Discount retailer Wal-Mart on Monday announced that it has started to sell “tens of thousands” of Nintendo’s Wii gaming console online.

The 2-year-old gadget, consistently sold out and difficult to obtain, emerged as one of Black Friday’s big hits amid a bleak economy.

On Friday night, the Wii was sold out on Wal-Mart’s Web site as well as the Web sites of electronics retailers Best Buy and Circuit City, Reuters reported. This morning, Monday morning, they’re in stock.

Think this pisses off Best Buy, eh?

  1. Jetfire says:

    Got both my Wii’s at Sams Club. Pick up the second one (bundled)(as a Present for someone) late Black Friday. The hard thing to get is the Wii Fit. I picked the first one up months ago when I was going though the store and they had some.

  2. Personality says:

    Anyone who pisses off Worst Buy is OK with me.

  3. Bob Schwartz says:

    But you still can’t get the Wii Fit anywhere. They have just transferred the hype from one product to another. It appears that production isn’t Nintendo’s strong suit…or is it?

  4. Jetfire says:

    #3 I think Nintendo is doing it on purposes. Increases the Impulse buy and keeps demand high. They also can control production cost level, no need to ramp up and then pack down.

  5. madtruckman says:

    i think people are seeing that nintendo is only making games for people under 12. this console isnt for everyone, like the media would have you believe….

  6. Alex Wollangk says:

    There isn’t a lot on the Wii for the hardcore gamer (at least compared to the other consoles) but while I don’t think it’s for “everyone” I do think it has the broadest appeal of any console ever made.

    My sister brought her fiancee (her boyfriend at the time) home for thanksgiving in 2007 and by the time they left both my parents wanted one. I’m not entirely certain they didn’t buy one for me and my kids just so we would bring it up with us when we visit. (My parents are in their 60s and have never really been interested in computer or console games in the slightest.)

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Not bad for something that’s been called on PC mag as a not serious console.

  8. lerch says:

    madtruckman, it’s all about the games. Post-thanksgiving, all our guests played Wii Fit and Wii Sports and Rock Band. While Wii Fit and Wii Sports are console-exclusive, Rock Band is of course available on a bunch, and it didn’t matter to these folks. It was all just a lot of fun to them, from little kids to senior citizens. They weren’t playing “Wii,” they were playing specific enjoyable games.

  9. bill says:

    I think most ‘retailers’ will turn to dust.
    Direct sales from the manufacturer without a ‘middle man’ will b the new

    I have no problem with that.

  10. James Hill says:

    Considering Nintendo and Wal-Mart have both dealt with price fixing claims in the past, this sounds like a perfect marriage.

  11. Dave W says:

    It’s a freaking video game…who cares??


  12. Elwood says:

    If you just watched the Wii TV ads, it seems like every game requires it’s own style of controller. They must have one hell of a marketing department.

  13. Kanjy says:

    Can someone explain something to me? This has been bugging me for years: If there is more demand than supply for the Wii (or similar products), then how come the price isn’t higher?

  14. Cephus says:

    The sad thing is both Sony and Microsoft are pretending that the Wii isn’t a serious competitor for the gaming market. Sorry guys, Nintendo is the undisputed winner in the console wars this time around, both the PS3 and Xbox360 are big losers in the marketplace.

  15. Jetfire says:

    #13 Take a look at Ebay. Wii Fits going for twice their normal price. Wii’s going for $50+ more than normal.

    #14 Sony PS3 is the big loser. Xbox 360 is the real gamers Console winner. Wii is the recreational gamer winner. Wii is like the new family/friends board game.

  16. thepenguin says:

    here is why I have a wii:

    XBOX360 didn’t have true backward compatibility and the titles were not to impressive. (never was really a fan of the old xbox)

    The PS3 costs (not so true anymore) more than what i pay for rent in a month the games are also like $70-$80, so for me the reason i dont have one is the cost. It has some of the best titles for a hardcore gamer (MGS4, GTA, etc) and has the ability to play blu-ray disks.

    I got the WII for twilight princess (a gamecube game as well) its cheap, and the titles have a broad age appeal ( when my cousin comes over i can sit him in front of it and get him to leave me alone). A big plus after i bought it was that it has some little marketplace thing where you can buy old NES, SNES, and Genesis games for playing on the console, much cooler than playing it with an emulator and roms. the only issue is that buying the hardware is pricey ($20 for a remote plus another 15 for a little nun chuck thing per person, as well as another $15 thing that plugs in if you want a more traditional game pad [looks like a Genesis controller]) so for the wii, its basically an issue of “buy all our play sets and toys” but the games i have are fun

  17. ECA says:

    Iv been in retail..
    AND good products are HELD BACK on Black friday..
    They limit the Amount on the shelf..
    Wait a few weeks after Black friday, and ALOT of the popular stuff COMES BACK, at a higher price..

  18. The0ne says:

    I simply don’t understand or wish to understand people’s terminology of hardcore/serious gaming. What is it to in games that defines that for you? I’m a gamer, and when I refer or use the term hardcore, I mean I play a lot of games over the course of my years (Since C64) that gives me a good challenge. I have a huge collection of games.

    I think when most people say they want “hardcore” games it’s their opinion that somehow detail graphics, hi-fi sound, guns shooting everything in sight is all there is. Well, I think hardcore means you play games, independent of the system, where it is challenging to you. It doesn’t matter if it’s in 2D, 3D or in sprites. What matters is that it’s challenging and fun to you.

    The fact of the matter is i hardcore (challenging) game is different for each person. For example, Wii fit would be one of the hardest challenges to most overweight players but not to physically fit players 🙂 That’s hardcore right there. You either dedicate yourself and follow through or don’t bother calling yourself a “hardcore” gamer.

  19. darkwolfbc says:

    We got over 200 of them in at the Target I work at a little over a month ago. We still have not sold them all yet.

  20. lordlundar says:


    I’m a gamer as well, and from what I’ve seen, the “hardcore” gamer is the same as a “hardcore” sports enthusiast. A loud, obnoxious, sorry example of humanity that is proud of being a couch potato instead of actually doing something worthwhile.

  21. LBalsam says:

    The Wii is the most enjoyable console since the Atari 2600.

    Lots of people want to play a fun game for 15 minutes or an hour.

    Wii’s are selling because they are FUN and parent are not afraid that their the games will be inappropriate for the family.

    “Serious” gamers have lots of options. I am glad to see the Wii giving those of us who do not have lighting fast reflexes and unlimited time something fun to play.


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