• AOL intends to make hay with Bebo.
  • FCC chairman criticized to an extreme.
  • Study indicates that kids pass dirty pics of themselves routinely. “These kids!”
  • Microsoft mammoth security update. Check it out.
  • Netbooks said to be more popular than the iPhone. Sounds like a publicity stunt.
  • More stories about the $99 iPhone.
  • Apple bricking PCs running bootlegged OS-X.
  • HP says the cloud is a crock.
  • Jerry Yang apparently has no successor.

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  1. GregA says:

    What no storey vilifying Microsoft for causing Netflix to layoff all those people?

  2. ECA says:

    Cellphones Pics?? WHO cares..ITS PRIVATE ISNT IT?? better then SHOWING OFF personally..

    $99 iphone?? IT it had ability to take Micro SD, MAYBE..

  3. chuck says:

    I’ve been sending out dirty pics of myself for years. All I get are restraining orders.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    quot! quot!

  5. Improbus says:

    It is a sad day when children are prosecuted for child porn. What is wrong with people? They are all ideology and no common sense. *sigh*

  6. tim says:

    This story is useless without pictures

  7. Buzz says:

    I am shocked! Shocked I say…

    Then again, maybe not. I mean how many shots of naked this or that appear here in the great example pages of this very blog?

  8. allenrisler says:

    If you really find it appauling that teens swapping self pics are being arrested for child porn, do something about it. Write your representative and help get these stupid laws reformed. Hundreds of Thousands of young laws are ruined over these stupid laws that due more harm than good, waste valuable resources, and violate human rights. Mr. Dvorak, this was a lame article, full of I don’t knows. This is a huge problem People need to get the truth. This happened to my son! See my video at changingthelaw.com.


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