• iPhone for $99 at Wal-Mart. Will it ruin Apples image?
  • Google signs another 14 members to the open headset alliance. Lots of big names.
  • New study says US students scoring higher in math. Still not that well.
  • Yahoo to lay off 1000.
  • Sony laying off 16000.
  • Firefox beats chrome in Javascript speed test.
  • Computer Mouse birthday. 40 today.
  • IT sales slowing.
  • Bendable display coming soon.
  • Nice smart hotspot coming out.
  • Today’s show sponsored by Budget.com

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  1. Sailboatfool says:

    Hey John, can you please leave out the weather report? I live in fly over country and don’t give a rats ass about your weather. Besides,
    based on this report: http://www.venturacountystar.com/news/2008/dec/08/rare-50-year-arctic-blast-sets-sights-on/

    You are about to see a very significant change!

    Otherwise, be cool dude (sorry couldn’t resist)

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    As I said yesterday on this same story:

    Naw, no loss of cachet.

    iPhones have gone from being a groovy, must-have status symbol to being a commodity. Wal*Mart has been selling iPods for quite some time.

    I haven’t seen any “loss of cachet” for iPods, nanos, or shuffles.

    Now that all the people who are willing to camp out overnight to wait in line for an iPhone have already got one, nobody left gives a shit where it comes from, as long as the price is right.

  3. brm says:

    Students aren’t doing well in science, so we eliminate science classes.


  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #3 – brm

    Yeah, that sucks that they eliminate science class, but I guess better to eliminate them than to teach about Jesus riding dinosaurs, a mere 4000 years after the earth was formed.

  5. B. Dog says:

    You can talk about anything you want, including the weather. It’s a nice soft lead-in.

    Engineers aren’t all in high tech, and they are getting older. When the current bunch retires, and a big percentage of them are going to do that very soon, there are going to be big problems with no competent people to work on solutions.

  6. god says:

    And pretty much everyone agrees the $99 iPhone was nothing more than a rumor.

  7. Named says:


    Uh… the earth is actually 6000 years old. Ignore what the Jews and Egyptians say…

    As for Jebus riding dinosaurs… he was actually a dinosaur RANCHER. That’s why we find the dinosaur bones… Jebus put them right where he knew we’d look.

  8. QB says:

    Let’s get our facts straight. Adam and Eve lived with dinosaurs.

    But we don’t have to worry anymore. George Bush says the bible is ‘probably not’ literally true.

    From what I’ve seen, the Android handsets really fly and have a pretty good UI. It doesn’t have the spit and polish of an iPhone but if a handset maker could develop some nice models then it could really go someplace. MS and Symbian makers should be most concerned.

  9. brendal says:

    I like the weather reports!!


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