004.

“I’ve got a pot roast in the Crock-Pot, and I’m going to go home, change into my warmest pajamas and eat pot roast and enjoy what may be the only real winter day we have all year,” said Tina Arnold, an Illinois native who took advantage of the wintry backdrop to pick up Christmas presents Wednesday at The Woodlands Mall. Since 1895, records indicate, snow has fallen this early just once — on Dec. 10, 1944. Ali Ahly had been cooped up in an office all day when he stopped to gas up his white Mercedes-Benz near the corner of Hillcroft and the Southwest Freeway at 7:30 p.m.

The 43-year-old, wearing jeans and a leather jacket, stepped out from under the gas station canopy and looked up as the downy flakes sifted toward him. Then he stretched his hand toward the sky. “This is real snow,” he said. “I feel like I’m in Lake Tahoe.”

This global warming thing is starting to sound bogus.

  1. MikeN says:

    Way to make excuses for China with that ‘per capita’ bit. Nevertheless, China’s emissions are increasing, while the US’ are decreasing, so we are still looking at solving the problem there first.

  2. steelcobra says:

    Global climate change: Yes, it happens.

    Is it necessarily man made? Not really. Man-made sources account for maybe 1% or less of greenhouse gasses. And these gasses, once they hit a certain density, have as much reflective capability as they do in trapping heat.

    Natural deposits of CO2 and methane convert to gas with only a couple degrees change.

    Is the increase of heat going to cause storms? Historical records say no. In fact, in medieval times, when temperatures were much higher, there were less catastrophic storms and higher prosperity.

    As to whether plants benefit, they do in fact grow faster, larger, and produce better fruit with significantly higher CO2 concentrations. And produce companies take advantage of this fact, pumping higher concentrations into their greenhouses to boost yields safely and efficiently.

  3. Mr. Clarity says:

    Over 650 Scientists Challenge Global Warming “Consensus”



    Barnum said, “A fool and his money are soon parted.”

    The U.S. Taxpayers have already been raped to the tune of $30,000 each since October…that’s right, EACH. Ad in inflation and the total soars to over $120,000.

    As soon as the date rape drug wares off there will be riots in the streets the likes of which have never been seen in the U.S.

    Most of these scum responsible for the rape are fleeing to countries with no extradition treaties with the U.S.

    They believe they’ll be safe…they are WRONG.

    These are the real TERRORIST. Remember, your either for us or you are against us.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #36 – Mr. Clarity

    >>Over 650 Scientists Challenge
    >>Global Warming “Consensus”

    Big woop.

    650 out of how many? A million? Ten million? They got more than 650 “scientists” to sign the “Scientific Dissent from Darwinism” petition. You know, the one that holy rollers use to promote the teaching of Creationism in science class, where humans are riding around on dinosaurs?

    Using a liberal enough definition of “scientist”, the number of potential “scientists” is virtually infinite.

  5. steelcobra says:

    In addition, to anyone using computer models of weather, the smallest block they can currently use is 500 square miles at the global scale. Not exactly the precision needed to actually measure weather patterns.

  6. Mr. Clarity says:

    # 37 – Mister Mustard

    Let me guess, you were one of Pavlov’s dogs in a past life.

    If you’d bothered to read the article you would have seen that it IS A BIG WOOP.

    FYI: The phrase is no longer “GLOBAL WARMING” because the globe is no longer warming, the phrase is, “CLIMATE CHANGE”!!!

    So what is the IPCC shooting for???, A “STATIC CLIMATE”

    The Hegelian Dialectic was the means by which the IPCC consensus was derived which means the consensus was, is and always will be…BULL$HIT.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #40 – Mr. Clarity.

    I did RTFA. Even after I noted that it was posted on the web site of Alex Jones, extreme-right-wing radio personality, conspiracy theorist, and veteran of a failed campaign for Republican state representative in Texas. And that it was formatted to look like an article you might find in the on-line version of a “legitimate” publication, like the NYT or World News Daily, even though it’s just the unedited ramblings of random wingnuts who agree with Jones.

    I was never a dog in Pavlov’s lab (I was always more of a fan of the Rescorla-Wagner theory of classical conditioning, so I must have been a rabbit), however I think I may have discovered YOUR current lot in life:


    And “Hegelian Dialectic”?? w00t!w00t! You’re scarin’ me with all that book larnin’!! You must be one smart fella to have identified the derivation of that cockamamied Global Warming nonsense. Are you sure it wasn’t Buddhist or Socratic or Hindu dialectic though? How about Marxist dialectic? That sounds like some commie shit to me!!! Global Warming! Commie, pinko shit. Jawohl, mein Herr!!!!

  8. bill says:

    Ice a mile thick where New York Used to be!!! WOW!

  9. Mr. Clarity says:

    #41 Mister Mustard

    Nope, it’s the Hegelian Dialectic: Problem, Reaction, Solution!!!

    Must have struck a nerve. You did everything but address the issue, that being HUMAN CAUSED GLOBALWARMING (slash) CLIMATE CHANGE IS BULL$HIT!!!!

    GLOBALWARMING (slash) CLIMATE CHANGE Religious fanatics are so difficult with which to reason.

  10. Bored Duck says:

    A little warming would actually be welcome around here (Northeastern USA). Then I wouldn’t have to schlep so much firewood…my last tank of heating fuel was over $1K! Bring on the global warming, anthrogenic or whatever it is, and I’ll be more than happy to pump out less CO2 into God’s universe.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #46 – ‘dro

    You’d have to pull a Blagojevich to get a job as a lab assistant.

    As to Global Warming, it’s incontrovertible. No matter what the oil company-funded “scientists” proffer as their bought-and-paid-for “opinions”. Even Republican Arnold Schwarzeneggar has capitulated.

