• Google Chrome ultra secure, they say.
  • Sony virtual online gaming off to a rocky start.
  • Microsoft warns about a zero day IE attack.
  • President Bush opposes free broadband mandate.
  • Early Dark Knight VOD to be released ASAP to catch Christmas.
  • Microsoft phone coming at CES? Maybe, but they deny it.
  • Palm will bring new OS to market though.
  • More on the nude teen posted pics. One in five do it!
  • Sun Microsystems shutting down Scotland plant.

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  1. brendal says:

    Lots of editors are skipping CES this year…

  2. GregA says:

    If microsoft managed to keep an Xbox 360 Phone secret right up until a month before CES, that would make it the best kept microsoft secret of all time…

    I have no idea if they have a phone

  3. Improbus says:

    A phone from Microsoft? The jokes write themselves.

  4. B. Dog says:

    After subjecting so many phone designers to the agony of working around the bugs in Windows Mobile, it would be in keeping with Microsoft’s character for the behemoth to bring out a phone using the other companies hard learned lessons to crush the competition.

  5. QB says:

    I think it will be a long while before we seen a significant new MS phone.

    Palm OS? Too little, too late. They should use their brand name to bring great devices and software to the major phone platforms – beside MS of course.

  6. James Hill says:

    Why so much talk about the second most important tech show during January?

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 1 brendal said, “Lots of editors are skipping CES this year…”

    I noticed that Showstoppers is at the Wynn this year. I hate that hotel. They’ll be lots shrimp left over. LOL

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    #8 – Paddy-RAMBO

    Hey, is that the prize you won for being “District Counter Boy of the Year” at the ‘Shack? A trip to CES? Kewl.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 Mister Mustard said, “Hey, is that the prize you won for being “District Counter Boy of the Year” at the ‘Shack? A trip to CES? Kewl.”

    CES? Don’t go to it. Reread my post.

  10. brendal says:

    #9 – MM, if you only KNEW who Paddy-O really was, well, you’d kick yourself – REALLY HARD…but, then again, you do that already.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #10 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>CES? Don’t go to it. Reread my post.

    I read your post the first time. It was a waste of time re-reading it. You said that you hate the Wynn Hotel, and the there’d be a lot of shrimp left over.

    You never mentioned not going.

    Makes sense, though. Probably the only thing happening in Vegas that you’d be interested in would be the tittie bars (if you could afford them, on that Radio Shack salary).

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #11 – Brenda Lee

    >>MM, if you only KNEW who Paddy-O really was,
    >>well, you’d kick yourself – REALLY HARD…but,
    >>then again, you do that already.

    For a minute you had me worried, Miss Lee. Reading “Paddy-O really” for the first time, I mistook it for “O’Reilly”. I though you were going to tell me he’s really Loofah Pad O’Reilly! Now THAT would be scary. The last thing I need is some perv leaving me voice mails about scrub-a-dub-dubbing me in the tub-a-tub-tub me with his Loofah Pad. Eccch.


    And I think I know enough about Paddy-RAMBO from his postings on here to draw my own conclusions as to who is “is”. And it’s not a pretty sight.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 12 Mister Mustard said, “You never mentioned not going.”

    I never mentioned CES. Reading is fundamental ya know.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #14 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>I never mentioned CES. Reading is
    >>fundamental ya know.

    You got me on that one, Paddy-RAMBO. I assumed that when you were talking about Showstoppers in Las Vegas, you were talking about the CES show.

    Silly me.

    I know you’re only interested in the tittie bars in Vegas, so I guess you’ll be heading over to the Wynn to scrounge some of that leftover shrimp.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    The dark knight: Biggest turd since Catwoman and everyone’s praising Heath Ledger because you’re not supposed to say bad things about dead people.

  16. angussf says:

    Would you trust your browsing history to a company whose revenue stream depends entirely on advertising to you?

  17. Greg Allen says:

    Palm is the best OS I own.

    – It goes for months without crashing. (Years, maybe!)
    – It boots up in less than a second.
    – It uses very few resources, letting me focus on the application.
    – I never have to mess with it.

    That being said, it’s long overdue for a full update — PALM, PLEASE DON’T CHANGE ANY OF THE ABOVE!

    I always get afraid when companies “improve” something that is currently working well.

    My one suggestion: change from synchronizing to drag-and-drop.


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