DAVIS, Calif. — Fish in the San Francisco Estuary are contaminated before birth with a toxic mix of chemicals, leading some university researchers to wonder what the effects might be on people in the Sacramento region and the Bay Area.
Offspring of striped bass in the estuary had underdeveloped brains, dysfunctional livers and inadequate energy supplies, University of California, Davis scientists found.
Researchers found a mix of pesticides, industrial chemicals and flame retardants are being passed from mothers to their eggs.
One of the flame retardants found in the fish in this study, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, have been found in Bay Area women’s breast milk at levels 100 times those measured in women elsewhere in the world, according to the release.
This can’t be good.
Found by Jay.
Not good, but it IS San Francisco Bay, which has been a cesspool for decades and decades. To quote the great Tom Lehrer circa 1965, “The breakfast garbage that you throw into the bay, they drink at lunch in San Jose.”
Climate change/global warming is a myth.
Instead we should be spending our time and money on stopping this kind of pollution.
Who cares about carbon dioxide?
We should be focusing on these human-made complex chemical compounds that cause symptoms we are only beginning to understand.
Isn’t being flame retardant a good thing? I don’t think fish need that as rivers don’t catch on fire on the West Coast—but being flame retardant is a good thing for babies wearing untested flash clothing from China.
I don’t think the unnecessary protection of fish outweighs the benefits to the children. What level of this material is needed in the blood to achieve flame proof?
Science on the march. A good thing.
And they are not going to spend a dime on fixing the problem just because SF is full of gays and lesbians.
“Offspring of striped bass in the estuary had underdeveloped brains, dysfunctional livers and inadequate energy supplies, ” – Fish are not too different from us. This could explain the SF…
Chemicals may well explain SF. Way to many psudo estrogens in the environment.
SF gets its drinking water from the western slopes of the Sierras, just north of Yosemite, from the Hetch Hetchy Reservior. It also gets some from Clear Lake, north of Santa Rosa. Neither watershed for both lakes is from developed agriculture land. So the drinking water for the SF Area is safe and doesn’t contain the crap that these fish are drinking.
The rivers that feed the SF Bay, primarily the Sacramento River, gets its water from the Central Valley and the northern part of the San Joaquin Valley, both highly developed agriculture, housing, and even industry. Other lesser rivers (such as the Napa River), are the same, just on a smaller scale.
The sad fact is that the SF Bay is central California’s toilet. There is a lot of pesticides and crap that end up flowing out The Bay. So this is not surprising.
I did the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon once, part of which is a swim on Alcatraz Island to SF Marina. It wasn’t the cold, the currents, or even sharks that bothered me. It was the idea of swimming in that crap water that bothered me most.
So the drinking water comes from other places . . It’s all ok cause it gets flushed out to sea, right? Nobody eats fish anyway.
It’s all connected, folks – everything. Just because we haven’t figured out all the connections, doesn’t mean it isn’t so.
Probably too much butt secks.
ITs strange..
1-2 chemicals in our food and water..
Food processors using STRANGE concoctions..
fun chemicals being made and used, including DRUG manufacturing POUR OFF..
Then comes the idea, WHAT DONT MIX WELL, and What 2 things MIXED make WHAT?
So, it must be a menu item in some of the upscale restaurants. This just is too perfect an explanation for the behavior of select citizens in SF. Did Harvey Milk swim in the bay?
# 4 Angel H. Wong said, “And they are not going to spend a dime on fixing the problem just because SF is full of gays and lesbians.”
I think you have it backwards. SF is full of these types BECAUSE of the pollution. Genetic damage.
And the heartland is full of sick people because of all that inbreeding.