In her day job she was a dedicated uniformed public servant in her role as WPC Victoria Thorne. But in her other guise, it is alleged, she offered services of a far more personal nature – as a £100-an-hour, high-class call girl. Yesterday Thorne, 28, appeared in court accused of misconduct in a public office. The petite brunette, who was based at the police station in Houghton-Le-Spring near Sunderland, entertained up to 20 clients a week as part of the Notorious Girls escort agency, it is alleged.

She is said to have appeared on the agency website in a series of provocative poses wearing only underwear and operating under the working name Kelly.

On her profile, she proclaims herself to be ‘very eager to please’ – though she refuses to wear a uniform or serve clients from the Sunderland area.

The Northumbria Police officer, of Washington, Tyne and Wear, was held by colleagues in August then suspended. WPC Thorne was among eight women and six men arrested by officers investigating organised prostitution and corrupt public officials across Northumbria, County Durham, Greater Manchester, Cleveland and the Scottish Borders-The year-long investigation into the escort agency was headed by her own Northumbria Police force.

£100 per hour is considered high-class? I wonder what the street hookers make.

  1. Usagi says:


    Oh, wait….

  2. Assuming she always used condoms, she would definitely be fulfilling the motto “to serve and to protect.”

  3. fred says:

    I love the line:-

    “The … officer… was held by colleagues … then suspended”

    The mind truly boggles!

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    £100/hr?? Haw! Eliot Spitzer could have had a 33-way with girls at that price!

  5. Godzila says:

    You don’t get high class call girls for £100/h even in the UK…

  6. sargasso says:

    Frequently the DU images are hitting the “unsuitable for work” criteria. Gotta stop – adios.

  7. bobbo says:

    More lives ruined by free people engaging in mutually desired natural and healthy activity that harms no one. Society resources wasted at every level of enforcement.

    License, Regulate, and Tax. Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics.

    I would call this a vestige of the old puritan idiocy, but this is the Mother country. They should be showing more leadership what with minimal influence of religion.

    Religion==bad in itself, and bad in the stain it leaves behind.

  8. bobbo says:

    #8–McCullough==not that I care, but yes really.

    What is your definition of NSFW? Of course it involves XXX rated porn. Anything else? Women in langerie like the Victoria’s Secret Catalogue? How about autopsy photo’s?

    In fact, a reasonable definition would be “any photo that shows you aren’t doing your assigned job.”==ie, every photo on DU, every photo, every article, every website, that is not work related is NSFW!

    Its all definitional. That being the case, sargasso is being a retard. He’s not wrong, just a retard.

  9. McCullough says:

    Yes, in that context, I see your point. Now get back to work slacker.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    That tells you how little cops earn.

  11. Improbus says:

    #7 – bobbo

    I couldn’t agree with you more.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #7 – Bobo

    >>Religion==bad in itself, and bad in the stain
    >>it leaves behind.

    The only thing I can infer, Bobo, is that a wayward priest left a stain up your tuchis when he schtupped you with his schmekel, and traumatized you.

    That seems to be the only explanation for your neverending gratuitous badmouthing of anyone who believes in anything besides his pocket calculator.

    >>They should be showing more leadership what
    >>with minimal influence of religion.

    Perhaps it has not occurred to you, Bobo, but there are reasons that people become prudish other than fear of The Big Bearded Guy Who Throws Lightning Bolts, and there are also non-religious reasons to oppose prostitution, in some cases. It’s not all 60’s-style free-love advocates making love rather than war.

  13. bobbo says:

    #12–improbus==thank you for your discerning insightful vote of confidence.

    #13–Mustard, you thoughtless kneejerk religious bobblehead. All “rational” reasons against prostitution all have MORE RATIONAL counterpoints proving the concern to be ill considered. Name one such legitimate concern. Double dare you.

    No Mustard. You would deny it, but emotionally you want to think religion is “ALL GOOD.” Everything bad about religion is the people practicing it fault, or in this case, some totally imagined non religious religions.

    The covers have been thrown back, and we find you sucking your thumb.

    Anti-prostitution impulses all sprind from b&llshit anti-deluvian stop pleasure misogynist male dominated religion.

    Provide evidence ((not conclusions)) that I am wrong.

  14. Improbus says:

    The officer can have all the sex she likes as long as she doesn’t charge for it. That sounds like … wait for it … communism. A good capitalist gal should charge for her goods either by contract (marriage) or sell them in the free market (prostitution – barter or monetary). I am kind of partial to the comrades that give it away.

  15. Winston says:

    Not worth 100 pounds per hour _unless_ she allows fractional hours in which case she’d only get 10 pounds from me, but _only_ if she dons a brown paper cranial shield and allows the K9 position. If not, it might very well take an hour in which case, once again, she’s not worth it…

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #14 – Bobo


    What is that? Someone who disputes the deluge? Or did you mean “antediluvian”?

    >>You would deny it, but emotionally you want
    >>to think religion is “ALL GOOD.”

    If you really believe I think that, your a bigger dummy than I had feared.

    >>The covers have been thrown back, and we find you >>sucking your thumb.

    Wow. You’re deadly with that razor-sharp repartee.

    >>Anti-prostitution impulses all sprind from
    >>b&llshit anti-deluvian stop pleasure misogynist
    >>male dominated religion.

    Again, wow. I don’t even have a comeback for a statement as ridiculous as that. You’ve rendered me speechless with your idiocy.

    >>Provide evidence ((not conclusions)) that I am

    Re-read your message. That should be evidence enough.

  17. wiglebot says:

    Hey, am I suppose to see Jesus in this photo too. I give up, I looked hard.

  18. Winston says:

    “Hey, am I suppose to see Jesus in this photo too. I give up, I looked hard.”

    Close, but you’re supposed to invoke his name by saying something like, “Jesus, she charges 100 pounds per hour?!”

  19. Dexton7 says:

    I wonder if she wore her cop uniform and a thong when servicing her clients? When the global economy worsens, you are going to see all kinds of people doing all sorts of ‘things’ to get ahead. Ya ain’t seen nothin yet.

    By the way – this comment thread was pretty amusing. =D

  20. Improbus says:


    By the way – this comment thread was pretty amusing. =D

    That is because the election is over. We are now back to having fun just bashing each other with snide comments. Yay!

  21. bigdan says:

    hang on – 20 clients a week – assuming 1 hour minimum – that’s a six figure salary! It’s about 3 times that of a police woman. and SUNDERLAND.. not exactly Mayfair now is it. I think £100ph counts as high class in sunderland. a fiver for a hand-job from a smack head is more likely.

  22. Rick Cain says:

    If thats what she looks like, how is that different from sleeping with your wife?

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “To Service and Protect”

  24. amodedoma says:


    After 25 years with the same woman they all start looking good..
    That aside I LOVE a woman in uniform!

  25. Nimby says:

    “£100 per hour is considered high-class?”

    Very much like Alabama, around Sunderland any girl with most of her teeth is considered high class.

  26. Lou says:

    Who said the police dept doesn’t fuck the public.

  27. Ed says:

    I’ve been screwed by the cops many a time, but never took it that literally!

  28. Marcio says:

    My Dream!!!!


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