- Barnes and Noble shows its new “Nook” e-book reader.
- Apple shows refresh of new Mac. Cheaper and better.
- NASA to launch the Ares IX rocket.
- Net neutrality in the news.
- Video game sales falling.
- Beatles Rock Band add-in was a dud.
- Meteors coming.
- AMD shows triple-core chip.
- Microsoft working on update of Windows Mobile.
- Canon clunker comes out to compete with Nikon clunker.
- Cloud computing gets attention in Europe.
- HP says cloud is dubious.
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“Beatles Rock Band add-in was a dud.”
I’m a huge Beatles fan but I knew it would flop. With the exception of a few songs the Beatles rarely ever rocked. Guitar Hero and Rock Band works best on those songs you can help but want to air-guitar to. And that’s basically what both of those games offer, a complicated way to air-guitar to your favorite songs.
I am a huge beatle fan, and got the game the day it came out, and it is great. I only recently started playing the “guitar” games, and I love it.
The beatles have lots of GREAT songs, that are super fun to play and sing along with.
#1, I am guessing you haven’t played it… because if you are a fan, it is hard to not enjoy it.
I think the reason it flopped is that the typical “guitar” game player is not a beatle fan.
2. “I am guessing you haven’t played it…”
I own both Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour, so I’ve played both.
If you mean I haven’t played the Beatles version of Rock Band, you’re correct. I have not. I also would not want to.
I was a musician for decades, and only once did I ever play a Beatles song. Except for maybe the early stuff, they’re just not a “fun” band to jam too.
You can jam out (god I’m old) on Hendrix or the Who all fricken night, but the Beatles… I don’t know…. I guess their songs were so “perfect” there’s no real reason to cover them. And there’s no real opportunity to stretch them out and jam.
To me the Beatles are for listening to, not pretending to play along with.
I love the Beatles, but I don’t know why anyone would want to tap along with them on a plastic guitar.
John, do you pronounce “ate” like the word “at?” Ares is pronounced the way it is for the same reason, the A is a long vowel. 😉
I like the “Ares I” name for the new rocket, and I look forward to the Ares I-X test launch. It’s a big deal, Obama seems to be holding off on announcing his plans for the space program until the Ares I-X test is complete and the results come back from the LCROSS “moon bomber” experiment.
After the overly-expensive disaster that has been the Space Shuttle program I look forward to seeing Saturn I & V’esqe vehicles. Whether or not we need to go back to the Moon or go to Mars is up for debate, but it will be nice to have a reasonably priced vehicle for doing stuff in orbit.
ya well the Beatles suck… they can put out a Bing Crosby rock band next!
Beatles? Flopped? No shit? Octogenarians? WTF? How?
#3 ooh ooh I can do it, too!
Hendrix? Never played along, but I can tell it wouldn’t be fun. The Who? Love ’em, but I know it wouldn’t be any fun to jam with their songs.
See? Prejudice is easy.
Yeah, the very definition of prejudice
Part of the problem is the game peaks in the first thirty minutes.
The early Beatles, before they climbed into the introversion of drugs and religion, is where the fun is (even though the songs are extremely easy even on ‘expert’).
The rest of the game is, frankly, a bit of a slog. Interesting if you’re a fan, but largely not worth the effort.
My opinion only, of course, but the marketplace seems to have taken a similar view.
Re Beatles: I figure shifting over 590,000 units in a month is pretty good. Everything I’ve seen has been saying it’s not a dud.
I saw a meteor at about 5 A.M. Tuesday morning. It turns out that this shower consists of stuff left by Halley’s comet.
Why do they have to name rockets after Greek and Roman gods? If I remember correctly Ares (pronounced Air Ease) was the Greek god of war.
Ares is Greek for Mars. Getting to Mars is one of the ultimate goals for the program.
Its just a name. At least it sounds cooler than “Space Shuttle.”
If flopped because 90% of kids won’t relate to it nor care to. Kids will always pick up Rock and Dance. It’s not because Beetle songs are not good, but it’s because they suck for kids who have friends that will make fun of them.
There are only those few that like music that isn’t the fad of the generation. Kids that like Beetles, Sinatra, Elvis are “different” or if you like “special.”
I’ve check a few sales charts and beetles are doing well, selling over 590K+ already, topping Rock band. I’m not sure where John is getting his source. This however, is in US. UK seems old as Rock is beating Beetles O.o
“NASA to launch the Ares IX rocket”. Really? What happened to Ares 1 thru 8 (I thru VIII)?
Mike Nelson: “Cambot give me Rocket Number Nine”
Is NASA now imitating popular media? Coincidence?
The Beatles music is nice to hear, now and then, in a nostalgic context. But I’d like better if current musicians/bands could write songs as good, TODAY! I don’t see why a certain song writing style has to become outdated. I see paint and drawing artists, mimicking the styles of past artists. And I doubt there are cooking recipes, that are judged too old to be acceptable for today’s pallet (unless you’re talking Medieval Age cooking). So why does the music industry have this “out of style” attitude, about older songs, as if they were clothing?
Maybe that’s the problem with commercialized music. It’s run by a bunch of rejects from the Fashion Trade. Think about it, both industries refer to their brands as “Labels”. Of course, so does brand of canned soup and veggies. So maybe there’s something there. But soups and veggies don’t go out of style. Only clothing fashions, cars, and song writing. But I don’t consider those first two as art, as much as they are consumer goods. And changing their styles, every few years, is their way of reviving sales.
The thing is, music got turned into just more consumer goods, in the early 20th century. So the “labels” encouraged its new artists, to invent their own style. And not copy the styles of past generations’ music artists. They may even have some legal excuse, why they can’t. But that didn’t stop the band Ace of Base, from imitating Abba, some years ago. And I thought they did rather well. So do it some more.