    Give it up, ‘dro. You and Mr. Clarifying Lotion can gnash your teeth until they’re down to stubs. It makes no difference.

    The vote is in. The die is cast.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #48 – ‘dro

    STFU. Really.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    “This global warming thing is starting to sound bogus.”

    Nooooo! Really?! And only “starting to” now? Interesting that as long as the climate is a bit too warm in Texas, that the Chicken Littles of climate science can make a case via the news media. But not until the snow and ice beings to pile up in TEXAS! Is G.W. possibly considered to be a bit of a flop. I’m REALLY getting sick of hearing how the whole damn world revolves around what happens in TEXAS! And the blizzard conditions happening everywhere else, just don’t seem to count. Half the eastern seaboard is frozen over, right now! And Texas gets a few flakes, early. STOP THE BLEEDIN PRESSES! Yeah, maybe if enough Texans are inconvenienced, Global Warming should be rethunk. But not until, eh?

  14. bobbo says:

    I think the key word in “Global Climate Change/Warming” is GLOBAL.

    Global means the whole world. Not Texas, Not the NorthEast USA, not what is outside your front door. Not 6 weeks, not early this year.

    Silly Hoomans.

  15. Bored Duck says:

    I used to live in Tucson, where they now and then have winter snow (hint: don’t drive anywhere around there until it melts…a lot of folks there are just not used to northern-type winter weather).

    One of the most ridiculous things I ever saw was a palm tree covered with snow. Wish I had a pic of it but my unfortunately my camera was broken at the time. I’m sure someone else must have caught one, though.

  16. bobbo says:

    Pedro, I’d love to help you out, as well as Mister Mustard, the deserving potential recipient of your constant and seasonal goodwill, but caught in the rapture that he is, I think our help is beyond Mustard.

    No, we must take people on their own terms, unbelievable as they may be from time to time. I think half the time he tells anyone to stfu, he is doing it with humor, but the other half of the time, he is just being lazy or recognizes he has no legitimate response. The former case is often accompanied with loads of vile and profane hebephrenic outbursts and the latter by too worn excuses like “you don’t make any sense.”

    All a dodge. All a heavy sauce to cover up the rotten meat underneath.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #55 – Bobo

    How appropriate that you and ‘dro should team up.

    You two deserve each other. Many happy returns 😉 😉 )

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 40 Mr. Clarity said, “So what is the IPCC shooting for???, A “STATIC CLIMATE””

    Yes, they want that which has never existed. Actually, they want grant money, lots of it.

  19. Bored Duck says:

    #53 – Say what??
    I know this article has rolled off, but I just wanna state that “God’s universe” is from what my Mom used to say when I was a kid and left windows open in wintertime, i.e. “Don’t do that…you’re just helping heat up God’s universe”. Perhaps I should’ve put His name in all lower case, because I’m really just one of those fence-sitting agnostics at heart. (pretty sensible in a way, I hope)

    Devout atheism is just a different kind of religion as far as I’m concerned.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #60 – BD

    >>Devout atheism is just a different kind of
    >>religion as far as I’m concerned.

    Heh heh. Prepare for an attack from the devout Atheists. They don’t believe nothin’, and they don’t believe it with such fervor that they’ll beat you down for saying they don’t believe what they believe. You must NEVER interfere with or lampoon their fantasies of being bold and saucy, hip-and-happening, avante-garde, a little bit dangerous, existential intellectual blah blah blah. That is not allowed.

  21. steelcobra says:

    MM, you’re an ass, an offensive retard, and a believer in Al Gore’s great fallacy.

    And I did all that without having to say that I’m an Atheist.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #62 – LimpSnake

    Heh heh heh! There’s only one thing a fella can say to you: Get Stuffed!


  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #64 – ‘dro


  24. bobbo says:

    It goes something like this:

    Religious Nut Job: I believe the Earth is 6000 years old.

    Reasonable Person: I think the overwhelming evidence is that the Earth is Billions of years old. What is your evidence?

    Religious Nut Job: The Bible, I’m religious and I believe it. What church do you go to or don’t you believe in God?

    Reasonable Person: I follow evidence where it takes me and I never believe a single source that cannot be confirmed.

    Mister Mustard===well you are an atheist and you are just as religious as me!!!! wah, wah, wah!!! If I’m stupid and religious then so are you!!!

    And somehow these humanoids are otherwise functional.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    #67 – Bobbolina

    >>Mister Mustard===well you are an atheist and
    >>you are just as religious as me!!!! wah, wah,
    >>wah!!! If I’m stupid and religious then so are

    At least you’re admitting it Bobbo. That’s the first step.

  26. MikeN says:

    Temperatures are down globally. NASA and James Hansen tried to hide it by using bad data for Russia, but again one of those amateurs busted him.

    Has anyone looked at the list of temperature monitoring stations they are using worldwide? I keep seeing posts about bad stations(which they definitely are), but I wonder if this is just a select few or if this is a systemic problem.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 69 MikeN said, “Temperatures are down globally.”

    As some posters have asserted, Global warming has noting to do with actual temperatures. It has to do with computer modeling & theories. If the computer says that there is warming it doesn’t matter what real world data shows.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #70 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>As some posters have asserted, Global warming
    >>has noting to do with actual temperatures.

    No one has asserted that, Paddy-RAMBO. They have asserted that global warming has nothing to do with what the hottie in the tight sweater tells you the weather will be tomorrow.

    Meteorology is not climatology. Look them up.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    # 71 Mister Mustard said, “Meteorology is not climatology. ”


    So? Falling global temps still = no global warming. ROFL


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