Falling snowflakes glimmered in streetlights, so wide that they billowed to the ground like parachutes, and so tantalizing that even awestruck adults reached out their hands or stuck out their tongues to catch one.

By Wednesday evening, the flakes were big enough to hold their shape for a moment on the street before melting into the pavement, and a dusting had collected on parked cars in some parts of town. The flurries tied a record for Houston’s earliest snowfall ever and warmed the hearts of winter weather lovers who have pined for snow since it last made an appearance on Christmas Eve 2004.

“I’ve got a pot roast in the Crock-Pot, and I’m going to go home, change into my warmest pajamas and eat pot roast and enjoy what may be the only real winter day we have all year,” said Tina Arnold, an Illinois native who took advantage of the wintry backdrop to pick up Christmas presents Wednesday at The Woodlands Mall. Since 1895, records indicate, snow has fallen this early just once — on Dec. 10, 1944. Ali Ahly had been cooped up in an office all day when he stopped to gas up his white Mercedes-Benz near the corner of Hillcroft and the Southwest Freeway at 7:30 p.m.

The 43-year-old, wearing jeans and a leather jacket, stepped out from under the gas station canopy and looked up as the downy flakes sifted toward him. Then he stretched his hand toward the sky. “This is real snow,” he said. “I feel like I’m in Lake Tahoe.”

This global warming thing is starting to sound bogus.

  1. CommieRepublican says:

    The earth is flat,there is no Manmade Global Climate Change, Santa will bring me a new CO2 footprint in a bottle of Coke,there is no Evolution we are all made from clay in God’s kiln. Hallelujah!

    31000 scientists were adamant that the sun revolved around earth which was still.
    Uncle Ben PLEASE come out of the 100$ bill we need you NOW the town’s fools are taking over the Town Hall!


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