1. chuck says:

    They forgot the steps where they add squirrel, rat feces and factory sweepings.

  2. Elwood says:

    They also left out the scenes of workers with missing fingers.

  3. mthrnite says:

    Homer: “Mmmmmmmm, meat batter….”

  4. Cephus says:

    Hey, at least the days when hot dogs were cased in sheep intestines are gone, right?

  5. Daughter says:

    I will not watch this video because I intend to still eat and enjoy hot dogs, but I must ask the question: Why would anyone voluntarily take a tour through a hot dog factory?

  6. That was not nearly as disgusting as I’d expected. Next week, the factory slaughterhouse?

  7. Rich says:

    Looks like the machinery is in place for production of Soylent Green, say, thirty years from now.

  8. Special Ed says:

    I think they should take some blind queers in there and let them loose.

  9. sargasso says:

    No tofu?

  10. Ron Larson says:

    Back in high school I used to work with this older a**hole who told me a story about the time he worked as a night security guard at a large chocolate candy factory.

    He said that the FDA allows for small amounts of rat feces and other contaminates in the chocolate. Although the company and factory strives for a pure product, it is not expected to be 100% perfect. So in sure boredom, he and the other guards would sometime trap rats and toss them in to the chocolate vats. As he put “Just to spice things up”.

    He was such a wonderful human being.

  11. Monte says:

    Special Ed: Go fuck yourself.

  12. Zybch says:

    #8 you mean some blind retarded idiots like yourself?

  13. Li says:

    I am a bit of a fan of “How it’s made” the TV show from which this is taken, and I remember thinking, seeing this process in glorious HD; ‘Why would any hot dog factory in their right mind allow such a bright lights dissection of their process?’ This is a Canadian factory, with gleaming steal and great sanitation, but even so it was one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen.

  14. eyeofthetiger says:

    Left-over steaks is such an eloquently way to put it.

  15. Grin Reaper says:

    Did I miss the part where they put in the hooves and pig snouts?

  16. brm says:

    Who said this looks disgusting? This is one of the cleanest factories I’ve ever seen. I would eat off the floor in there.

  17. Special Ed says:

    Uh oh, looks like #11 and #12 may be peter puffers.

  18. Sea Lawyer says:

    I am just amazed sometimes at what machines are capable of doing.

  19. mthrnite says:

    #15 (Grin Reaper):
    I always heard it as “lips & assholes”, but hey, parts is parts, right?


  20. bobbo says:

    American Sausage is to German Sausage, as

    American Beer is to German Beer.

    Hot Dogs and Bud, or Bratwurst and ((Some German Beer–all I can think of are Dutch))

    Good Eats just did a show on sausage==the first food item subjected to culinary skills.

    Wurst (sic) thing about the video was showing them adding corn syrup. Everything else was good.

  21. mthrnite says:

    bobbo.. this is AMERICA!
    We add corn syrup to CORN SYRUP here!
    It’s probably even in shampoo!

  22. bobbo says:

    #21–mthrnite==pretty close. Modern Marvels did a show on “Corn” and it was interesting that like 95% of corn cannot be eaten by man directly–it is grown for corn syrup or cattle feed. Also, that plant cannot grow on its own–it needs constant human intervention, I forget specifically why now. I think it was something other than fertilization, nutrients, and water==because those human supplied needs are true for almost all mass crops?

    I am reminded of the increasing wave of studies showing that “man” is introducing chemicals into our environment (ie–food) that is “feminizing” our species. Smaller penises and larger mammories. Plastics, additives, steriods, hormones, corn syrup injected at various stages into our food chain.

    We are what we eat. Makes hot dogs look good doesn’t it?

  23. Named says:


    Paulaner, Holsten, Warsteiner, DAB… there are a few for you to start with.

    And an aside… in Netherlands, the locals hate Heineken. They say they bottle up the canal water and sell it to foreigners. But the Dutch are notorious for their sparkling sense of humour and ebullient personalities.

  24. dcphill says:

    All that hotdog mush makes me want to puke!

  25. Deep-Thought says:

    No Dogs?

  26. Deep-Thought says:

    Honestly. Is this a high class sausage or intentionally near dog-food quality?
    If this is representative, then help you god.

    We have industrial meat processing here in Germany too. But this looks much more awful than I’m used to.

  27. JimD says:

    Secret to Long Life: DON’T EAT HOT DOGS !!!

  28. Rabble Rouser says:

    “How It’s Made,” the show from what this vid is taken from, has become my fave TV show these days. I think it is the best reality show that there is, and it shows us, interestingly, how all the carp we often wonder about, is made!

    Long Live “How It’s Made!”

  29. MrNatural says:

    What I really want to know is why hot dogs come 8 in a package but the buns only come in 6?


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