FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman – And now for a world government — What can stop this? Read the entire column which appeared not in some nutjob magazine, but the Financial Times.
The importance that Mr Obama attaches to the UN is shown by the fact that he has appointed Susan Rice, one of his closest aides, as America’s ambassador to the UN, and given her a seat in the cabinet.
A taste of the ideas doing the rounds in Obama circles is offered by a recent report from the Managing Global Insecurity project, whose small US advisory group includes John Podesta, the man heading Mr Obama’s transition team and Strobe Talbott, the president of the Brookings Institution, from which Ms Rice has just emerged.
The MGI report argues for the creation of a UN high commissioner for counter-terrorist activity, a legally binding climate-change agreement negotiated under the auspices of the UN and the creation of a 50,000-strong UN peacekeeping force. Once countries had pledged troops to this reserve army, the UN would have first call upon them.
These are the kind of ideas that get people reaching for their rifles in America’s talk-radio heartland. Aware of the political sensitivity of its ideas, the MGI report opts for soothing language. It emphasises the need for American leadership and uses the term, “responsible sovereignty” – when calling for international co-operation – rather than the more radical-sounding phrase favoured in Europe, “shared sovereignty”. It also talks about “global governance” rather than world government.
But some European thinkers think that they recognise what is going on. Jacques Attali, an adviser to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, argues that: “Global governance is just a euphemism for global government.” As far as he is concerned, some form of global government cannot come too soon. Mr Attali believes that the “core of the international financial crisis is that we have global financial markets and no global rule of law”.
So, it seems, everything is in place. For the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there is an argument, an opportunity and a means to make serious steps towards a world government.
Didn’t Genghis Khan, then Hitler try this before?
related links:
Nutball site promoting this crap
Beginning of Global Food supply attack
Blame it on the dollar
Found by JRC.
LOL, Extreme pain coming to you if you are a republican;)
Extreme pain coming to you if you like freedom.
Extreme pain coming to you if you have any money saved for retirement.
Will never happen. At least not in a “bad way”.
Europe likes consensus and red tape. Americans don’t.
The cultures are very different, Europe has thousands of years of history while America in many ways only has 200-300 years.
I trust Obama to make the kind of positive changes that a Republican administration wouldn’t do, while I also believe he won’t do very many non-centrist things.
He’s a very smart man and I’m hoping it translates well into good government.
[But knowing Jimmy Carter was a smart and decent man, but somehow it didn’t translate well so this is no guarantee.]
Genghis Khan, Hitler, Alexander – all attempted it through violence and force. Could it be that if attempted in a non-violent manner, without coersion, it might possibly be a good idea?
Hmmm conspiracy people seem to like to forget all about China and India (and Russia, but they aren’t exactly in a place to impose their ideas). I don’t see them agreeing to anything global without their direct involvement; this crap sounds like Euro-American egoism.
Or Greenpeacenicks attempting to scream about globalism again.
If people think Obama is somehow going to be anti-American and ruin our lives… isn’t that what supposedly American Bush already did?
Good thing you’re not an alarmist, John!
“If people think Obama is somehow going to be anti-American and ruin our lives… isn’t that what supposedly American Bush already did?
The idiots are the ones that think Obama is going to just give up the new powers of the executive. History shows the chance of that happening to be next to none.
What are ‘unique American freedoms’ exactly? I’m resisting the temptation to be sarcastic…
What the heck are you nimrods afraid of. If the UN has no binding authority, to hell with it, or lemme guess, you’re afraid of world taxes. I can see where United Statesicans might not like a world authority. A lot of the evil that’s going on in this world has to do with enormous commercial interests abroad. There’s no authority to keep the big guys from abusing the little ones. In a world where more and more problems have achieved a global scale some global authority is in order. Or not, and we wait and see who finally wins and subjugates us all.
Ok, we all imagine a more global government in a horrible way, but what he is trying to do is not so horrible,
Do you think the way now is better?
We have war in several places, we have moved in iraq and more than a 100 countries with troops to protect democracy and freedom. But the world doesnt need all this invasion we can have our troops protecting our country isteed of the frontiers of russia or the middle east.
Imagine if he is trying to do the right way.
And look i m not blind person, that cant see we are doomed in many ways. But think, this guy might be different than several of the past presidents, if he is different our world soon could be a little better.
This leader of a nation can choose to be smart and with a good vision for change or another Bush. I think this guy is the former.
In some form or another, since WWII and even more so after the fall of the USSR, we’ve been living under a United World Government, more or less based on Wall Street and policed by the US Army. What else is new?
The ONLY way you will have a single government over the Earth will be by an autocracy.
There is no other way to reign in all of the nations we have and their xenophobia except through an empire.
And that will crumble eventually and we will splinter back into nations or form a middling republic that is always tied up in special interests.
