Times Online – December 8, 2008:

Gandhi would have welcomed the support given to the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) by Handicap International. That is the French charitable organisation that has been awarded a Nobel prize for its work with people left crippled and handicapped in Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries by landmines.

Exploding hidden landmines remain a considerable danger, but one that has been overtaken by diabetes as a reason for the amputation of younger people’s legs around the world. Diabetes now accounts for 70 per cent of all lower limb amputations. Hence the decision of Handicap International, while continuing to work in Vietnam, Cambodia and other former war zones, to add to its agenda the WDF campaign to reduce the incidence and improve the treatment of diabetes in developing countries.

  1. cboss says:

    I thought the graphic for this story was a little misleading. My son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was six, and it wasn’t the fault of a crappy diet. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are very different things. A little education goes a long way.

  2. #1 – cboss,

    Of course, you’re correct. As a type I diabetic myself, I fully understand the difference. Please do remember though that 80% of diabetics are type II. Type II has reached epidemic proportions and often is the result of sedentary lifestyle and obesity.

    I would point out another difference between land mines and diabetes though. One is a disease. The other is a weapon buried in the ground for the purpose of blowing the legs off of children decades after the war is over.

    So, while we may work to lessen the incidence of diabetes, land mines should quite simply be made illegal under the Geneva convention. They are truly atrocious weapons.

  3. dahoove says:

    That’s like saying alcohol causes more pregnancies than coffe does.

  4. SN says:

    That’s like saying alcohol causes more pregnancies than coffee does.

    Which is completely true, so what’s your point?

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 2 Misanthropic Scott said, “land mines should quite simply be made illegal under the Geneva convention. They are truly atrocious weapons.”

    You should get current. The US is already phasing out persistent land mines.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Don’t forget those picky-eating adults whose idea of a vegetable servig is enough bread to hold a piece of meat and that drinking a gallon of soda every day is a normal thing to do.

  7. SN says:

    6. “vegetable = bread

    Ah, the wonder of starch. Don’t forget french fries covered in salt, fried rice cooked in pork, and mashed potatoes covered in gravy!

    But if you really want to each some healthy vegetables, there’s always the taco salad.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    Blame the FDA food pyramid

    The majority of your diet is supposed to be starchy carbs..

    Sure keeps the medical profession in clover though.

  9. #8 – Paddy-O,

    You don’t really believe that obese humans are thinking about food pyramids do you?

    Besides, carbs are not the problem. The source of carbs may be. If you eat whole grains, baked potatoes and the like, they won’t be so bad. If you eat bleached white flower, white rice, and pasta, it may be another story.

    In reality, for a healthy diet, just remember that for 95% of human existence, we were hunters and gatherers with diets that varied by season and by location and the exercise of being nomadic.

    For optimal health, we should do what we can to mimic the existence for which our bodies evolved. When we sit on our asses watching TV and eating burgers and fries, we’re not even close.

  10. #5 – Paddy-O,

    # 2 Misanthropic Scott said, “land mines should quite simply be made illegal under the Geneva convention. They are truly atrocious weapons.”

    You should get current. The US is already phasing out persistent land mines.

    And, of course you obviously believe that the U.S. is the only country ever to use land mines. Right?

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 Misanthropic Scott said, In reality, for a healthy diet, just remember that for 95% of human existence, we were hunters and gatherers with diets that varied by season and by location and the exercise of being nomadic…”

    Correct. Chop off the bottom of the pyramid. Carbs (other than in fruit/vegetables) & starch weren’t really part of that diet. Lean meat, vegies & fruit are about it.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 10 Misanthropic Scott said, “And, of course you obviously believe that the U.S. is the only country ever to use land mines. Right?”

    Unfortunately, outside of a few areas we probably have deployed a huge % over the last 2 decades.

    Also, if we produce them other countries that still use them may follow our lead or buy from us. Persistent mines are a problem for troops of the deploying side too.

  13. #11 – Paddy-O,

    Correct. Chop off the bottom of the pyramid. Carbs (other than in fruit/vegetables) & starch weren’t really part of that diet. Lean meat, vegies & fruit are about it.

    That explains a lot. Please reread my post. Carbs are important. Carbs supply the only food that the brain can use. Without carbs, you get light headed and can’t think clearly. Perhaps this has happened to you.

    The important thing is to eat healthy food. That can and should include carbohydrates. Just remember to avoid the completely empty processed ones like bleached white flour. (Yes, I did just notice my typo in the prior post. Sorry.)

    Just in case you missed it in your light headed state, eat some good carbs.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    # 13 Misanthropic Scott said, “That explains a lot. Please reread my post. Carbs are important. ”

    No. Fruit & vegies supply ALL your body needs.

    You took bio chem in college, right?

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #9 – Scottie

    >>If you eat whole grains, baked potatoes and the
    >>like, they won’t be so bad.

