1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Total “Car-ma”

  2. mcosmi says:

    TOTAL B.S. This is FaaaaAAkee

  3. Greg Allen says:

    I had to Google “pwoned” — obviously I’m not a gamer!

    So, what the vote? Set up, right?

    Still. Funny.

  4. sirfelix says:

    Like most elections, the fix is in.

  5. Mac Guy says:

    A buddy of mine (who truly is not a BSer) told me about his best friend a few years back when companies were putting boots on cars. Said friend came back to his car one day to find a boot on his car. At first, he was dismayed, but he had a sudden realization: his locksmith tools are in the trunk.

    So, being a professional locksmith, it was a matter of moments before he had the boot off and wrapped around a tree.

    The boot company tried to take him to court, and he simply said, “you put something on my car, and I have the right and ability to take it off without damaging it. I’m not paying you.”

    He won the case.

  6. cheapdaddy says:

    So the truck was…Shanghai’d?

  7. danijel says:

    #6 I buy it. The point is that in some jurisdictions they cant issue a ticket unless they give it to you in person. So they lock up your car and you have to call them to take it off. If you can take it off (without damaging it) they could have a problem proving you broke any law.

  8. newglenn says:

    Watch how long before the tow truck driver seems to notice that his rig is moving.

  9. Dave W says:

    Oh, those Asian women drivers!

    But obviously a setup. Are we to believe that the tow truck is sitting there out of gear, with the brake off? Not very likely, and if not, then either the car couldn’t budge it or the truck would have to be dragged with its wheels skidding.

  10. JFStan says:

    Front wheel drive, be-yotch!! 🙂

  11. the answer says:

    Wow. it’s a shame that the “Soccer Mom” mentality has reached all corners of the globe. Even though I do believe that this is a setup.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Nope, its bullshit.

    You don’t tow from the back unless it is a rear wheel drive whenever possible. If it had to be towed from the back, there would be dollies under the front wheels. Otherwise you would ruin the transmission and possibly the engine if it was left in gear.

  13. stopher says:

    She should have drove the truck to her house and then charged the driver to get it back.

  14. hhopper says:

    Probably shot for an ad.


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