Sound familiar? It should.
Oh please, first it was conspiracy theories about FEMA, and of course the UN. The USA runs the UN, not the other way around. The security council browbeats most of the nations in the UN.
For those of UN soldiers busting down your door, I have tinfoil hats to sell you for only $1.00 each.
I’m more worried about rich people here finally reaching their goal of making this country look like North Korea….a police state with no middle class, just rich people and poor people.
#11 tiago:
Keep sipping on that Kool-Aid…
I long for the days of the Cold War. Such a simpler time.
“I’m more worried about rich people here finally reaching their goal of making this country look like North Korea….a police state with no middle class, just rich people and poor people.”
If that was the case would it not be in their interest to form a global governmental body?
Until this central world government has a central world military, all actions in the world will be voluntary on the part of nations judging they are net/net getting more out of the relationships than they lose.
It won’t happen for the same reason space colonies, UFO’s, won’t happen===its too expensive. “Central” anything is the best model for a few people to gain money and power. “De-Centralized” is more efficient with the wealth spread just a bit.
This idea works across many subjects==whether its world government or energy production.
If you don’t like the UN–you shouldn’t like Nucluear Energy either, for exactly the same reasons.
Sorry I don’t see what Freedoms we have in the Us that are not in Europe… But then again I live now in the Czech republic where freedom seems to really exist. Freedom in America still seems like a pipe dream to me. The religious extremists, the PC crowd and the over litigious in the US will keep freedom dead until education and common sense reform come along. People learn to mind their own business and take responsibility for their own actions. Every accident is not just a means to get rich.
ultimately i feel it is a bad idea. Mainly because I fear what Bork describerd as ratcheting to the left.
I could see an amalgamation of nations not unlike the states were under our constitution. However I feel that just like our country where states rights have been trampled upon with ever greater frequency, the member nations right would eventually be usurped by the supernational entity.
I feel the major mean our feds have done this is by taxing people of a state and then withholding giving the money back unless the state legislature conforms to the whim of the feds — ie. 55mph speed limit, drinking age 21, alcohol limit for drunk driving for the easy to recall examples.
Yup – nothing can save the world short of electing Steve Forbes president.
Apparently the readers of dvorak.org will welcome our new global overlords with open arms. All our problems will be solved with more centralized power. Freedom is slavery.
Well the US is at a crossroads. Will they change their ‘war on terror’ foreign policy in favour of rebuilding the US economy and strengthening alliances?
Let’s be honest, no one outside the US trusts them to put sound financial governance in place (either in banking or in government). With a massive debt held by foreign countries and the majority of US dollars lying outside of the US it’s going to be tough for any change, regardless of your political point of view.
“neuwerld order pissing on a river on the way along tomorrow rancid waters picking up the remnants of a flower in all of us exists the touch of deadly warming global and trust we must distrust the owners of the new world order what of the hour of the whole look what you’ve been missing feed upon the fingers chew the knuckle to the bone dig inside the crack beside the pain that is a home live a distant second skin whatever else that can fed upon the remnants of a life that’s never had he took a living thing and made a copy of it an image put the finish on a life still being made the secret twist invading mists the desert once a forest can’t see the forest for the death within the tree inside the crack beside the pain that is a home.” – Skinny Puppy
I for one welcome our..(now who were they again?)..UN overlords!
The older JCD gets, the more alarmist he becomes.
Yes, what ARE “unique American freedoms”, exactly?
There is already a world goverment, it’s called a multinational corporation.
And in a few hundred years, upon the 1000th anniversary of the Magna Carta, the people will band together and sing …
… only to be gunned down mercilessly by the Multiple Kill Vehicle.
#24 – Brenda Lee
Blah blah blah.
dark this heavy past tension over talking ever creepy creep me out quiet soft pitch scratchy throat sore bubble crass the eye balls of token alibis say digger dig me then throw it out in time to gain all the picture water sport aim the game to get no shot rich vine land party spot all them kids so fucked up as if the problem looks alive with each virtual compromise dead head auction auction muscle every thing that lives feeding egos radius dark this matter heavy past tension over talking trash pubic public pimp the name divine the only pissing game working on to undermine only one to one two blind hooking up its wired set thebomb depress the audience looker woofer hookah smoke breathe in feed on spit it out inner vision inside dope latest software antidote creepy creepy creep me out quiet soft pitch scratchy throat cross the bubble crass the eye dark this heavy past tension over
talking .
I liked it when you sang “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” better.
We have had two conflicting world government for WW2 to 1991, and one world government since 1991. Yep, the USSR and USA, imposing their will and rule both politically, financial and militarily on the rest of the world’s population. The USSR fell and now the USA is falling. American will be important in the future like England, influential but not a super power.
American are now getting some their own medicine that the have force down on other countries for generations.