Most people who look at this old photograph will probably see a large bearded head between the two figures. It looks like an image of Jesus.

You’ll probably think it’s just a crude hoax from bygone days. But look again, carefully. This is not a hoax at all. What the photo actually shows is a child sitting on the man’s knee.

Block out the head’s “hair.” That’s just a collection of foliage in the background. The “eye” is the face the child, shadowed by a large white bonnet. The “nose” is the sleeve of the child’s shirt. And the “mustache” is the child’s arm, bent at the elbow.

Be patient. It may take you a while to see this.

This is from Our Strange World, an interesting web site. It took me a while to lose the Jesus image.

Found by Gasparrini.

  1. Jetfire says:

    Took me a while to see Jesus. I always get fooled by pictures like this. I remember someone showing me one with a word in it that you had to look closely to see. I see the word right off and had to be told what I was supposed to be tricked into seeing. Than I would have to look back to see that.

    When I first saw this pic I saw two adults and a baby in the male’s arm. I didn’t see a “large bearded head between the two figures”.

  2. dusanmal says:

    Now, do you see a baby head (very similar to the one held by the father, just with the cap higher up on the head) in the Jesus hair (at the level of his eye)? 🙂

  3. mthrnite says:

    Looks like a “Linux Guy” to me.

  4. McCullough says:

    Man Jeebus has a big head.

  5. bobbo says:

    I see nothing but the head of Jesus even after blowing up the image and processing it.

    Don’t see the girls head at all, and to the degree I almost do, wouldn’t it be very small and way out of proportion?

    This looks to me like an old photo that was faked, and then the double cross is trying to explain it away with a cover story that doesn’t work making the Jesus story even more effective.

    Only problem is, there was no Jesus, and if there was, he likely wasn’t white, and this photo was taken before Hippies existed. Truly weird.

  6. Special Ed says:

    It’s a biker.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #5 – Bobbo

    I’m going to have to agree with you here. I see nothing other than the Mystical Bearded Head of Jesus, if I look up close, look from far away, focus in front of or behind the plane of the picture, or follow the instructions step by step.

  8. soundwash says:

    unfortunately, just given the current level of
    consumer grade tech and tools (not to mention
    Pro, CIA and “supressed” tech/tools grade for lack of a better term) -i could never trust anything digitized as proof positive or otherwise, 100%

    -and that’s without taking into account, the unprecedented levels of deception we
    “sentient beings” are currently engaged in.
    -in jest or otherwise.

    leaves me in a paradox at best, i guess.. *shrug*

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    I’m wondering when Jesus decided to grow a handlebar mustache. Was it around the same time he became interested in leather pants?

    For those of you who cant see the baby (it did take me a while), the baby’s face is Jesus’s eye. The baby is wearing a bonnet.

  10. hhopper says:


    The little girl is wearing a bonnet pulled down over her eyes. Her eyes are shadowed. The nose you perceive is her arm.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #10 – hhopper

    Oh man! I had to work like a bastard to get rid of the image of Jesus with a black eye, looking like he had sucked on a lemon, but now I see it. I had to go through a transitional phase, though, where the image looked like the Cowardly Lion –

    Still, when I go back to the original, I have to force myself to see the kid. The Jesus is overwhelming.

    See, Bobbo? The Son of God truly IS all-powerful.

  12. hhopper says:

    It’s the same for me. The Jesus image is very strong and hard to ignore. It’s a great example of figure/ground.

    Here’s another good one that I posted last year. You DO see a lamp don’t you?

  13. zorkor says:

    Man, Amazing pic. It can be two things at one time. A jesus for die hard jesus followers and a girl in an oldie pic for the Atheists. Wow!

  14. bobbo says:

    Thanks Hopper–now I see it, like shit on a mustache, I was lookin in all the wrong places.

    Not only is gawd all powerful==so is the devil. In fact, philosophically, you can’t tell the two apart. Funny how one part of gibberish is equal and means the same as any other kind of gibberish. I last thought that listening to the “10 Questions of the Dali Lama.” He’s just now figuring out that Tibet is under the jackboot of thugs.

    Very religious man.

  15. ECA says:

    WHO ever put that HAT on the childs head, SHOULD be shot…Its BIGGER then the child..

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #12 – hhopper

    Haw. Yeah, I saw a lamp. For about 0.5 seconds!!!

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #14 – Bobo

    Well, I don’t know the Dalai Lama, so I don’t know what he knows and what he doesn’t know.

    But I’ll bet he knows, and is thankful, that Tibet isn’t under the jackboot of Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel, or Stalin. Oh, but wait. It’s under the jackboot of some OTHER nasty Atheist true believers, isn’t it? Damn. I hate when that happens.

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    btw, wtf is wrong with this blog? It seems to be on the fritz about 1/2 the time.

  19. Micromike says:

    I think it is a great illusion. The kid is definitely there but the only way I can get my mind to show it to me is to look for the elongated mushroom cap that is the hood of the child’s garment.

    Visual processing is amazing because you can’t believe what you see, and you will never see anything you don’t believe.

  20. bobbo says:

    #17–Mustard. Yeap, the “atheists have killed more people than religious types” had me for a while. Its a bit like the illusion here. Look at it one way and you get a girl in a hat/atheism and the other way you get Jeebesus.

    Truth is once you see and understand both images, you can “choose” which one is actually there.

    The atheist rulers you name (who also played gin rummy and drank milk) are not killing in the name of atheism, gin rummy, or milk but rather some other ism. Communism in all four of your cases. You skip Hitler because you know he was a catholic, but he also did not kill in the name of religion, but rather because of racism.

    Now you can use your common sense to see the image or not.

  21. jbenson2 says:

    I cropped the photo and blurred the background. The little girl with the big white hat is easier to see in this photo:

    [The guy looks like he’s wearing a surgical mask. – ed.]

  22. RBG says:

    Look again. I believe this is a photo of George Washington. I don’t think anyone knows what Jesus looked like. Maybe there’s an old Poloroid somewhere.


  23. The Warden says:

    1st time seeing this picture I saw Jesus and couldn’t, for the life of me, see the child on his lap. Using the info outlined in the article, I still couldn’t see the child. Now, looking at the picture several hours later, I instantly saw the child. The key is the white void is the child’s HAT.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    #20 – Bobo

    >>The atheist rulers you name (who also played
    >>gin rummy and drank milk) are not killing in
    >>the name of atheism, gin rummy, or milk

    Christ, Bobo. You sound like a junior high school student arguing for legalized marijuans.

    If you really believe that the Atheist rulers aren “not killing in the name of Atheism”, you’re not only dumber than I am, you’re a hypocritical fools.

    Maybe I just got you at a bad time.

  25. Todd Peterson says:

    Jesus? Jesus was from the middle east. He was not a hippie from “Jesus Christ Superstar”. Please don’t confuse the western Christian myths of Jesus, with the facts.

    Jesus was short, black/brown and had straight short hair.

  26. Deep-Thought says:

    This dammed face recognition wet ware is distorting my vision. 🙂
    It took me minutes to see the child.

  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Jesus looks a lot like me. I swear. No kidding.

  28. chuck says:

    That’s not Jesus. It’s a picture of my stoner friend, Dave.

  29. Rich says:

    This just proves again that other people know your mind better than you do, and use this fact to exploit and deceive you. This is a parlor harmless trick example of something truly diabolical.

  30. Rich says:

    Update- I just realized I’m drawn to light elements when I look at these pictures. That’s why I saw Jebus first. When I made a conscious effort to see dark ones, then the girl became visible.


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