    Make that baked SWEET potatoes, and you’re cooking with gas. Good, and good for ya!

  16. Rich says:

    # 11 Paddy-O said
    “Correct. Chop off the bottom of the pyramid. Carbs (other than in fruit/vegetables) & starch weren’t really part of that diet. Lean meat, vegies & fruit are about it.”

    Figure they lived mostly on animals caught and wild vegetables, with occasional fruit. Note none of these items includes concentrated sources of carbohydrates. I believe the dietary problems occur when we concentrate carbs into sugar and wheat flour and such. I now try to emulate this “caveman” diet, and allow myself sugar once a week as a treat.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    # 16 Rich said, “Note none of these items includes concentrated sources of carbohydrates. I believe the dietary problems occur when we concentrate carbs into sugar and wheat flour and such.”

    Correct. Thus, the food pyramid could be renamed the pyramid of death. Or, at least pyramid of diabetes. The body, using the “caveman diet” produces everything else it needs (including adequate blood sugar).

  18. Paddy/Rich,

    Your “caveman” diet is surprisingly devoid of tubers that are high in healthy carbohydrates. Again, do not cut your brain off without any food. Tubers count among the vegetables.

    You should also note that those most at risk of type II diabetes are those of us genetically most likely to survive the binge and starve cycle of a hunter gatherer as well. That is the survival benefit of that particular gene.

    As for type I diabetes, it is thoroughly and completely unrelated to diet, as noted above. The survival benefit of that particular gene appears to be that it makes the fertilized egg that will become a person who has at least one such gene more likely to implant in the womb.

    Anyway, eat a healthy diet. Don’t go low carb. It starves your brain.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 18 Misanthropic Scott said, “Your “caveman” diet is surprisingly devoid of tubers that are high in healthy carbohydrates. Again, do not cut your brain off without any food.”

    You are clueless on how the body produces blood sugar. A high school level bio chem course would be good for you.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    Here’s the diet. “The scientists reviewed dietary data from archaeological sites and from bone examinations, and also looked at the health and diet of remote peoples who still are hunter-gatherers. They found that meat, fish, shellfish, leafy vegetables, fruit, nuts, insects and larvae were the main ingredients of the human diet during the Palaeolithic period.”

    “It may be more than a million years old, but a regime of organic meat, or a leg of game bird, accompanied by fresh leaves, nuts and fruit, washed down with water, is just about perfect for the human body.”

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    #19 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>You are clueless on how the body produces
    >>blood sugar.

    Looks to me like you’re the clueless one when it comes to biochemistry, Paddy-RAMBO. You probably think the Krebs cycle is what you go through every time you hook up with those naughty girls at the carnival (those krebs shoor do itch, don’t they?) and gluconeogenesis was how the Virgin Mary got pregnant.

    I guess training for that Radio Shack job didn’t include any biochem, did it?

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and retired Mall Rent-A-Cop,

    Sorry, but that light headedness is showing. A balanced diet including whole grains is best.

    Yes, the cave man ate what he could, when he could, if he could. And had maybe 1 in 4 or 5 births make it to adulthood and then be dead before they were 30. So what is your point?

    When mankind discovered agriculture and the raising of grains and animals their life expectancy rose as did their general health. All those healthy carbs, as Scott pointed out, help increase their brainpower so they could rationalize better and discover more and more secrets of the universe.

    Except for Radio Shack stock boys.

  23. bobbo says:

    Every study for the past 75 years has shown that EVERY diet benefits from more exercise. Its a bitch, but the truth we don’t want to hear.

    The life extension advocates have shown that in fact a reduced caloric diet delays old age effects and extends life “on average.”

    So, its “life style” rather than diet alone that gives us the old age diseases. What is old age but slowing down? If you slow down as modern life demands, you get the old age sedentary diseases as well.

    Figures our schools are removing PE from the cirriculum. As with everything else in USA, we are doing exactly the wrong things all the time.

  24. Lou says:

    Another thing the non smokers can look forward to.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    Both are still problems to be solved though.

    Old age is responsible for 100% of all deaths too, something must be done!

  26. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    I wish I could use land mines and other booby traps to protect my yard.

    As far as diet goes, the 5 basic food groups are sugar, salt, meat, alcohol and caffeine. Thus every meal consists of salty meat followed by something sweet for dessert. You wash it down with coffee in the AM and beer in the PM.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:


    That is commonly referred to as the “Asshole Diet”. It is very commonly used by current assholes and those who want to see their assholes dissolve in the colon cancer.

  28. As the name suggests, gestational diabetes occurs just in pregnant women. This kind of diabetes occurs as a result of some dilemma inside the placenta. As a result, the pancreas doesn’t produce sufficient insulin which causes the blood sugar levels to improve more than regular.Typically this form of diabetes is diagnosed throughout 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. When the woman is being checked for gestational diabetes, she will likely be informed not to eat anything for 4 to 8 hours prior to the test.


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